Saturday, March 28, 2020


One of most beloved songs in the Passover seder is "Dayenu" – meaning, “it would have been enough”.
Our life is filled with miracles, beginning with us - our life, our first breath. Miracles are all around us, beginning with every Sunrise and the songs of creation that nature signs to us every day.

Miracles are given to us, our health, our family & friends.  God has given us so much. We are not worthy, but God provides more than enough. 
Yet, we are often blinded to our abundance by fear and desire. We wait for miracles, when we have so many to rejoice for. If we didn't receive one more miracle we would still have enough. Dayenu!
Even in life's storms, our miracles are many.  There is Light between the rain drops. There is peace within chaos.  
Everyday, and especially this particular Passover and Easter, remember to never forget all the miracles in our lives. Do not miss the whole point of gratitude and grace. Do not miss the whole point of Life itself. To give all the Glory to God. Seek a reason to be grateful, a reason to say “Dayenu.”

Friday, March 27, 2020


I am going to challenge the way you think.  More specifically,  I am going to challenge the mainstream media's perspective on COVID-19.

Before I do I have to preface what I mean by the expression "the way you think."

I know how MOST of America thinks! Most Americans think like they are told to think. They think like their media sources tells them to think. They think like CNN, MSN. the NY Times, Washington Post OR, they think like FOX. They think like Democrats or Republicans.
People think like those who control the message want us to think.
In order to truly THINK for yourself you need to do much more than listen to the media or Hollywood. And sadly, even go to college!  Do you think a Liberal College Professor teaching a gender studies class wants you to think? They do not!  They want to fill your brain with how they want you to think!  Then again, so does a accounting or physics professor.  Both the Gender Studies professor and the Physics professor are teaching WHAT to think.

People don't have time to truly THINK for themselves!  So they upload their thoughts from the mainstream media every day.
People turn on the TV like we go to the gas station. We pick our pump and filler up!
In order to THINK one must do three things:
1. Pray - One must begin with an honest desire for truth and a deeper understanding. One must formulate questions in their mind and call out to something greater than themselves for inspiration and guidance.

2. Contemplate - One must look thoughtfully for a long time at the situation and ponder the possibilities. One must be open, curious and receptive. One must explore, observe and be patient!

3. Expression - Thoughts must be processed.  We need to formulate our thoughts. This requires the hand. That's right - One must perform their thoughts through acts of creation involving the interaction between our heart, mind and hand.  We must write. It could be a letter or an article or blog post, or a song, a poem or painting. Possibly even a dance, though I'd suggest that dance is a better way to process emotions than thoughts.  In order to process thought one needs to use their hands.  Facebook posts are a shallow and inadequate substitute for the process that I believe is required to THINK.
I believe that a person who is not praying, contemplating and expressing, they aren't seriously "THINKING." 
Discussing your thoughts can be an effective means of expression. Discussions typically fall quite short more often than not.

I have said enough about the challenges and shortcomings of "thinking" in America today.  Now I want to challenge the way much of mainstream media is telling us what to think about Covid-19.

1. First, a fact:
~80% of deaths associated with COVID-19 have been adults aged ≥65 years with the highest percentage of severe outcomes among persons aged ≥85.
If someone who is 80+ years old dies from the virus is that considered a "premature" death?

If someone who is 85 years old dies from cancer, heart disease or influenza and pneumonia is that considered a premature death?

Murder is premature death.  Being killed by a drunk driver is premature death. Suicide is premature death.  Those ddeaths are the result of Man's actions. Viruses are a fact of life. They part of God's design.  (If COVID-19 was engineered by the CCP, that is a case of mass murder!)

