Tuesday, April 23, 2019



Somebody came up to me privately at a Seder this Passover and confessed to me she was genuinely scared about the way our country was treating President Trump and all the lies in the media.

This person who called me to the side at the Seder had been forwarded something I wrote by a mutual friend who they didn't reveal.  So they likely knew I would empathize with and validate their concerns.  But they seemed to be looking for more - and I thought they were looking for me to offer something to relieve their concerns.

I can appreciate her point of view. Many folks on the Right have similar concerns.  It is nearly impossible to avoid the Left's relentless harassment of Trump on CNN, MSN, CBS, ABC, NBC. TIME, NY TIMES, HUFFINGTON POST, POLITICO, and by Hollywood. They have spent 3 years convincing the public that Trump colluded with Russia, among other lies.

If you're Conservative you must be concerned with Conservative views being censored on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and on college campuses.

If you are a Republican or a conservative it is hard not to be distressed by the uber Left policy plans put forth by the Left.

Those on the Left don't tend to understand the Right's positions well. It is certainly not explained on mainstream media. And since many folks on the Left automatically dismiss Conservative organizations like the Daily Wire, Judicial Watch and the ACLJ, they mostly know the Right's position from the perspective of the Left's criticisms.

It's an odd thing about the Left.  It's like they feel victimized by Trump. Many seem to still carry the pain of losing the election.  Yet, they have no sense of what it is like to support the President.  There is NO empathy for Trump supporter - only resentment and ridicule.  You can't even where a "MAGA Hat" without legitimate fear of some form of reprisal.

Most Liberal Democrats have no appreciation for the truth bomb that is going to hit them - Which is that the Hillary Email Scandal and the Russian Collusion Hoax are combined to be the biggest crimes of treason against America since the first known conspiracy to overthrow the American cause for nationhood in 1776.

Thankfully that first conspiracy against a future President and the American cause was exposed in June 1776, just before the British troops waiting in the Harbor off Manhattan landed. The first conspiracy was exposed by John Jay, Philip Livingston and the others who conducted the first major counterintelligence effort known as the Culper Spy Ring.  They saved the Revolution and America right BEFORE the Declaration of Independence was signed.

I find fascinating that that original effort to thwart the future of a great President was also led by ranking NYS politicians.

What is also fascinating is George Washington's take on his Continental Army's situation just before the British troops landed in New York.  Washington wrote to his brother and John Adam's just before that fateful moment. He observed the enormous and overwhelmingly odds AGAINST his Continental army.  Washington's army was terribly "outgunned, outmanned and out planned," to quote a line from the play Hamilton.


Here is what is most fascinating to me.  Washington said in his letters to his brother and John Adams that he had faith in the Divine and believed that Providence would turn the tables against British. He was right.  And there was Alexander Hamilton of course.

I have a similar view about the outgunned and outmanned Conservative cause today.  I too have faith in the sacred quality of America and I also believe the Divine will see us through this period.  Otherwise, like my friend who approached me at Passover I confess that I would be scared too.


Wednesday, April 17, 2019


In Victor Hugo's 1830 classic book, a.k.a. The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hugo regarded its architects as poets who had liberated man's spirit.

Much of that spirit, and those generations of religiosity, have passed.  The flames released into smoke the spirit that the architects and artisans captured in the wooden roof and spires of Notre Dame.

But there is still a frame and the magnificent Rose Window remaining. Just as encouraging is the outpouring of support to rebuild Notre Dame. 

Much will be asked, said and written about the symbolism and meaning of Notre Dame in the context of an essentially Godless France. 

In the age of multiculturalism, the burning collapse of Notre Dame is the catalyst for a great soul searching process in Europe. It seems almost as though G-d is testing Europe.  Fascinating to watch whether and what rises from the ashes of Notre Dame.

