In order to solve big problems and truly make America greater, we truly need to find our way back to having respectful discussions.
I have shared an article* pertaining to just one of the many bones of contention that our country is grappling with, control and use of Federal lands. The article approaches this hotly debated topic in a manner we hardly see. Mainstream media is proving NOT to be the place where discussions like I wish to have are taking place. To the contrary. Social media, which I thought offered some hope, is proving to be unfit as well. I would have thought such conversations were taking place academically, on college & university campuses, but there are disturbing signs about what is actually taking place. Last but not least, is the Halls of Congress, the dysfunctional grand daddy of them all.
It seems as though the United States is having an identity crisis. Here is link to an intellectual paper on this notion of searching for national identity.
Perhaps there is some large phenomenon at play. For example the pattern of ~250 cycles (see blow), or some Messianic prophetic event that some believe was foretold.
Assyria 859 – 612 BC 247 years
Persia (Cyrus and descendants) 538 – 330 BC 208 years
Greece (Alexander and descendants) 331 – 100 BC 231 years
Roman Republic 260 – 27 BC 233 years
Roman Empire 27 BC – AD 180 207 years
Arab Empire 634 – 880 246 years
Marmeluke Empire 1250 – 1517 267 years
Ottoman Empire 1320 – 1570 250 years
Spain 1500 – 1750 250 years
Romanov Russia 1682 – 1916 234 years
Britain 1700 – 1950 250 years
Getting back to the point I started with, the need in America to be able to have respectful discussions. In a sense, a country is relationship between it's citizens - to one another and to the country they each identify with. In relationships there are tipping points - events which unfold and bring about changes to that relationship, potentially a collapse or to higher and better level. I believe active communication, empathy, and a desire to seek a greater good outcome are critical at such times. The question is, where is the place for this? And is it happening today in America?
* Article referenced in my opening paragraph. Special Briefing: A Monumental Showdown --
I write to think. I speak my mind in order to help organize my thoughts. Take it or leave it. (I make no claim to any the graphics on this blog.)
Monday, December 18, 2017
Friday, December 15, 2017
Profiting From the Daily Sex Scandals
THINKING LIKE AN INVESTOR: How to make money off of the daily sex scandals.
"Tens of thousands of years of mating instincts and behavior still exert a powerful influence on us today, whether we want to acknowledge it or not. Many men still want sex and will trade money to get it, while many women still want security and will trade sex to get it." BJ Gallagher, Huffington Post
Men and women's bodies have "natural" differences, we think and behave in some different ways, and our human experience is shaped by the different ways culture and society treat us. One construct that is generally accepted is that "men use power & money to get sex, and women use sex to get power & money." This characterization, along with virtually every characterization, is a broad generalization and exceptions abound. In other words, there are women who are stronger than men. And there are men who use sex to gain power over women, and there are women who never rely on their "sex appeal." But for purposes of discussion and the question I am about to pose, indulge me and let us assume that there is some validity to this premise.
The explosion of sexual harassment and assault cases in the news has put both genders on notice. For each gender the consequences will play out differently. And the effects will change how we each perceive, behave, react and respond. The dynamics will impact many social, cultural, and business settings and situations. What is acceptable for both genders will shift and adjust to the new risks and realities. If we play this forward, you can imagine many changes in our lives.
If we come back to the original premise, that "men use power & money to get sex, and women use sex to get power & money," what changes can we anticipate if we assume this equation is no longer "acceptable?" What do men lose? What do women lose? What do men gain? What do women gain?
The new dynamics will result in changes in the ways that both sexes plan and operate. And those changes will impact people's personal and business decisions. Right now, at this present moment we are so caught up in the scandals and shock, and politics of the day, that we have yet to consider the broader implications.
I can toss out some imaginable changes just to start the thought/brainstorm process:
- Male recruiters/bosses might be less likely to hire an "attractive" women. This could give less attractive women greater job prospects.
- Women will be more likely to report incidents of abuse, which should result in the decreased likelihood of abusive behavior.
- Sexually provocatively dress in the workplace may be perceived differently, which could also effect the fashion and apparel industry.
- Men will seek out new "safer" means of "gaining sex." E.G. Places which offer legal prostitution, pornography, and chat rooms may see increased business.
- Men and woman in relationships may look to spice it up, since excitement from flirtation in the workplace and elsewhere is more taboo and risky.
So now, how do we identify where trends are taking us and figure out how to invest in those trends to make money? This whole subject raises the notion of "trend watching," a subject that I enjoy and have read a few books about.
Change is to entrepreneurs, what oxygen is to a flame. Social and cultural shifts create opportunities for new businesses, products and services. Investors looks for places to put their money where there is greater opportunity. Whenever there are big changes in what is socially acceptable or desirable, there is an opportunity to profit from it. The key is to figure out where, when, and how these changes will impact consumer behaviors.
"Tens of thousands of years of mating instincts and behavior still exert a powerful influence on us today, whether we want to acknowledge it or not. Many men still want sex and will trade money to get it, while many women still want security and will trade sex to get it." BJ Gallagher, Huffington Post
Men and women's bodies have "natural" differences, we think and behave in some different ways, and our human experience is shaped by the different ways culture and society treat us. One construct that is generally accepted is that "men use power & money to get sex, and women use sex to get power & money." This characterization, along with virtually every characterization, is a broad generalization and exceptions abound. In other words, there are women who are stronger than men. And there are men who use sex to gain power over women, and there are women who never rely on their "sex appeal." But for purposes of discussion and the question I am about to pose, indulge me and let us assume that there is some validity to this premise.
The explosion of sexual harassment and assault cases in the news has put both genders on notice. For each gender the consequences will play out differently. And the effects will change how we each perceive, behave, react and respond. The dynamics will impact many social, cultural, and business settings and situations. What is acceptable for both genders will shift and adjust to the new risks and realities. If we play this forward, you can imagine many changes in our lives.
If we come back to the original premise, that "men use power & money to get sex, and women use sex to get power & money," what changes can we anticipate if we assume this equation is no longer "acceptable?" What do men lose? What do women lose? What do men gain? What do women gain?
The new dynamics will result in changes in the ways that both sexes plan and operate. And those changes will impact people's personal and business decisions. Right now, at this present moment we are so caught up in the scandals and shock, and politics of the day, that we have yet to consider the broader implications.
I can toss out some imaginable changes just to start the thought/brainstorm process:
- Male recruiters/bosses might be less likely to hire an "attractive" women. This could give less attractive women greater job prospects.
- Women will be more likely to report incidents of abuse, which should result in the decreased likelihood of abusive behavior.
- Sexually provocatively dress in the workplace may be perceived differently, which could also effect the fashion and apparel industry.
- Men will seek out new "safer" means of "gaining sex." E.G. Places which offer legal prostitution, pornography, and chat rooms may see increased business.
- Men and woman in relationships may look to spice it up, since excitement from flirtation in the workplace and elsewhere is more taboo and risky.
So now, how do we identify where trends are taking us and figure out how to invest in those trends to make money? This whole subject raises the notion of "trend watching," a subject that I enjoy and have read a few books about.
Change is to entrepreneurs, what oxygen is to a flame. Social and cultural shifts create opportunities for new businesses, products and services. Investors looks for places to put their money where there is greater opportunity. Whenever there are big changes in what is socially acceptable or desirable, there is an opportunity to profit from it. The key is to figure out where, when, and how these changes will impact consumer behaviors.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Trump Success Comes From What He Hears
Left critics of President Trump don't support ANYTHING he does, so it is not very shocking that they would go bonkers over his Embassy decision. They say it will hurt the "Peace Process." What peace process? For years Abbas has refused to negotiate and has only sought to undermine Israel in the U.N., which as a body has focused on passing one terrible condemnation after another of Israel while ignoring a multitude of crimes and violations by others.
The Left says the President's decision will "destabilize the Middle East and result in violence." Somehow I failed to notice how stable and peaceful the Middle East has been these past 60 years.
The Left has taken away the wrong message from President's courageous action. Here is what they seem to be missing:
“. . . for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye.” Zechariah 2:12,
“I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse.” Genesis 12:3:
Here is the thing. The Left fails to appreciate that President Trump is not just speaking. Even before he speaks, he listens. Trump is a receiver. He listened to America, and America elected him. And I believe he is listening still when it comes to the Middle East and Israel. The message that Trump delivers to us, is the message he hears. The Left has repeatedly underestimated Trump's voice because they completely discount that he listens.
We can relate the President's action with respect to his decision to move our embassy back to Jerusalem to Numbers 13, in which Joshua and Caleb urged the people to enter the Land of Israel without fear of their enemies. Trump heard this message echoing from the past.
President Trump's action does not hurt or weaken Israel. It protects and sustains it. Nor does it hurt the chances for peace and a safe and secure home for Palestinians. People of all cultures and faiths can prosper and practice their faith in Israel. The only thing stopping them is their hatred.
The President's action confronts the closed mind set of hate. The President's action squares the position of the USA with reality, and forces Palestinians to choose between peace and violence, between love and hate, between prosperity and suffering, between a brighter and a darker future.
President Trump's declaration on December 6, 2017 presents the Palestinians with a choice to make. A choice to see freshly the opportunities that are before them for peace and prosperity, or to see only darkness and vengeance ahead. Their situation is akin to this passage from Deuteronomy, verse 19: "This day, I call upon the heaven and the earth as witnesses [that I have warned] you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. You shall choose life, so that you and your offspring will live"
The Left says the President's decision will "destabilize the Middle East and result in violence." Somehow I failed to notice how stable and peaceful the Middle East has been these past 60 years.
The Left has taken away the wrong message from President's courageous action. Here is what they seem to be missing:
“. . . for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye.” Zechariah 2:12,
“I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse.” Genesis 12:3:
Here is the thing. The Left fails to appreciate that President Trump is not just speaking. Even before he speaks, he listens. Trump is a receiver. He listened to America, and America elected him. And I believe he is listening still when it comes to the Middle East and Israel. The message that Trump delivers to us, is the message he hears. The Left has repeatedly underestimated Trump's voice because they completely discount that he listens.
We can relate the President's action with respect to his decision to move our embassy back to Jerusalem to Numbers 13, in which Joshua and Caleb urged the people to enter the Land of Israel without fear of their enemies. Trump heard this message echoing from the past.
President Trump's action does not hurt or weaken Israel. It protects and sustains it. Nor does it hurt the chances for peace and a safe and secure home for Palestinians. People of all cultures and faiths can prosper and practice their faith in Israel. The only thing stopping them is their hatred.
The President's action confronts the closed mind set of hate. The President's action squares the position of the USA with reality, and forces Palestinians to choose between peace and violence, between love and hate, between prosperity and suffering, between a brighter and a darker future.
President Trump's declaration on December 6, 2017 presents the Palestinians with a choice to make. A choice to see freshly the opportunities that are before them for peace and prosperity, or to see only darkness and vengeance ahead. Their situation is akin to this passage from Deuteronomy, verse 19: "This day, I call upon the heaven and the earth as witnesses [that I have warned] you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. You shall choose life, so that you and your offspring will live"
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Finally, we are getting the kind of economic strength that will "reach into the corners," as I will put it.
Now that Trump is president we are seeing his promise for robust growth and prosperity being delivered. Gone is the slowest recovery in history from a deep recession. This isn't even a regular recovery any more. The "Trump Effect" is like the difference between your regular house cleaning, and those times when you do a really deep cleaning and get into all the corners!