2. Suppose that over the next 12 months there are 10,000 deaths in the USA from Covid-19.  Let's say that during the same period there is also a 100,000* increase in the number of babies attributed to Covid-19 and social distancing. Was there more death or life as a result of the virus?
*In a typical year there are approximately 3.8 million births. In 2016 the number of births hit a 30 year low.
3. The challenges America and the world faces as a result of Covid-19 are causing long and extremely needed changes in the public and private sectors, as well as in individual lives.  Here are some examples:

  • New systems and capabilities for testing are being introduced. So are methods for managing and distributing medical care such as telemedicine and mobile testing. 
  • Planners are evaluating our supply chain. There is greater appreciation of the need for stockpiling critical supplies.
  • America is reducing our dependence on China and elsewhere for drugs and other critical supplies. Many new jobs will be created in the USA. 
  • People are considering their priorities in life and making more conscious choices about how to value and protect relations and what is meaningful to them.
  • People are using the time they have at home in constructive ways such as cleaning, organizing and doing projects.
  • Some people are deciding they want deepen their relationship to God and Yeshua. 
  • America and other nations will be far more prepared to handle future health crisis.
  • There is incredible improvement in the cooperation taking place within government at all levels as well as between the government and the business sector. It is reminiscent of the WWII wartime spirit that enabled us to defeat the enemy and win the war. America emerged out of the Depression as well as WWII stronger and better.  We began some of most prosperous years in our Nation's history. 

So, if all these positive things and many other beneficial consequences come from Covid-19, are there more reasons to be pessimistic or hopeful?

There are different ways to look at the situation with Covid-19.  It depends on how we choose to THINK about it. It depends on whether we do the THINKING or we let others tell us what to THINK.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Reigen Magazine, 1927 Republic Weimar Erotic Magazine
Society and culture has a tendency to oscillate between one extreme and another, like a pendulum.  With it, society and culture dictate politics. Together they carry the weight of history.  As with a pendulum, history repeats itself.

With a pendulum there is a weight hung from a fixed point.  What's the fixed point from which the world history hangs?  I contend that it is God. 

In no other "story" does history repeat itself more than the Bible.  That is how people are able to draw parallels from one ancient time to another, and from one ancient time to today.

One of the special natures of the Bible is its framework of time and space.  It is not uncommon to find parallels separated by hundreds or even thousands of years and vast areas of space.  In fact, it is the tremendous difference in the way humans perceive time & space which makes it so difficult for us to understand God's ways!

The ancient prophets in the Bible drew the parallels for us mostly in highly metaphorical and obsure ways. Sages and rabbis interpreted their writings.  Christian pastors contextualize the Bible to help us understand the Bible and relate times in it and Yeshua to today.

Any time one wants to project the past into the future we are making predictions.  When we do so as it relates to the Bible one must see the world in the spiritual.  To do so, and keep it true, they must be guided by two essential things: Faith and the Spirit of God, also known as the Holy Spirit. Such is the Deliverance of prophecy.  Or as unbelievers and skeptics would call it, "crazy talk."

I have a little crazy talk for the skeptics. I will leave it to faithful believers to decide whether what I have to say qualifies as prophecy. But first I need to draw the scene. 

In Gemany in the 1920's, the decade prior to the rise of Hitler and the Holocaust, there was the a tragic pendulum swing.  

in Germany during the interwar period between Germany's defeat in World War I in 1918 and Hitler's rise to power in 1933 there was the Weimar Republic.  

By 1919, an influx of labor had migrated to Berlin which lead to a boom in trade, communications and construction. 

Average people began using their backyards and basements to run small shops, restaurants, and workshops and even the first modern department store sprung up. There was a large move to the cities with an "urban petty bourgeoisie." The middle class was growing and flourishing. The times provided a fertile ground for the modern arts and sciences. 

The Weimar Republic came with a socio-cultural environment that was known as Weimar Culture. Berlin was at the center of the hectic Weimar Culture.

Although not part of the Weimar Republic, German-speaking Austria, and particularly Vienna, was viewed part of Weimar Culture.

Weimar culture saw the emergence of the arts and sciences. Germany, and Berlin in particular, was both the center and beating heart of Weimar Culture. It was highly fertile ground for intellectuals, artists, and innovators in many fields.