A building, even Notre Dame can be restored.  Resorting Christianity is a greater challenge. Can the former be restored without the later? I suppose it can.  France would have back the architectural tourist attraction and symbolism of an age that has passed.  But will it be living Cathedral or a museum?  Or will Christianity be reborn somehow to repair the damaged hearts caused by so much scandal in the Catholic Church? 

Perhaps in some ironic way, the burning of Notre Dame was needed to awaken Europe.  It all remains to be seen. And we may all be long dead before these questions are answered.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Is it too soon to ask?  Is it too soon to say?  I don't know.  I just hope is not TOO LATE to see.


People are crying over the tragic loss of Notre Dame. For some, the tears turned to anger long ago as they watched Churches and Temples across Europe being desecrated and destroyed for years now.

As Notre Dame fell in flames, a GREAT QUESTION AROSE.  But first let me draw an analogy.

In America, when the World Trade Center Twin Towers burned to the ground, there was no question in the hearts' of Americans that NYC would rebuild them. The Islamic Terrorists who sought to destroy the greatest symbol of Western Capitalism would not be allowed to succeed. There was no doubt that those Towers of Capitalism would arise again, because the heart of Capitalism was still beating, and that attack was like a shot of Adrenalin.

Western Civilization and Modernity would not succumb or be defeated. NYC would fight back and rebuild. Mayor Julian, "America's Mayor" -- who today is possibly Donald J Trump's greatest supporter -- would have it no other way!

The WTC would be rebuilt "even better than before."  So it was, and on November 2014 #1 WT reopened.  Which by the way, is probably about the same time Donald J Trump must have made up his mind to run for President because he likely needed about the 8 months between that date and his formal announcement to run for President on June 16, 2015 in order to prepare.

Mayor Julian decided to rebuild America's greatest symbol of American Capitalism.  And Trump decided to run for President to literally rebuild American Capitalism itself in order to "make America great again."


Regardless of the actual physical cause of the fire, it remains to be seen whether the sight of Notre Dame crumbling in flames has provided the adrenalin to revive Catholicism in Europe or whether RELIGION in Europe will be declared dead.  More specifically, Christianity and Judaism, because Muslims are most certainly on a dramatic rise in Europe.

As incredibly ambitious, difficult and expensive as it will be to rebuild Notre Dame, it is even more unfathomable that the Catholic Church can rebuild the religious influences in Europe let alone France that provided the basis for and the will to build Notre Dame. A fire has left Notre Dame in ruins, which is rather fitting since Christianity and it's cousin Judaism are also in ruins in Europe.

Lawyer, Devout Jew, Conservative Columnist and Author Dennis Prager, Founder of Prager University, said this of the tragedy, "I don't know if a worker accident or a radical Muslim set fire to Notre Dame Cathedral (as they have scores of other churches around Europe). In terms of what the fire represented, it doesn't much matter. What matters is the omen: Europe is burning, just as Notre Dame was."

"Two dominant forces in Europe -- secular leftism and Islamism -- sought the end of Christianity and the West."

To some, myself included, this is all part of something "bigger" still.  It is hard enough to stand back from history.  But [this] is something beyond our world of time and space. Such is faith -- that which we can not see.  How appropriate that such events are unfolding as we head into these particular coming Holy Days (Easter and Passover). Coincidence? I think not.


Inspired always by Dennis Prager.  Dr. Prager has set out to write a Commentary on the Five Books of Moses.  His first volume is on The Exodus.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


I have a question for JEWISH AMERICAN LIBERALS.

From one Jew to another. From one parent and grandparent to another. From one who utters "Never Again!" to another. From one witnessing the vile anti-Semitic floats in Belgian parades to another. From one in horror watching the U.K. descend into 100 monthly anti-Semitic incidents. And from one watching, in disbelief, the rise of anti-Semitism in the U.S. to another. We may not agree on much else, but this outrage we have in common.