The Millennials, X-generation, and even Baby Boomers in the workforce today are too young to know what it is like to have an economy running above 4% GDP growth, let alone touching as high as the 5-6% Trump promises.
Keep in mind that USA businesses have spent the last 8 years cutting costs and increasing efficiency to get through the Great Recession and tepid growth while trying to maintain margins despite revenue declines. So as growth comes and productivity increases along with capacity utilization, operating/profit margins are going to expand dramatically. Couple this with the soon to be passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and that means we will see historic leaps in earnings retained AFTER taxes, in my opinion.
The implications to all of this is enormous and profound. We can experience effects that we simply have not seen in most folks' lifetime. Here is a PARTIAL LIST OF BENEFITS:
1. INCREASE IN WORKFORCE PARTICIPATION - There are early signs already, even with 3% GDP growth, of the labour market tightening. The unemployment rate of those at least 25 years old without a high school diploma fell to 5.2% last month, down from 7.9% a year earlier. That was the lowest rate recorded to date, US Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta said.
Chronically under & unemployed will be drawn into the workforce by employers desperate for labor and willing to take greater hiring risks to fill needed positions. Offers of training and apprenticeships for low/no skill people will give people who really need a chance a great opportunity to get on the ladder. Couple this anticipated welfare reforms, those who have exploited our system will be forced off the public taxpayers' teat.
The benefit to our economy is two fold and compound. People moving off of tax payer assistance and into the workforce go from being an unproductive drain on our economy and contributors to our national deficit, to productive members of society and contributors to the economy and tax revenue.
2. PHILANTHROPY - Greater profits, greater dividends, greater stock prices, greater bonuses and greater wages will all lead to greater reasons for greater GIVING. I expect we will see increases in philanthropy. Gifts will find their way into all sorts of causes including the arts, science, education, medicine, poverty, hunger, and non-profits of all types.
3. THE GOOD LIFE - As folks feel good about their household wealth, income and job security, they have more desire and means for the finer/funner things in life. This translates into greater expenditures on everything from decorating to travel, from dining out to kitchen renovations with upscale appliances, from jewelry to plastic surgery. As consumers feel better about their household wealth/income they open their wallets and seek ways to express their wealth. Money may not buy happiness but people have not stopped trying! And since the consumer represents 70% of the economy, those efforts create a positive head wind for the economy - which produces spiraling growth with success feeding on success.
4. GENERATIONAL WEALTH TRANSFER - America is experiencing the greatest transfer of wealth in history. Socialists like Bernie Sanders would have been happy to see the government confiscate nearly all of that money through taxes. Thanks to Trump and Republicans that money gets to mostly stay in the families of those who earned and created the wealth. So that money can continue to do what it has always done - ADD TO THE GROWTH OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR WHO PAY THE GREATEST PORTION OF TAXES ALREADY, CREATE THE MOST JOBS, AND DONATE THE MOST MONEY TO GREAT CAUSES. Rather than expanding the size and waste of the government.
5. MONEY FOR THE IMPORTANT AND NEGLECTED STUFF - With money rolling into state and local governments as a result of leaps in revenue, wages, sales taxes, etc, our local needs can be better met. That could a new fire truck, a bridge renovation, modernization of waste and water systems, or any number of overdue and valid improvements that got put off during the great recession and slow recovery. Hopefully our local representatives have learned to be more efficient and smart with our tax dollars these past 9 years. (I'd really like to hear the POTUS announce an increase to the gasoline tax with all revenues applied to infrastructure.)
6. HOUSEHOLD FORMATION AND EXPANSION - When people feel good about the future they take risks. Three of the biggest risks a person or couple can make are to get married, have a baby, buy a home. I am talking big increases in household formation - the core trend for an expansionary economy.
Like any deep cleaning, the place can look and feel great afterward. This new robust economy can produce the deep cleaning America has needed. It can truly "Make America great again!"
Now that Trump is president we are seeing his promise for robust growth and prosperity being delivered. Gone is the slowest recovery in history from a deep recession. This isn't even a regular recovery any more. The "Trump Effect" is like the difference between your regular house cleaning, and those times when you do a really deep cleaning and get into all the corners!
The Millennials, X-generation, and even Baby Boomers in the workforce today are too young to know what it is like to have an economy running above 4% GDP growth, let alone touching as high as the 5-6% Trump promises.
Keep in mind that USA businesses have spent the last 8 years cutting costs and increasing efficiency to get through the Great Recession and tepid growth while trying to maintain margins despite revenue declines. So as growth comes and productivity increases along with capacity utilization, operating/profit margins are going to expand dramatically. Couple this with the soon to be passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and that means we will see historic leaps in earnings retained AFTER taxes, in my opinion.
The implications to all of this is enormous and profound. We can experience effects that we simply have not seen in most folks' lifetime. Here is a PARTIAL LIST OF BENEFITS:
1. INCREASE IN WORKFORCE PARTICIPATION - There are early signs already, even with 3% GDP growth, of the labour market tightening. The unemployment rate of those at least 25 years old without a high school diploma fell to 5.2% last month, down from 7.9% a year earlier. That was the lowest rate recorded to date, US Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta said.
Chronically under & unemployed will be drawn into the workforce by employers desperate for labor and willing to take greater hiring risks to fill needed positions. Offers of training and apprenticeships for low/no skill people will give people who really need a chance a great opportunity to get on the ladder. Couple this anticipated welfare reforms, those who have exploited our system will be forced off the public taxpayers' teat.
The benefit to our economy is two fold and compound. People moving off of tax payer assistance and into the workforce go from being an unproductive drain on our economy and contributors to our national deficit, to productive members of society and contributors to the economy and tax revenue.
2. PHILANTHROPY - Greater profits, greater dividends, greater stock prices, greater bonuses and greater wages will all lead to greater reasons for greater GIVING. I expect we will see increases in philanthropy. Gifts will find their way into all sorts of causes including the arts, science, education, medicine, poverty, hunger, and non-profits of all types.
3. THE GOOD LIFE - As folks feel good about their household wealth, income and job security, they have more desire and means for the finer/funner things in life. This translates into greater expenditures on everything from decorating to travel, from dining out to kitchen renovations with upscale appliances, from jewelry to plastic surgery. As consumers feel better about their household wealth/income they open their wallets and seek ways to express their wealth. Money may not buy happiness but people have not stopped trying! And since the consumer represents 70% of the economy, those efforts create a positive head wind for the economy - which produces spiraling growth with success feeding on success.
4. GENERATIONAL WEALTH TRANSFER - America is experiencing the greatest transfer of wealth in history. Socialists like Bernie Sanders would have been happy to see the government confiscate nearly all of that money through taxes. Thanks to Trump and Republicans that money gets to mostly stay in the families of those who earned and created the wealth. So that money can continue to do what it has always done - ADD TO THE GROWTH OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR WHO PAY THE GREATEST PORTION OF TAXES ALREADY, CREATE THE MOST JOBS, AND DONATE THE MOST MONEY TO GREAT CAUSES. Rather than expanding the size and waste of the government.
5. MONEY FOR THE IMPORTANT AND NEGLECTED STUFF - With money rolling into state and local governments as a result of leaps in revenue, wages, sales taxes, etc, our local needs can be better met. That could a new fire truck, a bridge renovation, modernization of waste and water systems, or any number of overdue and valid improvements that got put off during the great recession and slow recovery. Hopefully our local representatives have learned to be more efficient and smart with our tax dollars these past 9 years. (I'd really like to hear the POTUS announce an increase to the gasoline tax with all revenues applied to infrastructure.)
6. HOUSEHOLD FORMATION AND EXPANSION - When people feel good about the future they take risks. Three of the biggest risks a person or couple can make are to get married, have a baby, buy a home. I am talking big increases in household formation - the core trend for an expansionary economy.
Like any deep cleaning, the place can look and feel great afterward. This new robust economy can produce the deep cleaning America has needed. It can truly "Make America great again!"
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Belief In What You Can't See, and Seeing What You Can't Explain
Before you read my post, to set the context, have a look at this video about the Great Pyramids.
Today 12/6/17, something happened that we don't understand. So many people are convinced they understand President Trump and what is happening. They can not even imagine an alternative possibility -- that there is anything otherwise or greater at play. When will people figure it out?
The builders of the great pyramids of Egypt designed and created structures that mystify us even today. How is that even possible?! Sophisticated modern architects or builders, with today's modern technology, equipment and means, are humbled by even the sight, let alone the specifics of the accomplishments of those who made those amazing structures. Even today, experts about the pyramids acknowledge with as much as they know, still don't understand how they accomplished what they did.
Trump is also hard to understand . .
I am reminded of Jonah. At first Jonah would not go. But, when Jonah turned, and went to Nineveh to declare judgment was coming to the warring and lustful Assyrians, he defied all the odds. But they listened. Because Jonah listened, and what he heard removed his fear.
Trump did not risk the peace because for thousands of years, peace has not existed in the Middle East. For thousands of years the Jewish people in that land have been under assault. Jews living there today, not to mention a large Arab and Christian population, do so with the constant repeated threats of Muslim nations to destroy their country and kill them.
For thousands of years, long before Christianity let alone Islam even existed, that place has been the heart and center of the Jewish people. To this day, Jews still gather and pray at remnants of the Temple that stood, fell, stood, and fell again and spread Jews to all corners of the world. And from that day, Jews, as well as many Christians have prayed for the day when we could stand again to make the declaration which President Trump just trumpeted for the entire world to hear.
Today, leaders from all the nations around the world are speaking out against the one President of the only Nation specifically because he proudly and confidently declared Jerusalem the eternal capital of the State of Israel.
Israel's enemies pledge war for what Trump did in the name of peace. Trump is showing us a new path to peace, because for over 60 years other paths have failed. It is a path which recognizes and respects the claims of the three faiths' of Abraham. Trump pledged that Israel will be a place that guards all people's right to one universal G-d at the birthplace of the Jewish people who brought the world the founding message of the One G-d.
What is happening right before our eyes? What does it take to see it? Could it be that which is not possible, like the great pyramids of Egypt, from Mose's time, is happening right before our eyes and we still don't see it?
“For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, until her vindication shines like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch. The nations will see your vindication” (Isaiah 62:1)
Before you read my post, to set the context, have a look at this video about the Great Pyramids.
Today 12/6/17, something happened that we don't understand. So many people are convinced they understand President Trump and what is happening. They can not even imagine an alternative possibility -- that there is anything otherwise or greater at play. When will people figure it out?
The builders of the great pyramids of Egypt designed and created structures that mystify us even today. How is that even possible?! Sophisticated modern architects or builders, with today's modern technology, equipment and means, are humbled by even the sight, let alone the specifics of the accomplishments of those who made those amazing structures. Even today, experts about the pyramids acknowledge with as much as they know, still don't understand how they accomplished what they did.
Trump is also hard to understand . .
- Never in the history of our country had a person of his senior been elected President of the United States.
- Never in history has a person without any political experience or military service been elected.
- Never has a person so "unpopular" without the support of major elements of the body politic roundly defeated such a large field of the establishment.
- Never has a person married not once, but twice to first generation immigrant women, governed with the active involvement of such a large nuclear family.
- Never has a U.S. President's two closest and most trusted advisers been Orthodox Jews.
- Trump has done things in just 11 months that no President has been able to do in 20x as much time. Transforming our tax code, recognizing Jerusalem and announcing our Embassy move, are extraordinary feats that presidents with the highest political accomplishments could not achieve during even two terms as president.
- Never has a President taken such bold courageous stances for Israel and the Jewish State.
