Wednesday, January 20, 2021


From seeing and hearing President Trump's Farewell Address, I sense he has prayed and was guided by the Spirit in his heart.  His message and demeanor suggest to me he is finding peace internally and seeking peace for our nation. He understands the source of true power.

There was a fascinating irony in his Farewell message. As he turns over the Presidency he also points out that "the movement is just beginning."  That movement is about the deep love in the hearts of patriotic Americans for our nation and the values it was founded upon.  Of course those are Judeo Christian values. 

As for Biden, I continue to pray for our Nation. Unfortunately so much damage has been done to our country by Partisanship, and Biden has a lot to prove to half of America. 

Trump kept his promises, blessed Israel, and our nation prospered, even while under attack by a biological weapon from China. 

What is most ironic and disconcerting is the thought that Biden actually keeps his promises. His promises bring us backwards. They consume the accomplishments of the last four years. 

As we begin a new chapter in America, I am reminded of the Bible and the dream that Pharaoh had of 7 sick cows devouring 7 healthy cows for which he called Joseph up from the "pit" to interpret. Joseph ben Jacob said God would provide the interpretation of Pharaoh's dream. The numbers of cows were years. The healthy cows represented the years of prosperous grain harvests. The sick cows were years of famine.  

Perhaps the meaning for today is similar. I draw the following meaning for today's context. The next 4 years will surely devour much of what was grown over the last 4 years.  But the last four years also provided what our nation will need to survive. 

If my analogy is correct, here are some morals to consider personally: Hunker down and preserve what you have. Guard that which is dear. Moving forward, be resourceful. By the same token have Faith in God to bring us through. There is still a place that God has for those that accept and believe. In the meantime we have to continue to tabernacle (meet) with God at his appointed times. Most importantly, we need to follow the Light God wrote in our heart.

As a Nation we must keep true to the US Constitution and the Founding principles that are the basis for the special and sacred Covenant which makes America great.  We must continue to bless Israel! 

If there is anything we should have learned from the last 12 plus years it is the damage which is caused when we take hate into our heart and nurture a grudge. To do so only causes us to take sin onto ourselves. More than ever, we need to love our fellow as ourself. So says Adonai.  

This is a time for repentance and prayer.  If Americans and America go down the path of revenge there will be NO unity and we may bring our own destruction, personally and as a Nation. 

In order to overcome the evil in the world we must first overcome the evil inclinations in ourselves. 

Baruch Hashem (Amen)