The social environment was chaotic, and politics were passionate. German university faculties became universally open to Jewish scholars in 1918. Jewish intellectuals and creative professionals were among the prominent figures in many areas of Weimar culture.

Here is a list of some of the leading Jewish intellectuals on university faculties included physicist Albert Einstein; sociologists Karl Mannheim, Erich Fromm, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, and Herbert Marcuse; philosophers Ernst Cassirer and Edmund Husserl; political theorists Arthur Rosenberg and Gustav Meyer; and many others. Nine German citizens were awarded Nobel prizes during the Weimar Republic, five of whom were Jewish scientists, including two in medicine. 
One sociologist described the Weimar Culture this way. "Remarkable for the way it emerged from a catastrophe (WWI), more remarkable for the way it vanished into a still greater catastrophe (Nazi Germany and WWII), the world of Weimar represents modernism in its most vivid manifestation." 
Cultural historian Bruce Thompson, describes Berlin's postwar mood as depicted in a famous 1922 film by Fritz Lang called Dr. Mabuse the Gambler as "A world that went from the world of the slums (after WW1) to the world of the stock exchange and then to the cabarets and nightclubs–a time when chaos reigned, authority was discredited, power is mad and uncontrollable, wealth inseparable from crime."

The most modern depiction of the base and promiscuous atmosphere in the times of the Weimar culture is captured in this scene from the Cabaret.

Cabaret is a 1972 Academy winning film directed by Bob Fosse. It depicts a 1931 cabaret singer Sally Bowles (Liza Minnelli) who meets a British academic Brian Roberts (Michael York), who is finishing his university studies. Despite Brian's confusion over his sexuality, the pair become lovers, but the arrival of the wealthy and decadent playboy Maximilian von Heune (Helmut Griem) complicates matters for them both. The story of their love triangle plays out against the rise of the Nazi party and the collapse of the Weimar Republic.

Some say the culture of the Weimar period was later reprised by 1960s left-wing intellectuals. Maybe so, but I think it may be more accurate to say history is repeating itself today. But here's the thing. The history of the Weimar Republic lead into the rise of the National Socialist German Workers Party (the Nazi's).  So if there is a parallel that can be drawn to Weimar Culture and today, what is the parallel that can be projected for the Holocaust that it ultimately lead to?

In the Bible, when history repeats itself there tends to be one of two things. God is trying to teach us something or Man and God are fixing something. 

With the Passover and the Exodus, God and Moses are fixing 400 years of Hebrew bondage and fulfilling God's 1st Covenant to Abraham. With Easter, God and Yeshua are fixing God's design and fulling God's 2nd Covenant without violating God's Law concerning remarriage.  

What of today and the future. Is history repeating itself?  How will God, the "fixed point," swing the pendulum?

As I project it, God and the Messiah are going to repair the world, fulfill God's 1st and 2nd Covenant, and complete God's original plan, all while managing not to violate God's promise not to destroy the world again.  

As with the plagues before the Exodus and Yeshua's suffering and death on cross, there is price still to be paid for the suffering of the Holocaust.

On 04■08■2020 this Passover and Easter are being joined. Christians will be Jews and some Jews will find Yeshua.

On 04■08■2020 as Jonah, I myself will try to explain. I pray that the words will come to me as I lead a special Seder.  Perhaps the most important Seder I was meant to lead.

Baruch Hashem 

Thursday, March 19, 2020


Fighting this Virus and getting through this pandemic, is like a nation experiencing wartime.  We all need to develop a wartime mentality.  Everyone has to make sacrifices.

In wartime there is the enemy.  There are often multiple enemies.  There are the warriors.  There are casualties and wounded. We each have roles to play. There is a wartime economy during which major elements of the economy are realigned. Sadly, there is also DESTRUCTION. But eventually we will have victory and recovery -- REBIRTH.