I am reminded of Jonah. At first Jonah would not go. But, when Jonah turned, and went to Nineveh to declare judgment was coming to the warring and lustful Assyrians, he defied all the odds. But they listened. Because Jonah listened, and what he heard removed his fear.
Trump did not risk the peace because for thousands of years, peace has not existed in the Middle East. For thousands of years the Jewish people in that land have been under assault. Jews living there today, not to mention a large Arab and Christian population, do so with the constant repeated threats of Muslim nations to destroy their country and kill them.
For thousands of years, long before Christianity let alone Islam even existed, that place has been the heart and center of the Jewish people. To this day, Jews still gather and pray at remnants of the Temple that stood, fell, stood, and fell again and spread Jews to all corners of the world. And from that day, Jews, as well as many Christians have prayed for the day when we could stand again to make the declaration which President Trump just trumpeted for the entire world to hear.
Today, leaders from all the nations around the world are speaking out against the one President of the only Nation specifically because he proudly and confidently declared Jerusalem the eternal capital of the State of Israel.
Israel's enemies pledge war for what Trump did in the name of peace. Trump is showing us a new path to peace, because for over 60 years other paths have failed. It is a path which recognizes and respects the claims of the three faiths' of Abraham. Trump pledged that Israel will be a place that guards all people's right to one universal G-d at the birthplace of the Jewish people who brought the world the founding message of the One G-d.
What is happening right before our eyes? What does it take to see it? Could it be that which is not possible, like the great pyramids of Egypt, from Mose's time, is happening right before our eyes and we still don't see it?
“For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, until her vindication shines like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch. The nations will see your vindication” (Isaiah 62:1)
Saturday, November 11, 2017
There are opinion polls that rate the President' approval and Congress's approval. By those measures it is fair to say that the public can't stand Trump and hate Congress even more. Trump has an historically bad ranking. I frankly don't care much for those two polls for a few reasons, none of which has to do with Trump's low score. I simply don't think those polls matter much. Here is what does . . .
"Public perception of the direction of the country has been strongly negative for years. In late summer of 2016, the feeling that we were moving in the wrong direction reached the high-60s, while less than 25% felt we were heading the right way. In the most recent polls, 31.1% feel that the country is moving in the "right direction." So the poll is moving in the right direction, even those nearly 70% of the country still does not believe the country is.
The following BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC data are MORE telling than the POLITICAL OPINION POLLS:
- Consumer Confidence
- Business (small, medium and large) Confidence
- Wages and Household Income
- Corporate Earnings
- Labor Force Participation
All of these metrics are doing great since Trump has been elected. And so long as this data continue to improve I could give less than too hoots about the POLITICAL OPINION polls about Trump. The same same pollsters gave the election to Hillary in a landslide.
(If you think the recent November election outcomes in the VA and NJ suggest otherwise, I disagree. But my explanation would get me off into a different set of issues which I simply don't feel like going into here.)
"Public perception of the direction of the country has been strongly negative for years. In late summer of 2016, the feeling that we were moving in the wrong direction reached the high-60s, while less than 25% felt we were heading the right way. In the most recent polls, 31.1% feel that the country is moving in the "right direction." So the poll is moving in the right direction, even those nearly 70% of the country still does not believe the country is.
The following BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC data are MORE telling than the POLITICAL OPINION POLLS:
- Consumer Confidence
- Business (small, medium and large) Confidence
- Wages and Household Income
- Corporate Earnings
- Labor Force Participation
All of these metrics are doing great since Trump has been elected. And so long as this data continue to improve I could give less than too hoots about the POLITICAL OPINION polls about Trump. The same same pollsters gave the election to Hillary in a landslide.
(If you think the recent November election outcomes in the VA and NJ suggest otherwise, I disagree. But my explanation would get me off into a different set of issues which I simply don't feel like going into here.)
What the Hell Is Going On? You Can Figure It Out!
What is happening seems rather obvious to me. It is all coming together. Uranium One, Russian Facebook ads, mysterious Clinton deaths & disappearances, The Dossier, the Trump Jr meeting, Julian Assuage and Hillary/DNC server hacks, Flynn, Montefort, and certain others with certain Russian conflicts of interests. Do the math folks! It is not that hard to see. It is just hard to fathom!
It is NOT a Democrat or Republican "thing!" It comes down to fundamental espionage tactics which can be expressed through the following 7 questions:
1. Who can you buy? (Who is greedy and overly ambitious.)
2. Who can you blackmail? (Garbage collection and creation.)
3. Who can we use their sexual desires to compromise? (Whose horny.)
4. Who is too great a threat to your cover and has to be eliminated?
5. Who can be tricked or fooled?
6. What organizations can we infiltrate and operate from the inside to exploit or steal their assets? (E.G. media, parties, agencies, etc.)
7. What systems can we hack into in order to exploit or disrupt? (E.G. databases, private networks, etc.)
As always, with any good spy story, follow the money and the motive. But don't be fooled by your own bias when it comes to what trails to pursue or signs to read or conclusions to be reached!
What is happening seems rather obvious to me. It is all coming together. Uranium One, Russian Facebook ads, mysterious Clinton deaths & disappearances, The Dossier, the Trump Jr meeting, Julian Assuage and Hillary/DNC server hacks, Flynn, Montefort, and certain others with certain Russian conflicts of interests. Do the math folks! It is not that hard to see. It is just hard to fathom!
It is NOT a Democrat or Republican "thing!" It comes down to fundamental espionage tactics which can be expressed through the following 7 questions:
1. Who can you buy? (Who is greedy and overly ambitious.)
2. Who can you blackmail? (Garbage collection and creation.)
3. Who can we use their sexual desires to compromise? (Whose horny.)
4. Who is too great a threat to your cover and has to be eliminated?
5. Who can be tricked or fooled?
6. What organizations can we infiltrate and operate from the inside to exploit or steal their assets? (E.G. media, parties, agencies, etc.)
7. What systems can we hack into in order to exploit or disrupt? (E.G. databases, private networks, etc.)
As always, with any good spy story, follow the money and the motive. But don't be fooled by your own bias when it comes to what trails to pursue or signs to read or conclusions to be reached!
Friday, November 10, 2017
What Is In Store For Christmas?
It is nearly "that time of year," but first you need to know this . . .
"Under the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act, Congress explicitly named Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and demanded that the U.S. embassy be relocated there or risk losing State Department funding. But the law includes an important caveat — the president can waive the requirement for a six-month period in the name of national security interests. All administrations have opted to waive the requirement every six months, citing security concerns and advice from experts, as well as opposition to Congressional efforts to direct executive control over foreign policy."
As we know, Trump campaigned with a repeated promise to move the USA's embassy back to Jerusalem - in simple terms - to NOT sign the extension. It is a promise I believe he totally intends to keep. Frankly, I expected that he wasn't going to sign the last 6 month extension, which came up for the first time during his presidency back in June.
Trump's excuse for extending the move another 6 months as all Presidents have done for over two decades was "to give the peace process a chance" was reasonable. By the same token, it seems to me that there are more likely underlying reasons. (There always are.)
It is practically inevitable that a large portion of the middle east, and Muslims around the world are going to go apoplectic over the embassy move. As far as Israel is concerned, the most likely ways are outbreaks of violence and terror at "The Mount," from rockets fired out of Gaza and from Lebanon, and with attacks on civilians in the West Bank and Israeli cities.
We know that Israel will use crushing force in a "measured" response to such violence. We also know that no matter how measured Israel's handling is, UNESCO and even certain allies will condemn her. What I wonder most about is how Israel will address threats of and actual aggression coming from Hezbollah in Lebanon. Israel appears to be readying for a major thrust into Lebanon to deal a big blow to Iranian backed Hezbollah forces and bases.
I suspect that the last embassy move extension was less about "giving peace a chance" and more about giving war a better chance. The last extension provided Israel and the USA with important time to plan, arm and train. This was time needed to deploy the new F-35 strike fighter and other new modern systems. Simply put, knowing full well the peace process had virtually no chance, the last six month extension provided crucial time to prepare for war.
What is quite interesting to me is the possibility of a partial connection to what is happening in Saudi Arabia, as far back as the Arab Summit in Riyadh. Israel, the USA, and Saudi Arabia have a common enemy - Iran. I believe the USA and Israel have been working intensely to ensure that should there be an action by Israel in Lebanon, which may also include or draw in its ally Iran, that S.A. stands down, and may even covertly support Israel.
We can't forget about Syria, which is also an ally to both Lebanon and Iran. Without going into details, suffice to say that Syria has for all intents and purposes been neutered by their own internal matters coupled with Israeli strikes against Hezbollah's supply chain from Iran within Syria, and the USA's missile strike against a key Syrian airfield at the beginning of Trump's term.
When you boil this down, a trap is being set for Hamas in Israel, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and potentially for the ultimate target, Iran. We are closing in on the next deadline for it to be sprung - the need for Trump to sign the next extension in December.
Is Trump about to deliver a Christmas gift to both those who elected Trump and Israel, by reaffirming that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel and moving our embassy back? Is this part of what Trump has in mind when he says we will be saying "Merry Christmas" this year. If so, and the gift is delivered by virtue of Trump rejecting to sign the extension, will Israel get what it wished for?
Is Trump about to deliver a Christmas gift to both those who elected Trump and Israel, by reaffirming that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel and moving our embassy back? Is this part of what Trump has in mind when he says we will be saying "Merry Christmas" this year. If so, and the gift is delivered by virtue of Trump rejecting to sign the extension, will Israel get what it wished for?
What do you think?
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
The Price Of Freedom
The Las Vegas tragedy is as much about enforcement as gun laws and here is my personal experience why I believe so.
Several years ago my wife, a dance teacher, purchased costume straight jackets from a Halloween store online to use in a dance recital. As result of that purchase, our home was searched without a warrant and an FBI agent and 2 police officers showed up at our place of business to question my wife in the evening. If that single innocent purchase could trigger such an investigation, how is it that the shooter was not personally investigated at his home?
The police or FBI had every right to probe the Vegas shooter and keep him on a highly suspicious watch. You will see ... there will be loads of red flags by the time this investigation is through. I am confident clues were overlooked and balls were dropped. Just as we found with the 9/11 perpetrators who came from Saudi Arabia who wanted to takeoff but not land, and many of the other mass murderers.
Maybe it is too much to ask, and it is unreasonable to expect authorities to foil every crazy evil person's murderous scheme. But for sure there will be lessons from Vegas that will lead to new training, new procedures and practises to help keep us safe.
Unfortunately we are paying a higher and higher price for the freedoms we enjoy! Evil is exacting a toll on society and our psyche. This includes the relentless verbal assaults on one another by one another via social media and the mainstream media. Even the exercise of free speech is brutalizing us, regardless of one's party affiliation. The other side is quick to dehumanize us with insults, accusations, and just plain contempt.
All of this wears us down. The price of our freedom is diminishing the things that bind our society. A high price indeed. And for some, the cost is too high. For those, the result is fear & anxiety, depression, emptiness, and loneliness. Sometimes, the consequence manifests as rage. When this happens, the response can be suicide, or worse - an act of violence - rage against the machine.
My wife has given me one answer -- turn it off. I expect that will be the next big trend. People need to escape. I know I do.
Several years ago my wife, a dance teacher, purchased costume straight jackets from a Halloween store online to use in a dance recital. As result of that purchase, our home was searched without a warrant and an FBI agent and 2 police officers showed up at our place of business to question my wife in the evening. If that single innocent purchase could trigger such an investigation, how is it that the shooter was not personally investigated at his home?