A resounding 70%+ majority of American Jewry have backed the Democratic Party. I get that we are for minority rights because and will forever identify as a minority. We were for JFK, but his brand of liberalism is long gone and has actually morphed into modern conservatism. Many Jews still support FDR, because he beat Hitler, even though he had to be dragged into the war by Japan after Europe was lost. And we ignore that it was Republican Ronald Reagan who delivered Soviet Jews from bondage of Anti-Semitic leftist oppression.

The Democratic Party of the 1950s was the party of the underdog, and we're forever for the underdog because of our past and by virtue of our tiny demographic we can relate to the underdog spirit. Our grandparents have been married to the Democratic party since before we were born, and being Democratic was ingrained in us with mother's milk.

But all this was then. This is today. And we have seen more than enough to change allegiances to the Democratic party.

Today is 2019, not the 1950s. And after the devastating failure of the Democratic Party to stand with us as Jews unequivocally against the anti-Semitism of Democratic Congresswoman Omar, we stand in the final hour of a critical decision, depleted of all excuses for political loyalty.

Let's review the reality . . .

At the UN, President Barack Obama, famously called for Israel to return to 1967 Borders.

Obama and Kerry orchestrated resolution #2334, de facto proclaiming most of Israel illegitimately in Jewish hands.

We watched as Obama whispered to French President Sarkozy "...You are sick of him, but I have to work with him every day.", mocking PM Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.

Obama spent $350,000,000 to interfere in Israel's national election to subvert the democratic process.

On his way out of office, the Democratic POTUS released a whopping $150 Billion to the mullahs of Iran who have a single clearly stated goal; wiping Israel off the map.

We waited in vain for 8 years for Obama to use the words "Jihad" and "Islamic terrorists" when describing Islamic terror attacks against Jews in France and elsewhere.

We watched the spiraling souring of America-Israel relations under Obama's leadership.

I could go on about the let downs. Many Liberal Jews put their hopes in Hillary. When Hillary lost Jews cried and literally sat shiva. Jews vowed Trump was not their President and declared Trump a Nazi, a Russian agent and that he would cause WWIII.


President Donald Trump came right out and moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem and acknowledged it as the eternal capital of Israel.

President Trump reaffirmed a record-setting annual budget of $4 Billion to Israel, including a $200M increase in 2019, for the next 10 years for a total of $40 Billion.

President Trump defunded Israel-denying UNRWA.

President Trump defunded murderous Mahmoud Abbas to the tune of $250 Million per year.

Trump's appointee Nikki Haley staunchly defended Israel at the UN, time and time again. Nikki spoke like no one has ever before, against UN's anti-Israel biases & infinite resolutions of condemnation. Trump's envoy to the UN stunned the world with her courage and became a hero to Jewery around the world, not just in the USA.

President Trump stands alone against feckless Europe in ending the disastrous Obama era of Nuclear Appeasement with Iran, undoing the damage done by your favorite ex-President. Trump showed leadership and courage with this unpopular move. Trump's actions may very well have prevent the annihilation of Israel by a nuclear Iran.

In every State of the Union and UN address, you hear President Trump exalt Israel, condemn the Holocaust, and explicitly exclaim the non-negotiated American support for Israel under his administration. Unlike his Democratic predecessor, Trump backed his words with his deeds!

Holocaust Survivors and Orthodox Jews unreservedly embrace the President with warm support and voter presence. Speaking at Trump's commemorations of Jewish events & important dates, celebrating Hanukkah with singing and candle lighting by Trump grandchildren and children, in full view to the world from the White House. First occurrences ever in history!

The Trump Family has a given long-standing personal financial support for Israel. Fred Trump's designation of NY buildings for subsidization of Post-Holocaust Jews is complete with a funded synagogue inside.

In August of 2015, Donald Trump's own private jet carried a critically ill 3-year-old Jewish boy from California to New York for medical treatment, when commercial airline refused to fly him.

We watched the First Daughter, The First observantly Jewish Daughter of the Oval Office (another first in history!) pray at Jerusalem's Wailing Wall, along with her father, the grandfather of this, de facto, First Jewish Family that every Friday night observes Shabbat.

