Sunday, January 24, 2021


Peace through strength brought down the Soviet Union. President Trump pursued a similar philosophy.  President Obama left Trump a depleted and aged military. Trump achieved peace as he rebuilt the USA Military stronger than it has ever been.

DID YOU MISS THIS IN THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA THAT IS FAWNING OVER BIDEN/HARRIS?  While they were giving Biden/Harris a tongue bath this happened. 


Troops were ordered BACK into Syria. The convoy entered the country from Iraq via the al-Waleed crossing “to bring arms and logistical equipment to bases in Hasakeh and Deir Ezzor provinces." 

To his very last days President Trump was bringing our soldiers home. Trump is the first President in over 20 years to END our wars and bring our troops home. 

What is equally remarkable is that as Trump successfully brought our military actions to a close, he increased the actual and perceived strength of the US Military at home and abroad. Think about that!!

Trump often stated that his objective was to achieve "peace through strength." Trump reduced the presence of our military in foreign conflicts, yet he managed to increase the recognition of our Commander In-Chief's ability and willingness to meet any threat. Think about that!!

Biden is a puppet and we all know it.  The entire world questions his mental capacity and cognitive functioning!  Biden presents an image of weakness to our enemies China, Russia and Iran. All these country's literally celebrated the results of this election. They interfered and they clearly got the result they were striving for. Think about that!

Some believe we are in the so called "End of Days." Who can say?  

What I will say is: The period of peace that Trump achieved will be short lived under the new President. 

Biden has assembled the same bad actors to be part of his administration that produced horrendous results in the past. The new Administration looks a lot like the one that produced ISIS and the largest refugee crisis in the history of the world.  Not even one month into Biden's Presidency, ISIS claimed credit for twin bombings in Iraq.

Like the Administrations before him, the Obama Administration brought us only wars and conflicts in the Middle East. The Trump Administration achieved peace in the Middle East like NO OTHER President in history has. In fact, the relationships forged between Israel and it's Arab/Muslim neighbors are a first in the history of the world!

Sadly, under Biden, history is repeating itself. And with that, the endless wars will be back. 

By the same token, if you are familiar with the scriptures and the patterns taking place you might say that prophecy is presenting itself. If that's the case perhaps what we are witnessing is what was foretold. If so, the last war for a thousand years is being ushered in. 

I enjoyed the peace while it lasted! 

Isaiah 12:2 - "Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD himself, is my strength and my defense ; he has become my salvation.”

🙏PSALM 91🙏