In life and society each of us has roles we serve in. Such as parent, child, employee, teacher, healthcare worker, soldier, volunteer, etc.  During a war, our roles are amplified. In wartime our contribtion to society is more important than ever.

In wartime it takes the combined strength of the society to fight the enemy. But we also must maintain and strengthen the homefront.
The homefront is as important as the frontline! In this pandemic, the frontline and the homefront are one in the same. We are truly all in this together. 

During wartime especially, our survival depends on our ability to come together.  Each of us must do the best we can to manage and get through a wartime period. Regardless of which role we may be in, we need to rise up for the greater good, as well as our individual benefit.
This is truly what Patriotism is all about!
As citizens, parents, families and households we have a role too. We try as best we can to adjust to the new reality, to make the best of it and keep our spirits up.

We all must make sure that we do not make it more stressful and difficult on those leading and fighting the war, as well as others who are helping the war effort. That means we must be willing to make sacrafices.
Patriotism calls for sacrifices.  
A Pandemic is a different kind of war. So how we need to fight it and how our roles come into play are different too. But there are plenty of parallels to a military wartime. 

As citizens and households our roll is to do what our leaders say they need us to do.  We also need to try to maintain a positive attitude as best we can on the homefront.

Our government leaders and healthcare "generals" have told us to practice social distancing.  But we also need to maintain a healthy and positive attitude.

As individuals we should consider the things we can do to successfully deal with social distancing. I made a list of things I can do. As you can see, on one hand social distancing doesn't have to be so aweful. Here are some things I can do:
Gardening, home improvement projects, going to parks, taking a pleasure drive, a family bbq, reading and writing, cleaning out my garage.
We must considering how to deal with social distancing in all our roles. Here are two other personal examples.

  1. I am a company owner and president. My business has customers to serve. So I thought about how my customers and I could to deal with effects of social distancing. I wrote a blog about that which speaks to some of the things I can do. 
  2. I serve as volunteer for a non-profit in the role of Vice President of the Jewish Federation of Dutchess County.  I am still actively considering what we can do other than cancelling events.
The millenials, the younger generation, would typically be the soldiers on the front lines in a military war. They would be asked to make great sacrafices as soldiers. In this war, in a pandemic that requires us to practice social distancing, they have the most difficult time psychologically with the practice of social distancing.  They are learning a powerful lesson about the meaning of patriotism!

During World War II there was a phrase that started in England and became a mantra for that wartime.  It is still quite popular to hear or see it since then. It speaks to the mental state one has to maintain during difficult and trying times.  It is:

Some today have been promoting a spin off on that for these times.

Last summer before the virus came around, when I started speaking about an upcoming period of DESTRUCTION and REBIRTH which foresaw starting in 01■01■2020, I created my own mantra have been using for sometime.

Patriotism is tremendous!  It is essential.  Without it one will not survive, let alone win a war.  But Patriotism is not enough to be victorious in life.

In life, I believe we also need God. We need to believe in a power greater than ourselves or our country.  We need to be grateful for life and for the Creator of all life. That calls for prayer.

I believe a nation united in prayer, let alone a world united in prayer has a powerful advantage.

During wartime there are miraculous events.  There are many stories of superhuman efforts and amazing turns in events. Prayer has played a part in wartime for as long as the Bible and in much of history.

America is a nation founded on faith and the Father of our great nation, General George Washington gave all the glory to God!  George Washington and witnesses around him attributed many moments which turned the course of events in the Revolutionary War, to Providence.

Social Distancing is something we can and are doing. But the effects it is having on our economy is actually FAR MORE DEVASTATING than any war America and the world has EVER FOUGHT.  We need social distancing to stop. In order for that to happen we need a vaccine that prevents the virus and/or a therapy that stops the virus.

We need a vaccine faster than mankind has EVER come up with a cure for a virus.  We need to end this plague against mankind before social distancing destroys us. We need a miracle!  And we need it now -- not in four months from now or even two months.
Please join in pray for the scientists and doctors and others who have been gifted with great minds to find a cure.  That is the miracle the world needs now!