All the while, Liberal Jews of America, continue to bash the man who has never once said anything remotely anti-Semitic. Liberal Jews go as far as partaking in discussions and events that compare Trump to Hitler and the KKK. Liberal Jews sign petitions and echo the cherry-picked sound-bytes of MSNBC's three-year smear campaign.

I voted for Obama. And I did not vote for Trump. I have seen enough to know those votes were a mistake. Mistakes to avoid today:

  • It is a mistake to vote for the party of Louis Farrakhan, who only months ago called Jews "termites"?
  • A mistake to support a party with popular politicians that announce that Jews have dual loyalty, the oldest most vilifying anti-Semitic charge of genocidal racism.
  • A mistake to support the party that can't remove a repeatedly outspoken rabid anti-Semite from membership in the Foreign Affairs Committee, which sets policy with Israel and its friendly neighbors.
  • A mistake to support the party that dilutes and shoves its unhinged pre-Holocaust brand of anti-Semitism under the table, unable to pass a simple resolution against their hate of Jews.
  • A mistake to support marchers lead by anti-Israel activists Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory, women who rub shoulders with Farrakhan & Al Sharpton, men who proclaim Jewish children to be "Satanic.”
  • A mistake to support the party of Bernie Sanders, the man who defends Omar's anti-Semitism and Palestinian militancy against Israel's citizens. The same Socialist Sanders who once falsely accused Israel of a 10,000 dead-Palestinians genocide.
  • A mistake to support the party that the BDS movement makes it's home in.
  • A mistake to support the party that calls it's future Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who praises Jeremy Corbyn, accuses Israel of occupation, and stands in official support of Congresswoman Omar.
  • A mistake to support the party whose elected official says “the Jews have "hypnotized the world,” and have bought control of America and who fundraised for two Muslim Brotherhood charities and its affiliates.
  • A mistake to support the party with officials who participate as keynote speakers at events for the Muslim Brotherhood affiliated groups IRUSA and CAIR.
  • A mistake to support the party whose loyal College Campus Academia ubiquitously advances anti-Israel positions & Israel Apartheid weeks, and writes endless editorial pages against Israel's "aggression". The piously liberal Academia that prevents Israeli speakers from speaking on campuses. The Academia that poisonously convinced Jewish children that bashing Israel does not amount to anti-Semitism.
  • A mistake to support the party that embraces Al Sharpton.
I support President Trump for standing up against:

  • Those who morally equate Israel to terror groups and Islamic countries of horrendous human rights abuses.
  • The media's exalt of the Palestinian cause vis-à-vis Hamas terror on Israeli borders and streets.
  • Anti-Israel groups like Jewish Voices for Peace, J-Street and George Soros.
  • Those who tried to shamelessly to tie the Pittsburgh murders to President Trump and even tried to prevent him from visiting the aftermath.
I don't look away or forget some of Trump's awful behaviors.  But I do see them in perspective. By the same token, I haven't forgotten the reasons I didn't vote for Hillary and why I oppose today's Democratic party.  Here are some of those reasons:

  1. Hillary Clinton, by her own admission, was mentored by KKK member Senator Byrd. Hillary was photographed and videoed kissing the man while he was alive and proudly eulogizing him at his funeral.
  1. When it comes to ending slavery, the KKK, the 1964 Act for Civil Rights aimed to benefit American blacks, the first ever African American Senators and other history, Jim Crow, the Democratic party was on the wrong side, and the Republican party is the party of Lincoln.
  1. The Democratic Party is failing Jews. It is is also failing blacks and Asians. It is failing Israel. It speaks of hate not to end hate but to generate hate and division. The psrty labels Republicans and Conservatives as racists, Nazis and white supremacist, when that is the farthest thing from the truth, because they know how repulsive those types of people are to Jews. The Democratic Party divides us by class and gender and pits Americans against one another as they disingenuously position themselves as the champions for victims.
  1. Rather than accepting any responsibility for today's problems, the Democratic Party today is the party that blames others for all the problems. The Party has an agenda which runs on three WINGS OF HATE -- "Blame it on the Evangelicals", "Blame it on the Russians" and "Blame it on Trump.” And as of the 2018, the Party is much to cosie with those who "Blame it on the Jews".