The police or FBI had every right to probe the Vegas shooter and keep him on a highly suspicious watch. You will see ... there will be loads of red flags by the time this investigation is through. I am confident clues were overlooked and balls were dropped. Just as we found with the 9/11 perpetrators who came from Saudi Arabia who wanted to takeoff but not land, and many of the other mass murderers.
Maybe it is too much to ask, and it is unreasonable to expect authorities to foil every crazy evil person's murderous scheme. But for sure there will be lessons from Vegas that will lead to new training, new procedures and practises to help keep us safe.
Unfortunately we are paying a higher and higher price for the freedoms we enjoy! Evil is exacting a toll on society and our psyche. This includes the relentless verbal assaults on one another by one another via social media and the mainstream media. Even the exercise of free speech is brutalizing us, regardless of one's party affiliation. The other side is quick to dehumanize us with insults, accusations, and just plain contempt.
All of this wears us down. The price of our freedom is diminishing the things that bind our society. A high price indeed. And for some, the cost is too high. For those, the result is fear & anxiety, depression, emptiness, and loneliness. Sometimes, the consequence manifests as rage. When this happens, the response can be suicide, or worse - an act of violence - rage against the machine.
My wife has given me one answer -- turn it off. I expect that will be the next big trend. People need to escape. I know I do.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Fire the Sons of Bitches
O.K. JERKS who are kneeling ... we get it, there is still prejudice in America and there are some bad cops.
The answer to each of these questions is NO -- Of course not!!
Bottom Line - You are just a self-absorbed spoiled jerk looking for an easy way to call attention to yourself with the foolish notion that your protest does one bit of good. Rather than solving any problems in America, your are creating them. And, your protest is demonstrating your obvious disregard for everyone and everything you are hurting, including ALL those who provide you the incredible opportunity to play professional sports.
You Are Idiots - There are numerous other better ways to use your celebrity time and money to truly make a positive difference. But you chose the one way to damage your reputation, your livelihood, and everyone associated with you and your profession. And thus, your future ability to actually do something positive with your God given talents.
The NFL ALREADY has a rule that players stand for the National Anthem and put their hand over their heart. The NFL should pass a simple rule: Stand OR don't play and NO PAY. Employers have the right to do so. The NFL can fine players for dancing after a touchdown, and they certainly can fine them for disrespecting our country and the armed forces. It is perfectly normal for players to get fined for unsportsmanlike conduct. Standing for the National Athem is about as sportsmanlike as it gets. Heck, there is an entire ceremony with a singer, color gaurd and everyone in the stadium standing and taking off their hats.
Last but not least ...
And love him or hate him for it ... but Trump says it exactly the way we would say it. "Fire the sons of bitches" who disrespect our nation on public television.
Furthermore ....
Hard to imagine to a worse time for blacks in America than in the 1800's. And yet black soldiers fought and died valiantly to raise the flag!
No body, even the President, is denying anyone's RIGHT to protest. But there are consequences for bad judgment. For and against BOTH sides. The question is what do we learn?
When you boil it down, I find it hard to imagine that in the final conclusion we do not mostly agree that the National Anthem is one aspect of and moment in America that deserves us pausing to respect our Nation. And, that there are other better times and means of protest.
If one is unhappy with America it is time to HOLD THE FLAG EVEN HIGHER FOR WHAT AMERICA IS MEANT TO BE!
- Surely there are others on the team who are disturbed by prejudice and bad cops, so why are your concerns any more special?
- Does signaling that you are bothered resolve this issue?
- Is anything associated with your team, it's owners, fans, or even your industry, let alone the military and those who served, at fault and therefore deserving of your protest?
- Does hurting your industry's revenue and fan support, along with all those who depend on a living from it, fix the problem?
- Does embarrassing your employer, and annoying a huge percentage of your fans and even many of your fellow teammates and coaches accomplish any resolution to your grievances?
The answer to each of these questions is NO -- Of course not!!
Bottom Line - You are just a self-absorbed spoiled jerk looking for an easy way to call attention to yourself with the foolish notion that your protest does one bit of good. Rather than solving any problems in America, your are creating them. And, your protest is demonstrating your obvious disregard for everyone and everything you are hurting, including ALL those who provide you the incredible opportunity to play professional sports.
You Are Idiots - There are numerous other better ways to use your celebrity time and money to truly make a positive difference. But you chose the one way to damage your reputation, your livelihood, and everyone associated with you and your profession. And thus, your future ability to actually do something positive with your God given talents.
The NFL ALREADY has a rule that players stand for the National Anthem and put their hand over their heart. The NFL should pass a simple rule: Stand OR don't play and NO PAY. Employers have the right to do so. The NFL can fine players for dancing after a touchdown, and they certainly can fine them for disrespecting our country and the armed forces. It is perfectly normal for players to get fined for unsportsmanlike conduct. Standing for the National Athem is about as sportsmanlike as it gets. Heck, there is an entire ceremony with a singer, color gaurd and everyone in the stadium standing and taking off their hats.
Last but not least ...
And love him or hate him for it ... but Trump says it exactly the way we would say it. "Fire the sons of bitches" who disrespect our nation on public television.
Furthermore ....
Hard to imagine to a worse time for blacks in America than in the 1800's. And yet black soldiers fought and died valiantly to raise the flag!
No body, even the President, is denying anyone's RIGHT to protest. But there are consequences for bad judgment. For and against BOTH sides. The question is what do we learn?
When you boil it down, I find it hard to imagine that in the final conclusion we do not mostly agree that the National Anthem is one aspect of and moment in America that deserves us pausing to respect our Nation. And, that there are other better times and means of protest.
If one is unhappy with America it is time to HOLD THE FLAG EVEN HIGHER FOR WHAT AMERICA IS MEANT TO BE!
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Trump Signaled To The World
For all those who thought President Trump's speech last Tuesday before the United Nations General Assembly was a disgrace, I've got news for you. It earned much praise from former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton and others, who unlike the media and critics, actually understand foreign policy.
Bolton was especially impressed by the much-needed paradigm shift in foreign policy proposed by the president. Referring to Trump’s fierce criticism of Venezuela, North Korea and Iran, Bolton stated, “I think it’s safe to say in the entire history of the United Nations, there has never been a more straightforward criticism of the behavior, the unacceptable behavior, of member states."
He also said, “I think these are about as clear an indication as a president can make that he’s not going to live with the kinds of half measures and compromises that frankly for 25 years have marked American policy and led us to the present desperate situation."
Trump's speech signaled that the days of appeasing our enemies and letting them walk all over us are over. Unlike past White House Administration, Trump's is not going to cater to terrible regimes such as Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela like a despondent child who only needs some kind words and a treat to be set straight.
This applies to failed ideologies like socialism as well. Trump delivered the cold and direct truth about the devastation of Venezuela’s once-wealthy nation by the implementation of socialism. Trump nailed it with this line to be remembered, “The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implemented."
Bolton loved that statement: “I tell you, there are a lot of people in the U.N. who have never heard anything like that from an American president." Russian diplomats seized on Trump's speech as possible turning point for relations.
Said one conservative Journalist writing about this historic watershed moment at the United Nations, "Trump set a new tone — one of strength in the face of both evil men and evil ideologies."
Again, Trump has changed the equation. Leaders in nations around the world have a new calculus to have to figure out. Gone are the days of failed predictability and elitist rhetoric. Progressive Democrats and the media elite who can only find trivial points to express their pathetic contempt and criticism, have missed the big picture and the potential for big results which are already evident from Trumps major shift in foreign policy. But I assure you that world leaders recognized Trump's signal that the USA is back to leading boldly from the front. And as much as Trump's critics hate to admit it, our allies are loving it. Because the world is a safer place when we do. Especially on the terms that Trump clearly laid out.
There was plenty of criticism of Trump's speech as well. The most fierce coming from Iran, North Korea, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and late night TV comedians. They deserve each other!
Bolton was especially impressed by the much-needed paradigm shift in foreign policy proposed by the president. Referring to Trump’s fierce criticism of Venezuela, North Korea and Iran, Bolton stated, “I think it’s safe to say in the entire history of the United Nations, there has never been a more straightforward criticism of the behavior, the unacceptable behavior, of member states."
He also said, “I think these are about as clear an indication as a president can make that he’s not going to live with the kinds of half measures and compromises that frankly for 25 years have marked American policy and led us to the present desperate situation."
Trump's speech signaled that the days of appeasing our enemies and letting them walk all over us are over. Unlike past White House Administration, Trump's is not going to cater to terrible regimes such as Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela like a despondent child who only needs some kind words and a treat to be set straight.
This applies to failed ideologies like socialism as well. Trump delivered the cold and direct truth about the devastation of Venezuela’s once-wealthy nation by the implementation of socialism. Trump nailed it with this line to be remembered, “The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implemented."
Bolton loved that statement: “I tell you, there are a lot of people in the U.N. who have never heard anything like that from an American president." Russian diplomats seized on Trump's speech as possible turning point for relations.
Said one conservative Journalist writing about this historic watershed moment at the United Nations, "Trump set a new tone — one of strength in the face of both evil men and evil ideologies."
Again, Trump has changed the equation. Leaders in nations around the world have a new calculus to have to figure out. Gone are the days of failed predictability and elitist rhetoric. Progressive Democrats and the media elite who can only find trivial points to express their pathetic contempt and criticism, have missed the big picture and the potential for big results which are already evident from Trumps major shift in foreign policy. But I assure you that world leaders recognized Trump's signal that the USA is back to leading boldly from the front. And as much as Trump's critics hate to admit it, our allies are loving it. Because the world is a safer place when we do. Especially on the terms that Trump clearly laid out.
There was plenty of criticism of Trump's speech as well. The most fierce coming from Iran, North Korea, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and late night TV comedians. They deserve each other!
Friday, September 22, 2017
My Trip To Touro Synagogue

This Rosh Hashanah my wife and I planned a trip to Touro Synagogue in Newport Rhode Island. Touro is the oldest synagogue building in North America and the only one dating back to the colonial era.
Jews started settling in Newport in the late 1600's. Issac Touro arrived later, and the Newport building was dedidcated during Chanukah in 1763. In August of 1790, George Washington visited Newport for a public appearance to rally support for the new Bill of Rights. As part of the welcoming ceremonies for the president, the Newport temple's President Moses Mendes Seixas, was one of the community leaders honored to address George Washington. Washington's subsequent response letter to Moses Seixas and the Temple, quoting his thoughts on religious liberties and the seperation of church and state, is a remarkable example of both our first President's and our new government's support of First Amendment Rights. Each year Touro Synagogue holds a public reading of Washington's letter as a celebration and pronouncement of religious freedom.
This bit of history provides the context for my trip to Touro Synagogue, but not the reason I chose to do my Rosh Hashanah prayers there. I went to Touro with a particular goal and a personal question. With all the partison political strife in America today, I wanted to be in this setting for the traditional prayer that is given for the United States, and the Armed Forces of the USA and Israel.
There were other special moments. I was touched by Rabbi Mandel's thoughts about Sarah and Issac as they relate to the meaning of a name, and how to view laughter. I was honored to be invited to the Rabbi's home for Rosh Hashanah dinner. During Taschlich by the ocean I was delighted to meet and speak with a special individual, named Simcha, who dreams of being a rabbi. Last but not least, hearing the Shofar sounded on Rosh Hashanah at Touro Synagogue is a quintessential Jewish American experience.
