Sunday, February 2, 2020


Democrats are seeing their chances of removing Trump through impeachment slip away. The reality of having to actually beat Trump head-on in the 2020 Presidential election is becoming a more frightening reality for some.

Prospects for Trump in 2020 are extremely good.  He is going to be very hard to beat. As the probability of four more years becomes a highly likely reality, fear and anger in America will escalate.

As we come down to the last six months before the election the volume of political advertising is going to significantly ramp up. There is a ton of money itching to be put to use. That money isn't going to be used to make many of us feel good!

Fear and anger are perennial "go to" emotions in political ads. Politicians and activists stimulate and exploit fear and anger to bring out the vote. Voting is healthy.

Sadly for society, the fear and anger carries over after the election. And politicians want it to in order to achieve their agenda and because there are elections every two years.
All Along the Watchtower 

"I [We] can't get no relief." Jimi Hendrix 
Unfortunately, fear and anger also trigger negative unhealthy behaviors such as hate and aggression. Hate is a popular subject of concern today.

Fear and anger expressed as aggression is something we had all better get ready for in America.  It's going to be coming big-time to a town near you.  Perhaps even to a home near you.

For a few months now I have been saying we are going to see a rise in rage.  Rage is the most pitched form of active aggression.

You'll recognize this type of aggressive response when it happens. Active aggression is more easily spotted.  The most obvious example is a crowd of Anti-Fa protesters.

A passive aggressive response to fear and anger is more common but it is less easily spotted. Passive aggression is typically found in personal relationships such as between family members and with co-workers.

Passive aggression is quite insidious and damaging to relationships.  If you are unfamiliar with it there is considerable information available with a simple search.  Here is one example of what you might find.
7 Reasons Why People Use Passive Aggressive Behavior.  

Angry people will often justify their aggression. Some are in denial or even unaware of their own aggression.  Here is an excellent related article.
Do Passive-Aggressives Know When They are Passive Aggressive?

This is the Hebrew year 5780.  It is also an election year and as the political season revs up to full speed going into November, I think we need to know the types and signs of aggression and to guard ourselves.

Since we are as likely to have strong emotions both for and against the different candidates, we are likely to be harboring feelings of fear and anger as others do.  In other words, we can be an assailant and/or a victim.

Therefore, we have to be as conscious about how our own emotions manifest in our own behaviors as we are of others.

As for me, I prefer open communication.  I am not just an open book, I write and publish it. 😉

I also find that the more I put my faith in God, the less fearful and angry I feel.  I don't tend to have aggressive inclinations.

The negative emotion that is most familiar for me is impatience. I want to fix problems, which isn't always as beneficial as it might seem.  So I have to work on having more patience.

Last year it became apparent to me that there was much more fear and anger present in society.  I started to write more about the consequences our society may face moving forward in the toxic Partisan atmosphere we live in.

I identified 0101■2020 as a milestone. The decade of the 20's will be a period that will mark a new reality. America's is going to sleep in the bed our nation made for itself. I also envisioned the twenties as a time of transformation.

As a literary technique I coined two expressions. I made repeated use of them in order to established a theme which i carried through like a thread into many of my politically oriented social media posts:
As 2020 unfolds I think it will become increasingly apparent why I chose those particular word phrases.

Eventually the 2020 election will come & go. Unfortunately, I do not see the passing of the election bringing an end to the pattern of fear and aggression. To the contrary.  One side is apt to be more angry than ever before.


Saturday, February 1, 2020


  1. the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.

I admit it - I am an addict. They say the first thing an addict must do to deal with their problem is to acknowledge they have it. So here it goes.

I am addicted to reading and writing online.  They call it social media addiction, but that doesn't seem to cover it in my opinion.

I am addicted to reading about trends, religion, business, philosophy and all sorts of things. I have subscribed to dozens of websites and YouTube channels. Nearly all I do on line is free, but I do have paid subscriptions to two Torah study sites and the Daily Wire.

Most of what I read and watch is serious and intelligent. I'd even put satire into that category. Others are just hillarious.  For example I find Key & Peele skits to be brilliantly funny.

My reading material sources also include audio books. I do lots of those!  I prefer non-fiction. In addition I spend about six hours a week studying Torah and just reading the Bible.