    The “Wings Of Hate” have been fostered by the daily brainwash of the liberal media. In 2016, the Democratic Party received a total donation of $1,020,816, given by 1,160 employees of the three major broadcast television networks (NBC, CBS, ABC), while the Republican Party received only $142,863 via 193 donations from employees of these same organizations. These media have been 93% biased negatively against Trump.

I've seen enough to know the mainstream media is not objective and has shamefully misled the American people..

I've seen enough to lose faith in government and to believe that there is such a thing as the “Deep State” and that they manipulate us through counterintelligence and propaganda.  

I've seen enough to know that there are evil forces against Jews and Israel and that their power is growing especially in Europe since the refugee crisis that was caused by ISIS. I've seen enough to what caused ISIS and who ended it.

I've seen enough to know that Trump is putting the USA economy, world trade, national security and other significant aspects on a better track. And I've seem how Democrats are thwarting every effort he makes for partisan purposes that are not in our nation's interests.

I've seen enough to reject the Democratic party. And, I've seen enough to support President Trump.

My question for Jewish American Liberals is this: Haven't you seen enough too??


P.S. Trump's support of Israel makes him a target.

P.P.S. i have high hopes for peace. See why.

Note: Much of this copy came from an email that was forwarded to me. I do not know the original author. I have made changes and added copy.                                 

Saturday, March 30, 2019


3/25/19 White House
 Trump recognizes the Golan Heights. 


President Trump is without a doubt and by far the greatest supporter of Israel of any President in history.  Therefore, it stands to reason that Israel's enemies hate Trump.

Many of the anti-Israel voices are obvious and direct about their position against Israel.  Just look at what Israel puts up with at the U N. It is easy to appreciate where that puts them concerning Trump's actions -- moving the Embassy, pulling aid to the Palestinian authorities and most recently the Golan. But it doesn't end there.

Israel's enemies aren't only in the U.N.  And their hate isn't reserved for Israel, it extends to Israel's champions.

For nearly 70 years the media has trafficked in false moral equivalences between terrorists and those in Israel defending themselves from terrorism. We should not ignore that the media which has been the most guilty of such anti-Israel biases also are the most Leftist media. CNN is a perfect example, but it is hardly alone.

What distinguishes Trump is his actions.  There have been many leaders who stated support for Israel to gain votes in the USA, but failed Israel through their actions. Most notably Barack Hussein Obama - the President whose first foreign policy action was an "apology tour" in the Middle East. Don't forget that his Secretaries of State were Clinton and Kerry.

I posit that some measure, and it isn't small, of the hatred there is for Trump is strongly connected to the disdain those same individuals and factions have for Israel, and even Jews.  Obvious examples are Ilham Omar and Michigan Representative Rashida Tlaib.  I would also include Senator Bernie Sanders.


It is politically unacceptable in the USA to be openly anti-Israel. Which presents an interesting dilemma. One can't openly hate Trump because he is a supporter of Israel.  Therefore, such haters must find a proxy issue to hate Trump about.  Trump, unfortunately, makes that all too easy. His position on many issues, his background and his personality, make him an easy target.

Trump revels in being politically incorrect.  He takes that so far as to alienate even moderate Democrats.  In addition, his policies are highly objectionable to Progressive Liberals,  So even if Trump's enemies hate is partially rooted in anti-Zionism or anti-Semitism, that is easily disguised by and clouded in all the other issues the Left has with Trump.

Furthermore,  it is is NOT to say that just because someone is opposed to Trump we can automatically assume they are anti-Semitic!  The connection does NOT run that way.