Touro Synagogue is a blessing. Our journey to and prayers at Touro was a wonderful way to start 5778. I hope this story inspires readers to make the trip to Newport and take in Shabbat at Touro Synagogue. Shana Tova u’metuka!
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
The Left Mocks. I Pray.
This New Year, Rosh Hashana, I am praying for President Trump and America in a VERY SPECIAL PLACE. Here is why.
Have you noticed the pattern with Trump and the Left and elite in the media and Entertainment industry?
- Mocked for running for President .... Now even Democrats are embarrassed by Hillary.
- Mocked for warning about voter fraud ... he was right.
- Mocked for saying the IRS targeted Conservatives ... they did.
- Mocked over how he would get the economy to pick up by reducing regulation and creating a pro business climate .... we are breaking out of malaise big time.
- Mocked for wanting to saying he would bring back American manufacters, trillions in overseas profits, and attack our trade imbalances ... he is making progress.
- Mocked for criticizing NATO allies for underpaying ... he was right and they are starting to pay up!
- Mocked for recognizing threats of refugees from certain countries ... look at the horrible problems in Europe.
- Mocked about Russia and collusion ... nearly 9 months and still no evidence.
- Mocked about claims that his Tower and campaign were wire tapped by Obama and the FBI ... it was just exposed that it happened and Clapper lied under oath about, and Comey failed to disclose.
- Mocked that he said the Democrats rigged the Primary ... they did.
- Mocked about his boasts about dealing with ISIS ... his efforts have turned the tide and taken the caliphate.
- Mocked for his position on the failures of the United Nations ... his choice for UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley is rocking their world!
- Mocked for saying there were had guys on both sides at Charlottesville ... now we are seeing Antifa for the anti-American Anarchists they are, and that Obama was warned by the FB I years ago.
- Mocked about his trip to and approach on the Middle East ... Saudi Arabia and Israel are talking! Wow
- And yesterday, mocked for his speech criticizing the failures of the United Nations ... he couldn't be more right.
- Mocked for his handling of North Korea ... China just implemented along with the US and others the toughest sanctions on North Korea in history. It is amazing that China was willing to cripple it's ally financially and it never would have happened if not for Trump.
I could go on. And the list will grow. Because Trump will get needed tax reform done. He will get a better immigration plan in place and improve border security. He will address the failure of Obama care. He will improve the quality and readiness of our national defense. He will deal with threats from North Korea and Iran which have expanded under prior presidents.
Trump is getting things done in spite of a completely obstructionist Democratic party and the mainstream media and entertainment industry, basically the Washington establishment and the Left, thwarting his every move.
Trump beat ALL the odds and all the pundits/pollsters to get elected the 45th President. Imagine if the media and others started to take him seriously and stopped mocking him for wanting to make America greater? Imagine what would happen if rather than wanting to undermine and impeach him, more Democrats wanted to work with him in the spirit of the common good? Imagine how much could be accomplished if we prayed for our President?
I am going to do just that. For the first time in my life I chose to make my Rosh Hashanah dedicated to praying for our President and America. I can not stand the disgusting treatment he is receiving. If G-d had a hand in the creation of America, which I believe, then G-d's hand is on 45. It is a miracle he got elected, he beat ALL the odds to accomplish something no other person has - as the oldest first term president and the first without either any military or political service. He didn't even have the strong support of his political party.
So today, for erev Rosh Hashanah, Mary and I are heading to a Temple with a rich Jewish American history. A temple I have always wanted to learn more about. The Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island, that is the oldest surviving Jewish synagogue building in North America, and the only surviving synagogue building in the U.S. dating to the colonial era, founded in 1763. (National Historic site since 1946!)
And when I pray there at this Temple with such a rich American history, I will be praying that my fellow Jews and all Americans will want their President to succeed, rather than fail. Praying that he be given greater wisdom and understanding rather than being mocked for his stupidity. Praying that he will continue to keep us safe rather than being challenged for his best intentions to keep terrorists out of America.
Touro Synagogue had a special relationship with the President of the United States. One that drew a very special and famous letter from George Washington with the following extraordinary expression,
In 1790, the synagogue's warden, Moses Seixas, wrote to George Washington, expressing his support for Washington's administration and good wishes for him. Washington sent a letter in response, which read in part:
"... the Government of the United States ... gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance. ... May the children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and figtree, and there shall be none to make him afraid. May the father of all mercies scatter light and not darkness in our paths, and make us all in our several vocations useful here, and in his own due time and way everlastingly happy."
Letter of George Washington to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island
Link to Touro website
About my Trip
Have you noticed the pattern with Trump and the Left and elite in the media and Entertainment industry?
- Mocked for running for President .... Now even Democrats are embarrassed by Hillary.
- Mocked for warning about voter fraud ... he was right.
- Mocked for saying the IRS targeted Conservatives ... they did.
- Mocked over how he would get the economy to pick up by reducing regulation and creating a pro business climate .... we are breaking out of malaise big time.
- Mocked for wanting to saying he would bring back American manufacters, trillions in overseas profits, and attack our trade imbalances ... he is making progress.
- Mocked for criticizing NATO allies for underpaying ... he was right and they are starting to pay up!
- Mocked for recognizing threats of refugees from certain countries ... look at the horrible problems in Europe.
- Mocked about Russia and collusion ... nearly 9 months and still no evidence.
- Mocked about claims that his Tower and campaign were wire tapped by Obama and the FBI ... it was just exposed that it happened and Clapper lied under oath about, and Comey failed to disclose.
- Mocked that he said the Democrats rigged the Primary ... they did.
- Mocked about his boasts about dealing with ISIS ... his efforts have turned the tide and taken the caliphate.
- Mocked for his position on the failures of the United Nations ... his choice for UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley is rocking their world!
- Mocked for saying there were had guys on both sides at Charlottesville ... now we are seeing Antifa for the anti-American Anarchists they are, and that Obama was warned by the FB I years ago.
- Mocked about his trip to and approach on the Middle East ... Saudi Arabia and Israel are talking! Wow
- And yesterday, mocked for his speech criticizing the failures of the United Nations ... he couldn't be more right.
- Mocked for his handling of North Korea ... China just implemented along with the US and others the toughest sanctions on North Korea in history. It is amazing that China was willing to cripple it's ally financially and it never would have happened if not for Trump.
I could go on. And the list will grow. Because Trump will get needed tax reform done. He will get a better immigration plan in place and improve border security. He will address the failure of Obama care. He will improve the quality and readiness of our national defense. He will deal with threats from North Korea and Iran which have expanded under prior presidents.
Trump is getting things done in spite of a completely obstructionist Democratic party and the mainstream media and entertainment industry, basically the Washington establishment and the Left, thwarting his every move.
Trump beat ALL the odds and all the pundits/pollsters to get elected the 45th President. Imagine if the media and others started to take him seriously and stopped mocking him for wanting to make America greater? Imagine what would happen if rather than wanting to undermine and impeach him, more Democrats wanted to work with him in the spirit of the common good? Imagine how much could be accomplished if we prayed for our President?
I am going to do just that. For the first time in my life I chose to make my Rosh Hashanah dedicated to praying for our President and America. I can not stand the disgusting treatment he is receiving. If G-d had a hand in the creation of America, which I believe, then G-d's hand is on 45. It is a miracle he got elected, he beat ALL the odds to accomplish something no other person has - as the oldest first term president and the first without either any military or political service. He didn't even have the strong support of his political party.
So today, for erev Rosh Hashanah, Mary and I are heading to a Temple with a rich Jewish American history. A temple I have always wanted to learn more about. The Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island, that is the oldest surviving Jewish synagogue building in North America, and the only surviving synagogue building in the U.S. dating to the colonial era, founded in 1763. (National Historic site since 1946!)
And when I pray there at this Temple with such a rich American history, I will be praying that my fellow Jews and all Americans will want their President to succeed, rather than fail. Praying that he be given greater wisdom and understanding rather than being mocked for his stupidity. Praying that he will continue to keep us safe rather than being challenged for his best intentions to keep terrorists out of America.
Touro Synagogue had a special relationship with the President of the United States. One that drew a very special and famous letter from George Washington with the following extraordinary expression,
In 1790, the synagogue's warden, Moses Seixas, wrote to George Washington, expressing his support for Washington's administration and good wishes for him. Washington sent a letter in response, which read in part:
"... the Government of the United States ... gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance. ... May the children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and figtree, and there shall be none to make him afraid. May the father of all mercies scatter light and not darkness in our paths, and make us all in our several vocations useful here, and in his own due time and way everlastingly happy."
Letter of George Washington to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island
Link to Touro website
About my Trip
Monday, July 10, 2017
When Did Altruism Trump Self-interest?
When did altruism trump Self-interest's? "America first," is emblematic of Trump's "winning" message because it appeals to the "self" in all of us. Many Americans are weary of always worrying about and feeling responsible for taking care of others with our tax dollars, entitlement programs, and the lives of our soldiers.
The larger the "safety net" the democrats create, the more people they bring under their umbrella for entitlements and goodies from Uncle Sam, the more votes they believe they gain. But Democrats are having a big problem because the message of altruism is not winning them elections like it used to. Altruism, this notion that we support our government, so our government can help all the needy people, is wearing thin. As our government debt explodes, people are smart enough today to know that it is near impossible for government to keep all the promises and obligations it has already! So folks are thinking about making more money themselves and keeping more of it. In fact, as the economy picks us, the Democrat's message of altruism becomes even less appealing.
Ironically, it is Trump's "winning" message and all the benefits that come from a faster pace of economic growth, more profits, and higher wages, that will ultimately produce the greatest results in terms of creating better paying jobs, tax revenue, and opportunities for the needy.
This is the beauty of Capitalism. Rather than taking away from others in an effort to redistribute what people have, as a socialist system does, capitalism recognizes that an economy is not a zero sum game. And that it is better to expand wealth rather than focus on sharing it! That is why Capitalism is so successful and Socialism is a flawed and often failed economic system. The vision of success over altruism is winning hearts, minds, and elections.
Capitalism is a blessing, not a curse. Capitalism is what made America great. That is one reason why Trump's campaign slogan "Make AMERICA Great" is so powerful. His short punchy slogans tap into the very essence of the American spirit. Which turns out to also be an America that is better for EVERYONE.
Another reason for why capitalism and America is so successful and powerful is that Americans are also very generous. Philanthropy, the likes of which no other nation on the planet has ever witnessed is going to take place in the coming decades. As BILLIONAIRES like Gates, Buffet, Jobs, and Bezos and many others pass on their wealth to family, as well as causes, they will complete the circle that is inherent in the design of Capitalism. Because ultimately, nobody can "take it with them."
The fundamental difference between capitalism and socialism is that people know better what to do with their money than the government does. The government takes the $1 through taxes and fees, but then it spends $3, two of them wastefully with some lost to fraud and abuse. An entreprenuer will save or borrow a dollar, and turn that into $3, and in the process they will help untold others through job creation, wages, investment, etc. Plus, the business person will still manage to do so despite the fact that local, state and federal government will take more than half of it away. In the end, no matter how many billions of dollars that business person amasses, ALL of it, 100%, is passed on to future generations! Government, on the other hand, passes on DEBT -- and we don't even have good infrastructure to show for it!
In conclusion, to the question, "When Did Altruism Trump Self-interest?" The answer is, IT DIDN'T! Which is one of the many reasons that Capitalism is still the best economic model human beings have ever designed. And why the entrepreneurial spirit flourishes where Capitalism is most efficient and prevalent.