What I do NOT do is watch much TV! Whatever Mary has on is fine in the background as long as it isn't political.  Preferably it's sports! Golf, hockey, tennis, football, baseball even the Hallmark Channel - anything but politics!  When I do watch TV it is an awesome show on Netflix that I binge on my phone or tablet with headphones.

Here is how I explain the reasons for my reading and writing addiction.

I love thinking about the world and trying to understand the big picture and what is underlying events and behavior.

I enjoy getting below the surface and developing theories and explanations for what is happening in the world.

My intense joy from religious faith is fed heavily through reading and writing.

I take pleasure in trying to offer out insights. It delights me to help others see a positive perspective which may be different than their own.

When I am on Facebook, to me it feels like I am at a giant party with almost everyone I know. I have the sence that I am socializing with my friends.  Listening to some, striking up conversations with a few, avoiding certain folks and basically enjoying one another's company.

Facebook feeds my curiosity and interests.  It also gives me a medium to test out thoughts and opinions. I am very open and trusting, but if I don't feel safe with someone I simply block them or just stop following them.

I will tolerate differences of opinion. Many of my friends are very Liberal and progressive, whereas I am a Libertarian Conservative. But I have received considerable encouragement from friends with polar opposite political views. I find that as long as people's hearts & intentions are kind, the capacity for tolerance is very high. For me personally the key is that I have no expectations that anyone will change who they are because of me.  I am responsible for me, period.

Things can get tricky, and I do draw the line at being disrespectful or hurtful.  I have had a couple of run-ins, but very few considering the time I invest and how expressive I am.  I'm not intimidated or fearful. It's just that I prefer not to waste my time.

Back to why I am addicted . . .

It feels good when I get a positive reaction. It is especially satisfying to me when I get the sense that I have helped someone else in any constructive way.

I am addicted to the endorphins that are produced for me through reading and writing.

I read and write on social media, but that isn't the only place. I write three other blogs besides Ritter's Rants & Rumblings. The other three blogs are for my business.  It is essential to my business that I build content which generates organic traffic to my websites.
  1. GoldMine Success
  2. Get a Better CRM
  3. Better Business CRM
I also write email messages that I broadcast out to thousands of businesses every month.

Occasionally I write an article for the Jewish Federation's monthly newspaper The VOICE.

Looking back in my life, writing isn't new. I wrote personal journals when I was in my teens and early twenties.

Back in the early 1990's, I enjoyed writing and delivering speeches for the Poughkeepsie Area Toastmasters Club. Evidently those weren't too bad because they chose me to be the area's Toastmaster of the Year in 1993. I am particularly proud of that even though it feels like a lifetime ago.

For 10+ years while I was an Adjunct Professor teaching Direct Response Advertising at Marist College I enjoyed writing on marketing subjects.

I tried writing a book on marketing psychology based on a theory I had worked on developing.  I did a couple of lectures on it at the time which were well received. But regrettably I never finished the book.

Back nearly 30 years ago when I was President of the Dutchess County Realtors Association, I somewhat enjoyed writing the President's speech for the annual dinner.

For two years, while I was President of Vassar Temple, I would write a column for the monthly Temple bulletin.  I wrote about 20 articles.  That was very enjoyable for me!  I also especially liked writing my Temple President speeches during the High Holy Days those two years!

I like writing for my friends on social media. Which is where my addiction has caused me the most trouble.

My friends on Facebook are people who mean a lot to me personally.  Some of them are friends I grew up with.  These are 45+:year relationships in some cases!:

I enjoy trying to stimulate my friends. I enjoy sharing with them - both ways.  I take the greatest pleasure in pleasing them. And you bring out the best in me!  Which brings me to the main reason I write.

Fortunately I don't have to write that explanation here because this article is already long enough. And because I already wrote that explanation once before. In fact, it was the subject of MY FIRST blog post nine years ago.

For all these reasons and others I am addicted.  And like anyone with an addiction, I have hurt the ones I love most of all. Therefore my addiction is hurting me.

So I'm going to seek help with my addiction.  I'm sure I can improve.