By the same token, it is fair to say that if one is an adversary of Israel, Trump has more than likely taken them to task at the least.  Trump is one who runs to the fight, and rarely fails to throw a mean counter punch or two.  He is loyal to a fault at times.  Trump never shy's away from standing up for Israel.  He is very willing to use his political capital to support his friend and ally Israel.

Nonetheless, when you look at who some of Trump's most ardent and outspoken critics are, consider there attitude toward Israel. You could not find one BDS activist in the USA who supports Trump.  You could not find one journalist who covers news about Israel in a grossly unfair way to Israel who doesn't treat Trump with similar negative bias. And practically every politician and activist who sees Israel's presence in the West Bank as an occupation and fails to accept Israel's historic right to all of Jerusalem, is a never Trumper as well.

There is a very strong argument that is made that the anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are closely inter-related.  While the connection is less direct and not nearly as equivalent, I am certainly saying that their is a relationship between anti-Zionism and being a Trump hater.


Tuesday, March 26, 2019



The Russian hoax began long before President Trump. It began before President Obama.  It began before President Bush or Clinton.  The Russian hoax is symptomatic of the deep problems of Partisanship.  The Russian hoax is the extreme most result of a Nation that has lost it's way, just as President George Washington warned us of in his famous Farewell Letter.  We are House divided as Lincoln warned.

At this point, nearly every mainstream media outlet and Democratic should be doing serious soul searching and asking themselves how they got it so wrong for so long.

At this point, it is time for all leaders in Congress and the mainstream media to recognize that they have wasted nearly 3 three years of our Nation's time, money and attention on a false narrative fabricated by political operatives and Deep State players for the purpose of taking down a candidate and ultimate President of the USA.

But instead, the Left is doubling down and rejecting the findings of Mueller’s exhaustive report.  The Left refuses to accept the truth. The left rejects the responsibility that they, the Nation, and the media must take for the horrible price our Nation and many people in particular including the President and his family, have paid for the injustice done by the relentless promotion and pursuit of lies and fraud.

The findings of the Mueller report were not enough.  They weren't enough for Democrats or Republicans and Conservatives. 

So now we will see the House of Representatives and the Senate go in opposite directions over matters. Nadler and Schiff continue to chase the Russian hoax further down a rabbit hole. Simultaneously, Lindsey Graham and the Senate will focus on the serious questions surrounding the causes of the hoax that divided our Nation much to the satisfaction of our Nation's outside enemy Russia.

The ultimate irony is that the Russian hoax which lead to the Mueller investigation worked better at dividing America than anything Russian intelligence could have hoped for.  All thanks to Hillary and the DNC and all those who promoted the Steele Dossier that they paid for to destroy Trump.

At this point, the House and the Senate go off in separate directions and ruining more lives in their respective searches for "truth." Both will absorb more of the Nation's time, money and attention. The difference is this.

Nadler and the House's purpose is futile political chicanery.  On the other hand, Lindsey Graham and the Senate''s purpose may finally expose and prosecute the greatest political crimes and acts of treason ever perpetrated on the American people and prove once and for all the gross failure of journalists and their outlets to hold our government and it's leaders accountable in an unbiased, nonpartisan way.

We are a Nation that has lost it's way. As President Trump said the other day, we must never let what happened to him happen to any other US President.

President Trump is seeking Bipartisan efforts to America's problems.  Trump was a Democrat. He ran as a Republican. And he has been leading in many respects as a Conservative.  He can do this because he isn't a political ideologue. He just wants to "make America great again."  Which begs the question, when was "America great?"

I believe there are two times when America was it's greatest. First, when we fought for our own Liberty during the Revolutionary War. And second, when it fought for the Liberty of the World from the greatest anti-Semite in history during WWII.

At both these times, our National purpose was united.  It wasn't about the Political or Party way, it was about Truth, Justice and the American way - Liberty and Freedom!

When Americans pursue Truth, Justice and the American Way - the Way our Founding Father's visioned our Nation as defined in our Charter the US Constitution, we can solve the greatest challenges.