The larger the "safety net" the democrats create, the more people they bring under their umbrella for entitlements and goodies from Uncle Sam, the more votes they believe they gain. But Democrats are having a big problem because the message of altruism is not winning them elections like it used to. Altruism, this notion that we support our government, so our government can help all the needy people, is wearing thin. As our government debt explodes, people are smart enough today to know that it is near impossible for government to keep all the promises and obligations it has already! So folks are thinking about making more money themselves and keeping more of it. In fact, as the economy picks us, the Democrat's message of altruism becomes even less appealing.
Ironically, it is Trump's "winning" message and all the benefits that come from a faster pace of economic growth, more profits, and higher wages, that will ultimately produce the greatest results in terms of creating better paying jobs, tax revenue, and opportunities for the needy.
This is the beauty of Capitalism. Rather than taking away from others in an effort to redistribute what people have, as a socialist system does, capitalism recognizes that an economy is not a zero sum game. And that it is better to expand wealth rather than focus on sharing it! That is why Capitalism is so successful and Socialism is a flawed and often failed economic system. The vision of success over altruism is winning hearts, minds, and elections.
Capitalism is a blessing, not a curse. Capitalism is what made America great. That is one reason why Trump's campaign slogan "Make AMERICA Great" is so powerful. His short punchy slogans tap into the very essence of the American spirit. Which turns out to also be an America that is better for EVERYONE.
Another reason for why capitalism and America is so successful and powerful is that Americans are also very generous. Philanthropy, the likes of which no other nation on the planet has ever witnessed is going to take place in the coming decades. As BILLIONAIRES like Gates, Buffet, Jobs, and Bezos and many others pass on their wealth to family, as well as causes, they will complete the circle that is inherent in the design of Capitalism. Because ultimately, nobody can "take it with them."
The fundamental difference between capitalism and socialism is that people know better what to do with their money than the government does. The government takes the $1 through taxes and fees, but then it spends $3, two of them wastefully with some lost to fraud and abuse. An entreprenuer will save or borrow a dollar, and turn that into $3, and in the process they will help untold others through job creation, wages, investment, etc. Plus, the business person will still manage to do so despite the fact that local, state and federal government will take more than half of it away. In the end, no matter how many billions of dollars that business person amasses, ALL of it, 100%, is passed on to future generations! Government, on the other hand, passes on DEBT -- and we don't even have good infrastructure to show for it!
In conclusion, to the question, "When Did Altruism Trump Self-interest?" The answer is, IT DIDN'T! Which is one of the many reasons that Capitalism is still the best economic model human beings have ever designed. And why the entrepreneurial spirit flourishes where Capitalism is most efficient and prevalent.
Saturday, July 8, 2017
The country is divided between sore losers and sore winners. Losers of a competition experience a wide array of emotions: distraught, depressed, angry, resentful, sad, anxious, like a failure, frustrated, inadequate, cheated, or sometimes, even satisfied and successful. When the loss is to a "sore winner" some of the losers feelings are elevated.
There is too much at stake for our Nation, and even the world. We must find a way to reconcile our differences. But how? Ultimately, there will be a rematch, but that is not a solution. It is simply a chance to even the score, and seek revenge.
I do not believe the answer is by present means the losers are using either. The winner deserves respect for their accomplishment. The loser must find the character to acknowledge the Victor. Taunting and discrediting the Victor, especially a sore winner, only brings out the worst in everyone. That's where we are today with politics -- both parties are so out to win.
From the very start of the Republican's presidential campaign he hit the nail on the head with his three slogans: "Make America Great" and "America is going to start winning again," and "America First." And ever since, the Democrats have been running against THAT MESSAGE! Don't you see the problem? (And they call him an stupid. Stupid like a FOX he is!)
While the Republicans are focused on "America Winning," on the road to future political victories, the Democrats want the Victor's policies to fail, to help justify their future victory. Metaphorically speaking, the sore loser is smashing the game pieces. But those game pieces are things that are valuable to ALL Americans. Do the math and you must be able to see how that works against the Democrats! It's the same equation that cost Democrats the Presidency.
It seems me that the answer is the losers need new coaching. They need new leadership. They need a new attitude. If the Democrats want to win, they have to get in the game. And they have to realize that the competition is not the Republicans after all. The "enemy" is the problems we have in America.
The Republicans are winning everywhere you look because they are in the game. And they have identified the enemies to America's success, and whether you like their solutions or not, they are at least out to win for OUR country. Until the Democrats recognize this, they will continue to be the losers. AS it stands today, many Democrats won't even acknowledge they have a President. And so, Republicans will keep winning.
There is too much at stake for our Nation, and even the world. We must find a way to reconcile our differences. But how? Ultimately, there will be a rematch, but that is not a solution. It is simply a chance to even the score, and seek revenge.
I do not believe the answer is by present means the losers are using either. The winner deserves respect for their accomplishment. The loser must find the character to acknowledge the Victor. Taunting and discrediting the Victor, especially a sore winner, only brings out the worst in everyone. That's where we are today with politics -- both parties are so out to win.
From the very start of the Republican's presidential campaign he hit the nail on the head with his three slogans: "Make America Great" and "America is going to start winning again," and "America First." And ever since, the Democrats have been running against THAT MESSAGE! Don't you see the problem? (And they call him an stupid. Stupid like a FOX he is!)
While the Republicans are focused on "America Winning," on the road to future political victories, the Democrats want the Victor's policies to fail, to help justify their future victory. Metaphorically speaking, the sore loser is smashing the game pieces. But those game pieces are things that are valuable to ALL Americans. Do the math and you must be able to see how that works against the Democrats! It's the same equation that cost Democrats the Presidency.
It seems me that the answer is the losers need new coaching. They need new leadership. They need a new attitude. If the Democrats want to win, they have to get in the game. And they have to realize that the competition is not the Republicans after all. The "enemy" is the problems we have in America.
The Republicans are winning everywhere you look because they are in the game. And they have identified the enemies to America's success, and whether you like their solutions or not, they are at least out to win for OUR country. Until the Democrats recognize this, they will continue to be the losers. AS it stands today, many Democrats won't even acknowledge they have a President. And so, Republicans will keep winning.
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
4th of July Thought ... The Pursuit of Justice
4th of July thought ...
What is a Nation? Is it not a people's pursuit of justice? Think about it. Whether founded in search for a better life, or fought for through revolution, a country is born from the passionate pursuit of our inalienable rights. Rights that we are born with. Rights that in America are protected, not given, by our Founding Fathers.
In Deuteronomy 16:20 it says, "Justice, justice shall you pursue!"
According to one Midrash the Torah begins and ends with an act of loving kindness. According to another the whole Torah rests on justice; and with justice it will end: Not until just judgment has come, on the one hand, for the poor and the meek, and on the other, for the wicked, will it be possible for the wolf to dwell with the lamb. (Isa. 11:4-6)"
"All need love in justice since justice alone would destroy them."
The following verse, from the Rabbinical text Pirkei Avot, the Teachings of the Sages, encapsulates Judaism’s attitude toward pursuing social justice and change in our world.
Lo alecha hamlachah ligmor, v’lo ata ben chorin l’hibateil mimenah.
You are not obliged to finish the task, neither are you free to neglect it.
While we are not expected to single-handedly solve the problems of society, we are responsible for contributing in some way. Our Torah, Talmud and other Jewish texts provide a litany of exact instructions relating to prayer, food preparation and other tasks that are core to the Jewish tradition. Yet we have very few directives on social justice, other than that we should pursue it. How, then, do we respond to our "task"?
The answer, in my opinion, is embodied in the text from Deuteronomy, that is the basis for this post -- by the never-ending pursuit of justice, with love. But this begs the question, what is love? Is a judge to love the defendant? Is a victim to love their assailant?
YES, I say. Love is the ability to empathize, to understand, to be compassionate. I do not want to live in a world that decides on justice without love. When I think of America, I think of Nation with a giant loving heart BORN out of the passionate pursuit of Justice. SO, happy birthday America ... and have a Happy 4th of July everyone!!
What is a Nation? Is it not a people's pursuit of justice? Think about it. Whether founded in search for a better life, or fought for through revolution, a country is born from the passionate pursuit of our inalienable rights. Rights that we are born with. Rights that in America are protected, not given, by our Founding Fathers.
In Deuteronomy 16:20 it says, "Justice, justice shall you pursue!"
According to one Midrash the Torah begins and ends with an act of loving kindness. According to another the whole Torah rests on justice; and with justice it will end: Not until just judgment has come, on the one hand, for the poor and the meek, and on the other, for the wicked, will it be possible for the wolf to dwell with the lamb. (Isa. 11:4-6)"
"All need love in justice since justice alone would destroy them."
The following verse, from the Rabbinical text Pirkei Avot, the Teachings of the Sages, encapsulates Judaism’s attitude toward pursuing social justice and change in our world.
Lo alecha hamlachah ligmor, v’lo ata ben chorin l’hibateil mimenah.
You are not obliged to finish the task, neither are you free to neglect it.
While we are not expected to single-handedly solve the problems of society, we are responsible for contributing in some way. Our Torah, Talmud and other Jewish texts provide a litany of exact instructions relating to prayer, food preparation and other tasks that are core to the Jewish tradition. Yet we have very few directives on social justice, other than that we should pursue it. How, then, do we respond to our "task"?
The answer, in my opinion, is embodied in the text from Deuteronomy, that is the basis for this post -- by the never-ending pursuit of justice, with love. But this begs the question, what is love? Is a judge to love the defendant? Is a victim to love their assailant?
YES, I say. Love is the ability to empathize, to understand, to be compassionate. I do not want to live in a world that decides on justice without love. When I think of America, I think of Nation with a giant loving heart BORN out of the passionate pursuit of Justice. SO, happy birthday America ... and have a Happy 4th of July everyone!!
Friday, June 30, 2017
Could Trump Have Saved The Press?
Let me make a general statement which is not universally true, in order to highlight a serious problem for our Nation...
We live in a Nation in which the media cares less about the facts than they do about getting the perfect sound byte to get clicks. That's because the press is not "free" -- it is paid for by advertising. The media is in competition for eyeballs. Which raises the stakes on the value of a "sound byte" and lowers the importance of the facts. And since the dominance of the Left biased news (CNN, NYT, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NPR,) is 10x the Right biased news (Fox), the pressure within Left biased news rooms is most fierce, which in turn results in organizations that sacrifice journalistic standards, Ala CNN.
The larger problem is that the media doesn't just "report the news." They make the news. They decide what will be the news. As well as how to tell the story. In the process, they are shaping the narrative.
It becomes particularly worrisome and dangerous for our country when you start to think about who this power matters most too. The obvious example is marketers - businesses. They have long been open in their attempt to co-opt the visibility and audience that the media has. We accept that and it is called advertising. But there are darker, hidden forces that seek to exploit the power and influence that the media has to shape opinion. The establishment - the deep state - including the military industrial complex. The people in power in Washington. It is naive not to think that there are efforts by these forces to use sophisticated propaganda methods. It is naive not to believe that the Clinton political machine and the last eight years under Obama political operatives, cronies, and those whose living depends on his policies, have not infiltrated the media at all levels.
Trump deserves credit for starting the expression "Fake news." He has exposed the issue like no other President has ever managed to do. The characteristics that make Trump the most unlikable individual, his thin-skin, narcissism, reflex to punch back in nasty ways, his incessant use of Tweeter to speak directly in an unfiltered and unedited manner to his audience, are the very same ones that made him the first one to stand up to the media the way he has. We can hate him for it. Most do! But there is a flip side. He may just be saving the Nation by exposing just how UN-FREE the press truly is. In the process, maybe we all will start to THINK more. And as a result, maybe the professional journalists and editors who truly care about the important role that the press has will stand-up for greater integrity and standards and objective and balanced reporting.