(For my Jewish friends I offer the following regarding the Unetanah Tokef.)

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


People of Nineveh Repenting
This is only week one of "social distancing." We have many weeks, possibly months, to go with people from around the world doing something we have never done before as a society - self isolation by people in nations around the world.

The world is at a standstill. People are trapped inside. But humans are NOT still inside themselves. Desperation, fear and anger are fermenting inside them.

People are unable to socialize. We are unable to have important needed social interaction. People are unable to blow off steam and energy.  This is especially important for anyone below the age of about 45.

In Europe and other parts of the world this is especially problematic.  Their economy and culture is designed around their squares and plazas. They are vibrant centers of human activity and interactions.  Today, they are eerily quiet.

In cities across the world are little shops, eating places, pubs and bars run by their owners and small staffs.  They live hand to mouth off the street traffic in each week. The money that comes in every week pays that weeks bills. There income has stopped but their bills haven't. The electric, rent, salaries and other expenses still have to be paid. For some their inventory is perishing. These businesses are dieing.

Each week that this "social distancing" continues more of these little businesses in Europe and America too are going to disappear.  We are going to be left with ghost streets. Streets and neighborhoods that are skeletons of their former selves.

Plus, what is happening to the people who shut themselves in? What are they doing and thinking? How are they processing their new reality?

Humans are designed to congregate. We are evolved to cluster in groups.  What is happening is not normal. We are cut off from our normal and natural way of life.

Humans need the interaction that goes on in our restaurants and bars as much as we need the food and alcohol they serve.  We need to see other people. To feel the energy that comes from social interaction.

Society is in an un-natural state. We're not evolved to function like this. We're in an unsustainable state of disfunction.
Just because this is temporary doesn't mean we can last that long. 
The authorities and the media tell us we may have to go on like this for months.  I say we can't. So much is being destroyed each week that Society as we know it can not last that long.

America is handling the virus a little differently and better than EuropeI feel, but the problems are similar here. Plus, a crisis and meltdown in Europe will reach the USA.

In a sense it is like a Tsunamis whereby an earthquake in one part of the world travels long distances and creates great destruction in another part of the world. The shock waves of an explosion ripple out.

What's next?  Who knows how this plays out?

In the story of Noah in Genesis, the world had become violent, evil and corrupt. So God destroyed the world and started over. God recreated the world while he kept Noah's family and life safe on the ark. When the rain stopped God brought the rainbow and the waters receeded. Noah's ark came to rest and Noah opened the ark to our new world.  God promised never to destroy the world. But God didn't promise he would stop US from destroying the world.

EVEN during WWI and WWII society continued to function. At any given time most cities, villages and towns continued to go about business.  People went on their way unless there was fighting in their location. We have never had a time when most public activity came to such an abrupt and complete halt across the world all at the same time.

We need a vaccine and therapies SOONER that later.  We can't wait months.  We don't have months!! We need to be allowed go back to life as nornal while normal still exists. Before normal is destroyed!
It is not the death from the virus that is destroying us. It is the lack of life.
PRAYER AND REPENTANCE CAN TEMPER GOD'S SEVERE DECREE.   IF ANYONE HAS TAUGHT US THIS IT'S THE BOOK OF JONAH!  If the King of Nineveh can have the warring and lustful Assyrians of all of Nineveh sit in sackcloth and ashes, WE CAN come together in prayer.
We need a miracle we are not worthy of it.  
We need to provide God with a sufficient reason to send us a miracle. We need our prayers to be delivered to God by One who can intercede and advocate for us.  But first, we need to pray.

The President needs to declare ANOTHER day of prayer and next time all Americans must do so.

Then again, DESTRUCTION may be our fate. And the DESTRUCTION may not be sufficient for God. We may not be ready for the REBIRTH.