When Americans work together we are at our greatest. Infrastructure, health care, illegal immigration -- those are small problems compared to winning our Freedom and Independence from Britain.  They are small problems compared to fighting Germany and Japan!

Trump's #MAGA slogan is not Republican or Democratic.  And he hardly had the support of either Party when he won the election.  Trump won because he fought not just for the forgotten Americans. He won because he fought for the forgotten ideals that define America and make it great. In particular he fought the the following five:

1. The belief that America is the greatest Nation on earth and that the President's duty is to put America first. No more, no less than every Country's President.  Whether it is trade, or defense, or border security - Trump puts Americans interests first.

2. Freedom from an overbearing Federal government, and an emphasis on personal Liberty.  Trump fought back a Federal government and Federal agencies that have been overreaching and intruding into our lives and businesses.

3. Promotion of the States - Americanism and Patriotism is rooted in loving the individual identity and proud history of each State. The Nation is founded on respecting each state's right to govern itself as it's citizens see fit so long as they operate within the guidelines of the Federal Constitution and the Federal laws governing things such as interstate commerce, border security and other laws designed in order for America to function as a Nation.  When States compete, America wins. Americans win because we can ALL move to a different state if we so choose, but we can't all move to a different country.

4. Promoting the individual PURSUIT of happiness and prosperity. But recognizing that happiness and prosperity are NOT given to citizens by government. Government's obligation is to prevent injustice or evil from standing in the way of that pursuit.  But government is NOT a guarantor of either happiness or prosperity.  And while rights should be equal, results are NOT. In fact, it is the inequality of results that brings out the innate motivation of competition which compels and drives us individually and collectively to greater heights. One way we promote this as a Nation is by letting people and businesses retain more of what they make and earn.  Taxes take away incentive.  Leveling income doesn't mean more for everyone, it means less for everyone.  Income and profit are the driving force behind Capitalism.  And Capitalism has lifted the boats of more lives than any economic system in the history of world.

5. Never losing sight of the message delivered by John Adams to the Massachusetts Militia, on  October 11, 1798:

"We have no Government armed with Power capable of contending with human Passions unbridled [without] morality and Religion. Avarice, Ambition, Revenge or Galantry, would break the strongest Cords of our Constitution as a Whale goes through a Net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

It is time for America to Right itself.  It is time for America to regain control over it's political Parties.  It is time to stop the hate and hypocrisy.  It is time to make America great again!


Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Ambition is an innate human emotional trait. It sometimes elevates to the more toxic level of greed. 

Every emotion is G-d given.  Ambition, like all our feelings and desires, serves a genetic purpose in life's struggle.  We must fight to survive and to provide for our offspring.  We must compete for "our share of the pie."

Ambition operates through our behaviors.  And we operate in a context. That context may be a family unit, an organizational unit or a much larger societal context such as community (e.g. town, state or country).

Now let's superimpose an economic system, such as Capitalism and free markets as the context in which our ambition operates and you'll get outcomes, good and bad.  You'll end up with giant winners, some losers and everything in between - billionaires, millionaires, the middle class and the poor. 

A healthy society will engineer ways of managing and correcting for the excesses and the drawbacks of ambition.  It will "care" for those who can not cope. It will write laws to control for abuses by those who make "bad" choices.

A healthy Capitalistic society will encourage charity and philanthropy by recognizing, incentivizing and honoring it!  A healthy society also has morality woven into it's fabric through it's civic and religious institutions. They provide a crucial safety net for those on the short end of Capitalism.  What's more, a healthy environment for Capitalism encourages the entrepreneurial spirit which  creates new opportunities for success as innovation and competition destroys and replaces existing enterprises. In a Capitalistic society there are many paths for achieving upward mobility. 

But what happens when we superimpose the economic and governmental structure of  Socialism? What happens when government, rather than a free market economy becomes the basis for distributing wealth and opportunities? What happens when government makes the choices?  Does Socialism make things fairer? 