Let me make a general statement which is not universally true, in order to highlight a serious problem for our Nation...
We live in a Nation in which the media cares less about the facts than they do about getting the perfect sound byte to get clicks. That's because the press is not "free" -- it is paid for by advertising. The media is in competition for eyeballs. Which raises the stakes on the value of a "sound byte" and lowers the importance of the facts. And since the dominance of the Left biased news (CNN, NYT, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NPR,) is 10x the Right biased news (Fox), the pressure within Left biased news rooms is most fierce, which in turn results in organizations that sacrifice journalistic standards, Ala CNN.
The larger problem is that the media doesn't just "report the news." They make the news. They decide what will be the news. As well as how to tell the story. In the process, they are shaping the narrative.
It becomes particularly worrisome and dangerous for our country when you start to think about who this power matters most too. The obvious example is marketers - businesses. They have long been open in their attempt to co-opt the visibility and audience that the media has. We accept that and it is called advertising. But there are darker, hidden forces that seek to exploit the power and influence that the media has to shape opinion. The establishment - the deep state - including the military industrial complex. The people in power in Washington. It is naive not to think that there are efforts by these forces to use sophisticated propaganda methods. It is naive not to believe that the Clinton political machine and the last eight years under Obama political operatives, cronies, and those whose living depends on his policies, have not infiltrated the media at all levels.
Trump deserves credit for starting the expression "Fake news." He has exposed the issue like no other President has ever managed to do. The characteristics that make Trump the most unlikable individual, his thin-skin, narcissism, reflex to punch back in nasty ways, his incessant use of Tweeter to speak directly in an unfiltered and unedited manner to his audience, are the very same ones that made him the first one to stand up to the media the way he has. We can hate him for it. Most do! But there is a flip side. He may just be saving the Nation by exposing just how UN-FREE the press truly is. In the process, maybe we all will start to THINK more. And as a result, maybe the professional journalists and editors who truly care about the important role that the press has will stand-up for greater integrity and standards and objective and balanced reporting.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Have you noticed how often Trump uses the phrase "love my . . ." , or "love our . . . " or some other variation on the expression of love? Without explaining why, I think that is a brilliant aspect of Trump's style and communication technique.
The haters just love to make fun of him. From his skin color, his hands, his hair, and the way he speaks. How many 70+ yr old folks do you know who get up before crowds of tens of thousands of people in stadiums, time and again, and thrill the audience with their vision for leading and changing America?
Straight off the last "White House Tech Meeting" there is another with 25 business leaders to discuss the potential impact of emerging technologies on industrial workers in the U.S.. This time it is featuring firms specializing in 5G wireless and drone-related technologies. Do you have any idea how transformative 5G is and how far ahead of the world 5G will put America and what it can mean for innovation and our lives??
The OLDEST ever elected President has been going non-stop speaking to the people, expressing himself to his social media audience, calling together business leaders, visiting businesses and factories, meeting with Veterans, and police, and labor, and traveling all over the country to get his vision out and lift the confidence of Americans and businesses. He conferred an unprecedented group of Arab nations to condemn terror and isolate Iran. He has gotten China to put real pressure on North Korea. And much more!! In just 6 months!! How can anyone not see the unique leadership talents and energy this person has???
In just six months, Trump had rocked the United States and the World! He has gotten everyone thinking how to grow, compete, operate more efficiently, invest and do better! He has put the attention on security, pro-business, tearing down bloated government, red tape and people living off taxpayers. And he has gotten other countries leaders, some pro and some con on Trump, to rethink the consequences of losing their national identity and values. Everyone is stepping up their game because of Trump. Even the anti-Trump leaders are doing things that positive for the world because of Trump!
I can just here what the Trump haters think about that. To those I say, you just don't get it!
The haters just love to make fun of him. From his skin color, his hands, his hair, and the way he speaks. How many 70+ yr old folks do you know who get up before crowds of tens of thousands of people in stadiums, time and again, and thrill the audience with their vision for leading and changing America?
Straight off the last "White House Tech Meeting" there is another with 25 business leaders to discuss the potential impact of emerging technologies on industrial workers in the U.S.. This time it is featuring firms specializing in 5G wireless and drone-related technologies. Do you have any idea how transformative 5G is and how far ahead of the world 5G will put America and what it can mean for innovation and our lives??
The OLDEST ever elected President has been going non-stop speaking to the people, expressing himself to his social media audience, calling together business leaders, visiting businesses and factories, meeting with Veterans, and police, and labor, and traveling all over the country to get his vision out and lift the confidence of Americans and businesses. He conferred an unprecedented group of Arab nations to condemn terror and isolate Iran. He has gotten China to put real pressure on North Korea. And much more!! In just 6 months!! How can anyone not see the unique leadership talents and energy this person has???
In just six months, Trump had rocked the United States and the World! He has gotten everyone thinking how to grow, compete, operate more efficiently, invest and do better! He has put the attention on security, pro-business, tearing down bloated government, red tape and people living off taxpayers. And he has gotten other countries leaders, some pro and some con on Trump, to rethink the consequences of losing their national identity and values. Everyone is stepping up their game because of Trump. Even the anti-Trump leaders are doing things that positive for the world because of Trump!
I can just here what the Trump haters think about that. To those I say, you just don't get it!
Friday, June 16, 2017
The World Is Upside Down
Let me get this straight...
Democrats believe that Trump obstructed an investigation he was not under for something the Democrats believe Trump did based on no evidence despite over six months of searching. The Democrats primary premise for claiming Trump obstructed justice is that he fired the man Democrats blame for costing them the election by mishandling an investigation into their candidate, after his deputy highly criticized him for how he handled that investigation. The same man who was responsible for maintaining the secrecy of confidential actions of his department, including the news that they say should never have been released that he reopened the investigation of their candidate; the move that they claim cost them the election. And this same man who is responsible for maintaining highly confidential information regarding investigations was also in fact himself leaking private privileged conversations with the President in order to trigger an investigation about why he was fired for the investigation he said he was not conducting.
Oh yeah, another thing. Trump fired Flynn, for lying about conflicts which he should have divulged to the Vice President. Conflicts that would have cost him the position for which he was being investigated. In other words, the President acted swiftly and properly in firing Flynn, even before the final results of the investigation into him.
Have I got it straight? Yup, the world is upside down!
Democrats believe that Trump obstructed an investigation he was not under for something the Democrats believe Trump did based on no evidence despite over six months of searching. The Democrats primary premise for claiming Trump obstructed justice is that he fired the man Democrats blame for costing them the election by mishandling an investigation into their candidate, after his deputy highly criticized him for how he handled that investigation. The same man who was responsible for maintaining the secrecy of confidential actions of his department, including the news that they say should never have been released that he reopened the investigation of their candidate; the move that they claim cost them the election. And this same man who is responsible for maintaining highly confidential information regarding investigations was also in fact himself leaking private privileged conversations with the President in order to trigger an investigation about why he was fired for the investigation he said he was not conducting.
Oh yeah, another thing. Trump fired Flynn, for lying about conflicts which he should have divulged to the Vice President. Conflicts that would have cost him the position for which he was being investigated. In other words, the President acted swiftly and properly in firing Flynn, even before the final results of the investigation into him.
Have I got it straight? Yup, the world is upside down!
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Terrorism ... What Problem?
You know the first step in solving a problem. Identifying the problem. That is what President Trump attempted to start with his recent overseas trip - getting Muslims to acknowledge and own the problem. Unfortunately, all he could get was the Sunni to blame Iran. Shocker. The recent cut of Qatar being one outcome.
Putting pressure on Iran and their Islamic sect is not even half the problem. The fundamental Whabbi Muslim clerics that pull the puppet strings in Saudi Arabia are behind terror and violent jihad in the Middle East, Europe, the USA, and Africa just as much as Iran, their enemy.
The only ones who can solve the problem of terror is Muslim's themselves. All the West can do is try to either imprison or kill the terrorists before they kill us. That may stave off a terrorist incident, but it does not alter the source of the ideology. And until that happens it will take the lives of many more Muslims in the middle east than anyone.
But at least now we have a President who gets it. The "Liberal" in the cartoon below could just as well been Barack Hussein Obama. His apple there never fell far from the tree, or his original preacher. And we all know how well his "apology tour" worked!
Putting pressure on Iran and their Islamic sect is not even half the problem. The fundamental Whabbi Muslim clerics that pull the puppet strings in Saudi Arabia are behind terror and violent jihad in the Middle East, Europe, the USA, and Africa just as much as Iran, their enemy.
The only ones who can solve the problem of terror is Muslim's themselves. All the West can do is try to either imprison or kill the terrorists before they kill us. That may stave off a terrorist incident, but it does not alter the source of the ideology. And until that happens it will take the lives of many more Muslims in the middle east than anyone.
But at least now we have a President who gets it. The "Liberal" in the cartoon below could just as well been Barack Hussein Obama. His apple there never fell far from the tree, or his original preacher. And we all know how well his "apology tour" worked!
Saturday, June 3, 2017
The Madness
Trump has infected the brains of Progressives/Liberals and is driving them mad. Seriously - there must be a legitimate medical term for the damaged mental state people are in. I guarantee you that literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions of American Liberals took personal pleasure in seeing Kathy Griffen's mock photo of Trump's severed bloody head. I have NO doubt that as many view the possibility of his assassination as a positive thing, and only withdraw from the notion of it being a valid solution for removing Trump because Pence would take over. And it would not shock me whatsoever to find thousands who are like Jim Carey, and privately fantasize about killing him themselves.
There is a very large segment of America who are emotionally tormented by Trump. People who can't imagine a way forward for America with him as our President. And who pray or wish everyday that there was a way to end the nightmare they feel our country and they are living. People for whom Impeachment feels like their best hope for coping with a trauma that they can not handle for 3.5 more years. The mere thought that he could win another 4 years is literally too frightening to even imagine.
I bet there are those who know my observation is correct, and my observation fits them, and they nearly want to say so, but are afraid to admit it.
And then there is Hillary Clinton, whose life is a special kind of mental and emotional hell. Karma is serving justice on Hillary.
But KNOW THIS! The media is making a living feeding into this, from both sides. That IS their financial formula. But it is short sighted, and it is no way for a country to function. The media is NOT solving the problem, they are creating it. The media is how President Trump got elected. CNN did NOT destroy Trump, they helped him get elected, and the more biased and despicable they act toward him, the more they expand his base of support. The more they and other elites contribute to the hate, torment, and tumult in America, the more they damage their own credibility and reputation in the end. Such is the demise of Kathy Griffen.
In case you think I am taking personal satisfaction in others torment, let me tell you NO, I am NOT. Well, that is not entirely honest ... because I do when it comes to Hillary. Or, for that matter, anyone who is wishing evil and terrible things to happen to others. But for good hearted people who are troubled, I only wish for a resolution that relieves their stress. As for me, LOL, my prescription has names - Charlotte and Henry, and Mary. God bless our loved ones. And God bless America.