Lest you think this post is intended to be snarky, I want to be clear. I do have an addiction.  And the points in this post are sincere explanations  Regardless of whether it is justifiable or understandable, it is causing pain and anguish. So I am seriously trying to figure out how to deal with it.  It'll take some time on the couch.

Fortunately I do like gardening very much. Perhaps it is time to spend more time doing that.

Thursday, January 30, 2020


The other day I heard that "having an argument can be healthy."

Which raised a question in my mind. How does one have a healthy argument? So I googled it.  What I found was interesting.

As you'd expect, there are many articles/tips on how to have a "healthy argument."  Here is a link to one such article with super tips for arguments in a relationship.

Naturally my search on the subject  brought me to a lot of material on "how to win an argument." That vein had nothing to do with my inquiry but it is understandable why it came up in my search. I will only say this on that.

Of course, it is one thing to win a "debate" or a court case, and another to win an argument in a relationship with a loved one.  That reminds me of two old adages: "Pick your battles" and "win the battle but lose the war."  (Dam the ego!)

There is another perspective concerning "healthy arguments" that you might not have anticipated. That got me thinking on another level.

Arguments can make us smarter. In other words, arguments can raise our intelligence.  This article explains.

Arguments help the way we see and understand a problem.
Arguments provide meaningful alternative perspectives.
Arguments reveal flaws.
Arguments can lead to new approaches and trigger fresh ideas for solving problems. 
By the same token, stifling or silencing other views diminishes the potential that an argument offers. If this happens, people on all sides of the problem lose!

As I read that article the thought occurred to me. There is a potential flip-side to the terrible disagreements in our society today.  I began to wonder. That led me to the following question which is also the basis for the title of this blog post.


Then I formed that question into the premise of a possible argument:

IF we improve the way we are arguing we have a chance of fixing the things we are arguing about!  Let me repeat what I just said.
To illustrate the potential value of fixing the way we argue I will state it more specifically:
  • If we fix the way we argue about the problems associated with climate change we can fix some of the problems associated with climate change. 
  • If we fix the way we argue about the problems associated with gun violence we can fix some of the problems associated with gun violence. 
  • If we fix the way we argue about the problems associated with homelessness we can fix some of the problems associated with homelessness. 
I realize that what I am saying is not entirely realistic. I also recognize that I am oversimplifying the solution to many of society's most complex problems.

By the same token, you must agree that there is too much "stinken thinken" in the world.  (That phrase is a quote of one of my favorite humans named Zig Ziglar. He used to love to say that when he was alive. I miss old Zig.)

In conclusion, if it is true, and if arguing can help us to more intelligently solve problems, then it is reasonable to believe that we increase the potential for solutions by being more open to healthy disagreements.

On a very personal note I want to add this.

As a Libertarian Conservative; as a person with strong views on faith; as a "thinker" who cares about the world that people I love are growing up in - I often share thoughts that people don't agree with. It can lead to arguments. Sadly, that isn't turning out so well. Some wish I'd keep my thoughts to myself.

I know I can NOT change the world by myself!  I'm not a fool. But I have two children and grandchildren that I love with all my heart and I am trying desperately to do my best in the simple ways that I have. By writing.

🙏God give me the wisdom to know.❤

Wednesday, January 29, 2020



The inevitability of Biden's demise is palatable.  And Elizabeth Warren is too annoying to be President.

As it should, running for President reveals nearly everything about a person. IT EXPOSES THEM. The process is designed to let the American voter know as much as possible about the candidates.

The lengthy primary selection whittles down the choices and ensures the strongest and hardest working individuals survive to serve our country as President.  Sadly, the special interests, money, biased media, powerful political parties and the Deep State all corrupt and rig the process.