Tuesday, March 17, 2020



Italy is so overwhelmed by the Covid-19 outbreak they they are leaving 80 year old and over people to die.

As unimaginable, unthinkable and horrible the Covid-19 virus is for someone who is 80 years old in Europe, it pales in comparison to being Jewish in Europe in 1939.

The Covid-19 virus kills approximately ~20% of those over 80 years old. The Nazi's WILLFULLY TORTURED AND MURDERED ~50% of ALL JEWS. Women, children and even babies were intentional targets.

The big difference is that with Covid-19 the goverment and everyone is doing what they can to save people. What made the Holocaust so hopeless for the Jews is that their Government and even their neighbors did all they could to round up and exterminate them.

While there is hope that worst of Covid-19 will be behind us by the Summer, about 6 months. In 1939, the Holocaust went on for 6 years!

Someone born in 1939 would be 80 or 81 years old today. If they lived in Italy today, they have more than twice as great a chance of surviving COVID-19 as a Jewish child did in 1939.

As much as anything the Depression stirred up the anti-Semitism which brought about the Holocaust.  It seems to me that there is a very strong chance of a depression again because of Covid-19.  With anti-Semitism already on the rise in Europe, one has to wonder what evil might come of the situation in Europe at this time.

During the Holocaust, the Ayatollah in Iran partnered with the Nazi's. What will Germany and France do about Iran's renewed attempts to enrich Uranium?

1. Roosevelt bowed to political pressure.  President Trump will NOT turn his back on the Jews NO MATTER how politically unpopular he is!!

2. This time Israel exists and it has a mighty sword. It offers refuge to any Jew from any nation.

3. Jeremy Corbyn LOST the election and the U.K. is no longer part of the E.U. Boris Johnson has been compared to Churchill.  Thank God for that!

I can't help wondering if God is testing us. Throughout the Torah there is a common plot or theme.  God tests us. He gives one generation an opportunity to correct for the transgressions and inequities of a prior.

For Christians, who believe that Yeshua was the Messiah, Rome and the Jews did an unimaginable, unthinkable and horrible act.  If God is testing us, I hope for the sake of Mankind and each and every soul that we do not make the same mistake we made back then, and in 1939.

Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) in Israel will begin in the evening of April 20. Easter is April 12th and Passover begins on April 8th.

April, 04■2020 is a big month indeed.
2+2=4 is such a "natural" expression. But when you see in the spiritual, 4 is so much more. 


Friday, March 13, 2020


(Note: This post was has not been updated with many significant developments since May.  E.G. Operation Warp speed, Stimulus, etc.)

The media and the Left have been terribly critical of Trump and his Administration over the handling of the Covid-19 virus, aka the Wuhan Flu because of it origin.

This blog post represents my effort TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT ON COVID TESTING. I have gathered facts and put together a timeline to help us judge that.

First, I will share that I have a very close family member who is quarantined with extremely serious health conditions who doctors did not have a test kit for. So I am well aware of people's frustration and fear!! (In case you are wondering I have NOT been in physical contact with this person or anyone else who has in over a month.)

Now, there is no denying that we have a shortage of test kits. Plus, there is no question that actions are being taken to deal with that. And there is no question that we are moving rapidly toward providing testing for any individuals that a doctor believes warrants a test.

Keep in mind that even if test kits were more available would not change the public fear, panic, hoarding, social distancing, and the other unpleasant realities of a pandemic.

We all must appreciate that Government bureaucracy is by it's nature slow to make changes.

By the same token, I recognize that the delays have to do with 5 primary factors, NONE of which are THIS Administration's fault:
1. Prior Administration regulations
2. A sudden and gigantic need
3. It takes government time to figure out the causes of problems and plan new rules and implement new procedures.
4. It takes additional time for new rules to be put into practice and for highly complex production and processes to ramp up.
5. It takes money to do all of this and that requires Congress.

With these factors in mind, you be the judge whether the facts below are being judged fairly by the media.