The type of economy and government we have doesn't eliminate greed and ambition, any more than it eliminates hunger or lust. It just effects the ways that greed and ambition manifest and are exhibited. 

Free markets make choices and distribute the wealth in important different ways than a government which makes those choices and distributes wealth. When ambition, and even greed, are put in the context, or a system, of Capitalism versus Socialism you get very different outcomes.

Corruption seeps into both systems!  Both Capitalism and Socialism are vulnerable to corruption. There will always be those attempting to cheat the system.  But it is one thing for that corruption to be external of the government and another for that corruption to be internal to the system.

It is one thing for there to be special interests trying to influence the government and another thing for those in the government to be corrupt.  It is one thing for people driven by greed and ambition trying to manipulate government from the outside. It is another for someone driven by greed and ambition to be inside the government making choices to benefit themselves and their constituents.

Socialism goes wrong for many reasons.  It stifles competition and innovation.  It undermines and takes away individual freedom. Socialism removes incentives to win and encourages mediocrity.  But perhaps the most insidious reason why Socialism is the road to ruin is that is shifts the primary context for greed and ambition from being external of the government to being internal to the government.

Socialism opens the door and invites corruption. Corruption inevitably emerges in Socialist governments because ultimately greed and ambition is in our DNA whether one is a Socialist or Capitalist.  Socialism fancies itself as having a higher moral ground.  It does NOT.  That argument is fallacious.

A well designed and managed system of Capitalism has excellent corrections and controls for greed and ambition - some are inherent and some are by design. There are so called checks and balances, thanks to the brilliant design of our Constitution. Socialism does NOT. That is why Capitalism has lead to the greatest wealth and Socialism has historically always lead to ruin. 

Young people tend to be more ideal and naive. They tend to dream big and have high hopes.  As we get older we tend to become more wise and cynical. We become more realistic.  We are more aware of the risks, and with less time to correct for them we become more risk averse.  You might say older people know better because they've seen more.

Socialism sounds good to those who are young and naive. Unfortunately, young people tend to have a very poor knowledge of history. And for anyone who grew up in America we have NO direct personal experience with living under Socialism.  Many people have a very shallow actual knowledge or understanding of how Socialism works.

Ask anyone who lived in a country that was or became Socialist. Ask someone who came from Cuba or Venezuela or Russia what they think about America going down a Socialist track. Some countries that the young like to point to as success stories have turned away from Socialism because of it's flaws and failings and are moving back toward free markets and Capitalism.

The solution for America is not Socialism, it is to seek to correct for the problems in our Capitalistic system. We have to drive out corruption both internal and external sources. We have to refine the rules of the game.  We also have to be careful that we don't go too far and start to cause malfunctions.  We want to make an even better environment in which greed and ambition operate in positive and constructive ways.

Socialism will never eliminate greed and ambition. It will just lead to a corrupt government where the government becomes wealthy.  

The beauty of Capitalism, and the reason it has created more wealth, opportunity and a higher standard of living than any other form of government in the history of civilization is that it created a context for greed and ambition which leads to benefits for all of society. 

One uncomfortable aspect that comes with Capitalism is that some people will get much wealthier than the rest of us.  That is why we have to control one other G-d given desire - jealousy.  Jealousy leads to coveting and stealing.  

In case you haven't noticed, there are Commandments against "coveting" and "stealing."  And in case you hadn't noticed, there is NO Commandment against becoming incredibly wealthy.  Stealing includes taking away wealth and property regardless of who does the taking.  

There is a story, often told, that upon exiting the Constitutional Convention Benjamin Franklin was approached by a group of citizens asking what sort of government the delegates had created. His answer was: "A republic, if you can keep it."

When Americans go to the polls in 2020 the biggest decision we need to make is not a Democrat or Republican choice.  It is whether we choose of a candidate who will promote Capitalism or Socialism.