With Biden's fate virtually sealed, it is looking more and more like the final Presidential race will be between Socialist Sanders and Capitalist Trump.  That would be perfect!
Two old white men from the northeast punching it out. And yet, the contrasts couldn't be greater. 
Here are a few of the contrasts. You'll be able to tell who is who even without names:

  • A Godless self-hating Jew against a man with orthodox Jewish children and advisers. One who starts his day with a prayer breakfast and evokes God and blessings in practically every speech.
  • A person who shows contempt for Israel against one who is loved by the nation of Israel and is literally their hero. 
  • A fan of Communist dictators that honeymooned in the Soviet Union and doesn't seem to like anything about America against a man whose entire Presidency is based on a platform of Patriotism and the greatness of America. 
  • A man who has lived off the taxpayers and hasn't had private job in his lifetime against a man who created thousands of jobs and built a massive business creating millions in tax revenues.
  • A man that believes in taxation to take away the wealth that belongs to them and redistribute it to others who didn't earn it and a philanthropist who gives away his own wealth to the peopleand causes he believes in and chooses.
  • A person in politics all his life against a relative newcomer.  
  • A Washington insider against the ultimate Washington outsider. 
  • One whose Party can't stand him and will do underhanded tricks to sabotage him against the man who has united his Party and has extremely high approval ratings. 
  • The most unsuccessful and unproductive legislator in Congress against a man whose name and life story are synonymous with success and entrepreneurship. 
  • One who has accomplished nothing over 40 years in Congress against the one who has accomplished more tremendous and difficult things in three years than anyone in history.
  • A politician who accumulated wealth by being a politician against a man who lost billions of his own money pursuing his passion to make America great.
  • A person who believes in the power of free markets to create opportunities and jobs and a better way of life for the poor against a man who doesn't.
  • A person who is bitter and angry at the world and who is constantly scolding Americans against a man who is joyful, funny and people love to be around and is constantly praising others.
  • A man who we never see with their family against a man who is almost always surrounded by family, is often holding his wife's hand and has children who have been loyal supporters his entire life. 
The truth is that President Trump is MAKING AMERICA GREATER and Bernie Sanders would destroy it!


Tuesday, January 28, 2020


TRUTH is on the march in the Senate since the House Managers wrapped up their opening arguments for the articles of Impeachment.

0101■2020 is going to be a year of contrasts. There is no better example than the contrast between the House Managers' prosecution and the response by the President's defense team.

All day Monday the Senate heard the truth from the Right side.

The President's defense team is presenting the Senate and the American people enough to know:
  1. The Biden family is corrupt
  2. There is justification for the President's actions
  3. This impeachment is a hoax
Once the President's response to the House Managers is concluded the Senate will have sufficient knowledge and understanding to reach a decision on:
  • The need to call witnesses
  • Whether the House Managers have made their case
  • To remove or acquit the President of the United States
So what happens next???
There is a lot of talk about the Senate calling witnesses.  I don't believe that will happen. In fact, I don't believe the Senate will even be given the opportunity to debate the question and option on the need for witnesses. Here is why . . .

Under the Impeachment Rules established by the FULL Senate, the President's defense team has the RIGHT TO CALL THE VOTE!!

Under Senate rules the President's defense team WILL EXECUTE IT'S RIGHT TO PROTECT THE PRESIDENT AND THE PRESIDENCY.  They will ACCELERATE the impeachment process. They will STOP wasting the Senate's time on the hoax. They will SAVE we the taxpayers money.  They will SPARE THE NATION!
Then what?
The House Democrats and the mainstream will be incensed. Their hopes and egos will be smashed!  How will they respond? In a fit of rage!

The Democrats will try to stir up rage in the public - the voters!  The Democrats will try to carry that rage all the way into the 2020 election.
The conspirators to overthrow the election will be destroyed by their own egos and the hate that is in their hearts. The truth will expose them and destroy their Party's chances in the Presidential election.

The hoax is over, thank heavens. But we haven't heard the last of it.  Because the tables have turned on the sick corrupt liars in Washington that will do anything for the power and money.

Since 0101■2020 TRUTH has been on the march! The Truth is going to transform our Country - it is going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

The baseless impeachment hoax is over, but the DESTRUCTION has only just begun! THE TRUTH IS GOING TO TRANSFORM THE WORLD.
The TRUTH will set you free.
John 8:31

This whole week it is as though Moses is speaking in Congress.  After the vote we will hear the GREAT SCREAMING.


Saturday, January 25, 2020


GENESIS 4.10 -- And the Lord said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to me from the ground.

Trying to remember the Holocaust is like trying to count the stars in the sky.

One cannot count the stars in the darkest night sky. Only the Creator can count the stars. And only God can imagine the Holocaust.

