Tuesday, January 26, 2021


Trump doesn't quit.  He keeps fighting for the people and the Nation we love. 

Trump Creates ‘Office of the Former President’ to Advance US Interests, Carry on Trump Admin Agenda. 


As we watch Biden's radical Left agenda for our nation unfold, and the One World Order alliances take hold in the USA, Trump's MAGA slogan is more relative and important than ever before. 

America's and the world's greatest existential threats and enemies are giddy over the election.  China, Iran and Russia got their man. 

They are all counting on the most recent impeachment stopping Trump. They are all counting on being able to exploit this latest impeachment hoax to silence their opposition.  As always, the mainstream media, big tech and the Deep State are all too eager to participate.  

The truth finds way.

There is evidence to believe that the Capital assualt was planned in advance. History is evidence too. And there have been over 500 peaceful Trump rallies. There is also enormous evidence of Antifa inciting violence!

Trump explicitly told his supporters to be peaceful. But the planners & instigators knew Trump would encourage his supporters to march on the Capitol so they were able to exploit that.  

There is proof that anti-Trump provocateurs disguised themselves as Trump supporters and embedded themselves in the crowd at the front of the march. They performed violence and whooped up the crowd. The rest was an expectable chain reaction. 

Of course you will not get the otherside of the story on mainstream media. That's why America is in the mess we are in! They are the reason we got President Trump in the first place. Our Press isn't objective or non-partisan. The mainstream press is the propaganda arm of the Left and China. The world has figured this out!

That does not make the actions of those who entered the Capitol illegally acceptable! Each case must be heard and appropriately prosecuted.  

But before the investigations into what actually happened were even started, Pelosi rushed to impeach the President in one day. The Speaker, who is supposed to represent ALL Americans, didn't want to let the facts surface. Pelosi didn't want to let calmer heads prevail. She leveraged the heat, emotion and confusion of the moment to rush through an impeachment.  That wasn't justice - it is a lynching

Democrats want to impeach Trump because they are afraid of him. They are afraid of the fact that half our nation still enthusiastically supports him. They are afraid of the success of his agenda. They are afraid of how disastrous Biden/Harris will be. Most of all they are afraid of the truth. So they are doing everything they can to silence, cancel and bury the truth.  

This is not how our Republic was intended to work. These are fascist-like actions of power hungry partisans driven to redesign America according to their Socialist New World Order agenda.

Biden is cognitively impaired puppet and most of the world, let alone Americans know it. He lacks the mental capacity to cope with what's in store. We also know this election was anything but fair. 

Trump doesn't quit. Neither will the patriots who love America. 