Read this linked article AND the document linked to it regarding the recommended dramatic shift in test kit regulations. Notice the dates. Consider the following timeline and facts:

1. On December 31, 2019 a pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan, China was FIRST reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) Country Office in China.
Note: On January 26th Dr. Faucci advised the President and the White House that "The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It's a very, very low risk to the United States," Dr. Fauci said on The CATS Roundtable. "It isn't something that the American public needs to worry about or be frightened about."
Note: On 1.29.20 speaking at the annual ASM Biothreats conference Dr. Faucci said "Panic from rumor and misinformation hurt people, communities, and the economy."  He also lessened it to SARS when he said, "Only 2% of cases are young; only 25% of recognized cases have severe disease. The take-home message is that nCoV2019 is a very different case than with SARS."
2. On January 30th 2020 the outbreak was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the World Health Organization (WHO).

3. On January 31st the Trump administration dramatically escalated quarantines and implemented major travel restrictions from infected China.  (The Left criticized him for doing so.)

4. On February 4th the USA Secretary of Health and Human Services publicly issued a determination that there was an emergency need for test kits and started dramatic and rapid CHANGES TO REGULATIONS that were implemented during PRIOR administrations which hindered testing!
Note: On February 7th in a recorded conversation between Dr. Faucci and with Dr Bauchner archived on AMA Education Hub, Dr. Vaucci said, "The nature of the 2019-nCoV outbreak is still slowly coming into focus but it appears to be acting more like bad pandemic influenza with overall lower mortality SARS."
5. On February 11 WHO announced a name for the new coronavirus disease: COVID-19.

6. On February 24th the President sent Congress a plan and request for $2.5 billion in spending to fight Covid-19.  Congress approved $8 billlion. (Politicians always use a crisis to send pork out to pay favors.)

7. On February 26th the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed a possible FIRST case of person-to-person transmission of COVID-19 in California

8. February 27th a special Federal Task force was organized to provide ADDITIONAL cooperation, oversight, leadership and communication on the virus. This is above and beyond systems that are already in place in the government to deal with infectious disease and other major health issues.
Note: On February 27th in USA Today Dr. Faucci said he "doesn't want people to worry about coronavirus, the danger of which is "just minuscule." Fauci offered advice for people who want to protect against the "real and present danger" of seasonal flu, which also would protect against the hypothetical danger of coronavirus. "Wash your hands as frequently as you can. Stay away from crowded places where people are coughing and sneezing. If in fact you are coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth," he says. "You know, all the things that we say each year."

On the subject of masks Faucci said, "The only people who need masks are those who are already infected to keep from exposing others. The masks sold at drugstores aren't even good enough to truly protect anyone."  "If you look at the masks that you buy in a drug store, the leakage around that doesn't really do much to protect you . . . "there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to wear a mask."
9. On Feb. 28th the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi toured San Francisco's Chinatown and said there's no reason tourists or locals should be staying away from the area because of coronavirus concerns. "hat we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here," Pelosi said. "Come because precautions have been taken. The city is on top of the situation."
Note: On February 29th  Dr. Fauci went on Weeked Today and told viewers there was "No need to change lifestyle yet" because the threat of community spread was low.
10. On March 5th 2020 the Governor of Washington State declared a state of emergency after the FIRST person in the United States to die of COVID-19 was reported.

10. On March 7th the Governor of NY declared a state of emergency.

11. On March 9th the Governors of NJ and FL each declared a State of Emergency.

12. On May 6th , NYC suspended the Subways. 

13. On May 10th Governor Cuomo rescinded his order that required Nursing homes to to take sick seniors from hospitals and prevented nursing homes from even testing them for Covid before admission. 

For a level headed assessment we should be able to rely on our Surgeon General.  Listen to the Surgeon General. 

Do you remember Swine Flu at the beginning of Obama's 1st term in 2009?  60 million infected. 300K hospitalized. Remember the panic?