The Holocaust is truly unimaginable for any of us. It is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for the human mind to imagine the Holocaust. Try it and you'll see.  You'll give up within 5 minutes!!

Try to imagine the collection, transportation, documentation, stripping, shaving, humiliation, torture, murder and disposal of 1 person. Try to imagine an entire family you love being torn apart. Children ripped from parents. Parents ripped from children. Now try to imagine it for 10 people you know. Then try it for 100 people. Now for 1000, then for 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000 human beings. 

There is NO WAY for any of us to imagine what happened to 1,000,0000 + 1,000,0000 +1,000,0000 + 1,000,0000 +1,000,0000 +1,000,0000 human BEINGS.

There is NO conceivable way to imagine the incalculabe horrors of SIX MILLION INDIVIDUAL people. There is no way to imagine the futures each them were robbed of and all the lives that would have been.

Six million is the number that is used. Even if the actual number was 6,000,001, that ONE person mattered! What if that ONE PERSON was YOU. Would you want to be rounded off for all of history, never to even be counted?

We are incapable of imagining the 16,438 individual birthdays EVERY day of evey year that took place in concentration camps. We are incapable of imagining each persons cries. 

We are incapable of imagining six million personalities. Men, woman and children, each special in their own way, with their own story, hopes and private thoughts --- one by one, being killed.  YOU CAN'T DO IT. IT'S UNIMAGINABLE!

The night lasts about 12 hours.  Even if we had a hundred dark nights we couldn't count the all the stars.

The Holocaust lasted 2251 of the darkest nights in world history. 321 weeks filled with fear and children being torn from their mother and father's arms.

Incalculable last moments of loved ones looking desperately into each other's eyes until their connection was broken. Horrified faces seared into a mind's eye.  An image taken with them into the fire.

Or worse, for the survivor who spent a thousand more nights seeing in their nightmares again and again their dear one being taken from them. Reliving the horror. But needing to bury the memories because they are too painful to recall.

Survivors who are fewer every year. Survivors who soon won't be with us to help us remember so we never forget.

It is UNIMAGINABLE.  But I can imagine this . . .

I can picture myself as a young man with a 28 year old beautiful wife. She has long flaming red hair. We have two little children. A 5 year old boy and tiny 3 year old girl with long blond hair.

I can imagine the Nazi soldiers breaking down the doors of our home. Powerful scary men with guns swooping up our little ones as they screamed for help. They yelled mommy, mommy, daddy help. My wife was smacked to the floor. And me, shamed and powerless to stop the soldiers.  I didn't even have words to say that could help my children. Their daddy couldn't save them and their mother couldn't kiss and hold them. Then, all of us were dragged from our home and taken away.

That is as far as I can imagine.  I cannot bear to imagine a moment more. It is UNIMAGINABLE.

"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer


GENESIS 3.9 -- And the Lord God called to man, and He said to him, ל֖וֹ אַיֶּֽכָּה --"Where are you?"  

Saturday, January 18, 2020



The other day I made another visit to sacred ground.  To a field on FREEMAN'S Farm near Saratoga New York.

To remember a time when America's fate could a have gone another way. However, Providence favored the rebels.

It was the Winter of 1777. BEFORE the French supported the Continental Army in our Revolution against the British. The Revolution was not going well. And the battle of Saratoga was pivotal.

The Continental Army General Gates chose the high ground for his stand against British General Burgoyne. Burgoyne was leading the British on a campaign that planned to take every Continental Fort as he led his troops southward from Canada along the Hudson River. They had just taken Fort Ticonderoga to the north.

General Gates and his rag-tag ill-equipped, starving and freezing men had built fortifications to hold the high ground. They were as ready as they could be to face the fire of the most powerful army in the world that had never been defeated.

Many of Gates's soldiers were militia who walked long distances from other colonies to join the fight. They left behind family and friends. Many left their blood, limbs and lives on the field of battle. There was no treatment for PTSD for those whose body survived.

Their valor and sacrifice turned the direction of the Revolutionary War.

Today, with so much confusion about America's identity it is worth remembering.  They fought for self-determination and they died for LIBERTY! NOT SOCIALISM!!

They fought to Make America!