In April 2009 SARS Became a Pandemic; 6 MONTHS Later, AFTER 1,000 U.S. Deaths, Obama Finally Declared it a Public Health Emergency!! 🤔

ALSO KEEP IN MIND that back in
On February 1, a man who'd been on the Diamond Princess tested positive for the coronavirus SIX DAYS AFTER LEAVING the ship that was docked in the port of Yokohama, Japan.  IT TOOK Japanese officials more than 72 hours to lock down the infamous Diamond Princess ship!!!

LET'S NOT FORGET THE UNFORGIVABLE SILENCE AND SECRECY OF THE CHINESE COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT. If they had been honest and forthright MONTHS before when they knew about this virus the world Pandemic may have been avoided. The Chinese government is still frustrating USA CDC Officials by failing to reveal information! READ CHINA TIMELINE.


In 2009 with SARS the Obama Administration depleted 3/4 of the N95 Mask inventory and never replaced it.  Obama and Congress had 7 years to act and failed. And they have been too busy trying to impeach Trump for the last 3 years to care about anything else!!!!!

And for the last three years ALL we have heard from the Speaker of House, Pelosi and the Minority Leader in the Senate, Schumer, is that the most important issue is impeaching the President!

Lets not overlook this Presidential Executive Order:
September 2019 - Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health

Let's also give the President credit for quickly standing up the Corona task for and his daily press conferences.  Never in history has a President be so visible and open to reporters' questions!

Covid-19 is teaching us many things. Over the next 12 months the present Administration will be overhauling:
- Our supply chain's dependance on China
- Our reserve of critical supplies for health crisis such as a Pandemic.
- Accelerating the review and approval process for drugs and medical devises.
- Introducing new approaches and methods of healthcare delivery. E.g. telemedicine, drive through testing, pop-up hospitals, etc.
- We are seeing how essential
Inter-governmental cooperation is, as well as the importance of private-public sector cooperation.
- Partisanship will no longer be tolerated. Citizens are demanding that Congress work across the isle. We still have serious challenges to deal with.
- The USA implemented the most broad testing programs in our history than an nation. As of August 28 the USA has conducted more Covid tests that all of Europe combined and 40 million more tests than India. 

One of the big changes will be making sure that area/regional hospitals have LOCAL access to critical care equipment such as respirators so they don't have to manufactured and shipped in times of a national OR local emergency.

Trump has remained calm, confident and in-charge throughout this health crisis. He has also been encouraging and positive.  As Trump has said numerous times, the USA rises to a challenge.  We are at our best in a crisis. It is in the American DNA. We will emerge stronger and better.

Last but not least, back in early January the President doubled efforts to guard our Southern border with Mexico. Several Chinese nationals have been apprehended this year trying to illegally cross into the USA.  Having a secure border to protect America in situations such as infectious diseases and other health and safety matters is vital to USA citizens.

The actual "HOAX," the one the President was referring to, is the unfair treatment the mainstream media and the Left who are determined to blame Trump for everything and to overturn the 2016 election since the day he took office.

Did the President try to keep us calm and to avoid the panic you see today? Sure. Is he always accurate. NO.  But I believe the facts illustrate a President and Administration that is dealing with an exceptionally unique and difficult crisis in a reasonable way.  As well as any President could be expected.

People who hate Trump will find every reason blame Trump and to hate him more, simple as that. Stop the hate!!! Come together, work together.

The civil war going on in America is טוב versus רשע. Good versus evil.  Each are trying to control our heart.  We will know which is winning inside of us by whether we feel more love and gratitude or anger and hate. Peace or fear.


P.S. "In the current WuFlu crisis, the problem for the Trump-is-an-idiot crowd is that when you step back a bit — and when you subtract his clumsy statements and the usual government missteps in any crisis — the guy has been right about almost everything. Uncontrolled migration, globalization, and the Chinese supply chain — everything Trump has tried to rectify — are precisely what make flus like this so dangerous."  Andrew Klavan.