Trump has infected the brains of Progressives/Liberals and is driving them mad. Seriously - there must be a legitimate medical term for the damaged mental state people are in. I guarantee you that literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions of American Liberals took personal pleasure in seeing Kathy Griffen's mock photo of Trump's severed bloody head. I have NO doubt that as many view the possibility of his assassination as a positive thing, and only withdraw from the notion of it being a valid solution for removing Trump because Pence would take over. And it would not shock me whatsoever to find thousands who are like Jim Carey, and privately fantasize about killing him themselves.
There is a very large segment of America who are emotionally tormented by Trump. People who can't imagine a way forward for America with him as our President. And who pray or wish everyday that there was a way to end the nightmare they feel our country and they are living. People for whom Impeachment feels like their best hope for coping with a trauma that they can not handle for 3.5 more years. The mere thought that he could win another 4 years is literally too frightening to even imagine.
I bet there are those who know my observation is correct, and my observation fits them, and they nearly want to say so, but are afraid to admit it.
And then there is Hillary Clinton, whose life is a special kind of mental and emotional hell. Karma is serving justice on Hillary.
But KNOW THIS! The media is making a living feeding into this, from both sides. That IS their financial formula. But it is short sighted, and it is no way for a country to function. The media is NOT solving the problem, they are creating it. The media is how President Trump got elected. CNN did NOT destroy Trump, they helped him get elected, and the more biased and despicable they act toward him, the more they expand his base of support. The more they and other elites contribute to the hate, torment, and tumult in America, the more they damage their own credibility and reputation in the end. Such is the demise of Kathy Griffen.
In case you think I am taking personal satisfaction in others torment, let me tell you NO, I am NOT. Well, that is not entirely honest ... because I do when it comes to Hillary. Or, for that matter, anyone who is wishing evil and terrible things to happen to others. But for good hearted people who are troubled, I only wish for a resolution that relieves their stress. As for me, LOL, my prescription has names - Charlotte and Henry, and Mary. God bless our loved ones. And God bless America.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
All For One - Praying for the President
The world is about to get a lot hotter, but it won't be because President Trump pulls out of the Paris Agreement. The Paris Climate Agreement won't change the climate in a meaningful way. (Click here for an explanation on that.) But NOT signing the Embassy Waiver will rock the world and heat up USA and Muslim tensions around the World!
To sign, or not to sign? That is the question!
Paris Climate Agreement - That's a tough one for political and business reasons, but NOT for climate reasons!
Jerusalem Embassy Waiver - That's a rough one.
It is the 6 month deadline for the required waiver to stave off the automatic move of the USA Embassy back to Jerusalem. What remarkable timing of events. Because it is also Shavuot, the religious holiday when Jews celebrate the anniversary of the gift/acceptance of the Ten Commandments/the Torah. So, on Shavuot, President Trump has a very big decision to make! To sign, or not to sign?
What would the great King David do?
King David was born and died on Shavuot. To King David there would be no question that Jerusalem is the heart center, the capital of Israel. The great Temple in question would stand in all it's glory as a testament to that historical fact. Is it just a coincidence that the decision to sign the "6 month waiver" to keep the USA Embassy from moving back to Jerusalem falls on Shavuot? Is it just a coincidence that the President's daughter and closest council, Ivanka is a convert, like Ruth? (Jews read the Book of Ruth on Shavuot.)
IT all must be Bershert!
Beshert means "inevitable" or "preordained." Is there Divine providence with the Embassy Move? It sure seems to me that there are the finger prints.
But the Rabbi's teach us that there can be more than one beshert, from the choices and actions we take. That is why we must pray for and ask for wisdom to know, and the conviction to make the right choices. That is also why I for one am praying for our President.
I am not praying for the President to sign OR not sign the waiver. I am not praying for him to stay in the Paris Agreement, or to pull out. I am praying for him to receive the wisdom of King Solomon and the courage of King David to make the right decisions. I am praying for our President to succeed! We need our President to succeed. Wishing for President Trump to fail is wishing for America to fail. NO political Party should wish for that!
There are those trying to bring down the President. They are doing it every day in every way. Many are people with an audience, in the news and entertainment. I can not support that. I did not want Obama to fail. And I prayer that Trump does not fail. Israel depends on America's strength. As does the world.
So we all need to pray for Trump! All for one, one for all.
To sign, or not to sign? That is the question!
Paris Climate Agreement - That's a tough one for political and business reasons, but NOT for climate reasons!
Jerusalem Embassy Waiver - That's a rough one.
It is the 6 month deadline for the required waiver to stave off the automatic move of the USA Embassy back to Jerusalem. What remarkable timing of events. Because it is also Shavuot, the religious holiday when Jews celebrate the anniversary of the gift/acceptance of the Ten Commandments/the Torah. So, on Shavuot, President Trump has a very big decision to make! To sign, or not to sign?
What would the great King David do?
King David was born and died on Shavuot. To King David there would be no question that Jerusalem is the heart center, the capital of Israel. The great Temple in question would stand in all it's glory as a testament to that historical fact. Is it just a coincidence that the decision to sign the "6 month waiver" to keep the USA Embassy from moving back to Jerusalem falls on Shavuot? Is it just a coincidence that the President's daughter and closest council, Ivanka is a convert, like Ruth? (Jews read the Book of Ruth on Shavuot.)
IT all must be Bershert!
Beshert means "inevitable" or "preordained." Is there Divine providence with the Embassy Move? It sure seems to me that there are the finger prints.
But the Rabbi's teach us that there can be more than one beshert, from the choices and actions we take. That is why we must pray for and ask for wisdom to know, and the conviction to make the right choices. That is also why I for one am praying for our President.
I am not praying for the President to sign OR not sign the waiver. I am not praying for him to stay in the Paris Agreement, or to pull out. I am praying for him to receive the wisdom of King Solomon and the courage of King David to make the right decisions. I am praying for our President to succeed! We need our President to succeed. Wishing for President Trump to fail is wishing for America to fail. NO political Party should wish for that!
There are those trying to bring down the President. They are doing it every day in every way. Many are people with an audience, in the news and entertainment. I can not support that. I did not want Obama to fail. And I prayer that Trump does not fail. Israel depends on America's strength. As does the world.
So we all need to pray for Trump! All for one, one for all.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
You Can Beat the Odds, But You can NOT Bring Back the Dead
Democrats never accepted the outcome of the election. Like a death, they have gone through the psychological phases of grief. For some Liberal Jews that even included sitting Shiva, as Jews do just after a funeral, or in this case, the Electoral College decision and Hillary's concession speech. Then they went into denial with "not me president." Then they moved to anger, which is where we are to today.
That anger is being channeled into fighting. They are looking for anyway possible to turn the tables - to bring back the dead. But you can't cheat death, and the election will not be reversed. Hopes for evidence that will impeach Trump is wishful thinking.
Once the newly appointed special counsel does his investigation and can not find evidence of either a Russian conspiracy or obstruction of justice, the only question will be whether the Democrats are ready to move on to the next phase -> acceptance.
But let's not fool ourselves. That will never happen. Democrats will never accept the death of the Clinton's political rein, Hillary's failed run for the presidency, or their chance to retake the Senate in 2018! So they are doubling down on Russia. But here is the thing about doubling down . . . You can win big, but you can also lose big! Democrats like their odds. Just like they did going into the election!
If Trump has showed us one thing it is this -> Do not bet against Trump! He loves a good fight - his motto is never quit. And he is nothing if he is not one to beat the odds!
Trump went to Washington against all the odds. And he LOVES a good fight, especially against the left media. And the more the left all gang up on him, the more it will mobilize his base.
Ultimately, the Republicans and Conservatives will come to the obvious reality, that they will lose everything they've worked so hard to win if they don't circle the wagons and rally behind Trump. That is the next chapter in the circus that is Washington DC.
For now, with a special counsel appointed for the Russian conspiracy investigation it sure would be nice to let him do his job, the investigation, while Congress gets back to our countries real problems: An uncompetitive tax structure, a broken and unsustainable health care system, failing infrastructure, unfair trade deals, national security and threats from North Korea, Iran, and Radical Islam, a worldwide refugee crisis, slow growth -- ALL THE ISSUES TRUMP RAN ON AND WAS SENT TO WASHINGTON DC TO ADDRESS!
The Democrats will continue to try to bring back the dead with their double down impeachment bet. And once the Republicans and Conservatives consider want they stand to lose, they will "call" the Democrats double down bet against Trump. That translates into the Republicans and Conservatives regrouping and refocusing their efforts to move their legislative agenda through congress while they have the majority.
With the renewed conviction that will come to the Right, in response to the Democrats efforts to resurrect the dead by killing the POTUS, Trump will again defy the odds. Trump will show again why you do not bet against Trump. Trump went to Washington to serve a purpose -- now is the time to get that purpose done.
That anger is being channeled into fighting. They are looking for anyway possible to turn the tables - to bring back the dead. But you can't cheat death, and the election will not be reversed. Hopes for evidence that will impeach Trump is wishful thinking.
Once the newly appointed special counsel does his investigation and can not find evidence of either a Russian conspiracy or obstruction of justice, the only question will be whether the Democrats are ready to move on to the next phase -> acceptance.
But let's not fool ourselves. That will never happen. Democrats will never accept the death of the Clinton's political rein, Hillary's failed run for the presidency, or their chance to retake the Senate in 2018! So they are doubling down on Russia. But here is the thing about doubling down . . . You can win big, but you can also lose big! Democrats like their odds. Just like they did going into the election!
If Trump has showed us one thing it is this -> Do not bet against Trump! He loves a good fight - his motto is never quit. And he is nothing if he is not one to beat the odds!
Trump went to Washington against all the odds. And he LOVES a good fight, especially against the left media. And the more the left all gang up on him, the more it will mobilize his base.
Ultimately, the Republicans and Conservatives will come to the obvious reality, that they will lose everything they've worked so hard to win if they don't circle the wagons and rally behind Trump. That is the next chapter in the circus that is Washington DC.
For now, with a special counsel appointed for the Russian conspiracy investigation it sure would be nice to let him do his job, the investigation, while Congress gets back to our countries real problems: An uncompetitive tax structure, a broken and unsustainable health care system, failing infrastructure, unfair trade deals, national security and threats from North Korea, Iran, and Radical Islam, a worldwide refugee crisis, slow growth -- ALL THE ISSUES TRUMP RAN ON AND WAS SENT TO WASHINGTON DC TO ADDRESS!
The Democrats will continue to try to bring back the dead with their double down impeachment bet. And once the Republicans and Conservatives consider want they stand to lose, they will "call" the Democrats double down bet against Trump. That translates into the Republicans and Conservatives regrouping and refocusing their efforts to move their legislative agenda through congress while they have the majority.
With the renewed conviction that will come to the Right, in response to the Democrats efforts to resurrect the dead by killing the POTUS, Trump will again defy the odds. Trump will show again why you do not bet against Trump. Trump went to Washington to serve a purpose -- now is the time to get that purpose done.
Saturday, May 6, 2017
《《《《《《《 MARK MY WORDS 》》》》》》》
On Thursday last week Trump announced his first foreign trip as President of the United States. He is going to Saudi Arabia, then Israel, and finally Rome. Dates were not specified, but it has been reported that the trip will take place during the week of May 21.
Trump singled out the first visit to Saudi Arabia, where he will begin his trip, as especially significant. The president noted it was the custodian of the two holiest Islamic sites. His next stop is sure to be Jerusalem. That is where the Trump will Trumpet!
The symbolism of the stops is in itself significant. They represent spiritual centers of three major Middle East religions - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. I believe Trump chose to focus on Saudi Arabia first in order to emphasize Islam's two most holy sites: the Masjib al-Haram mosque in Mecca, and the al-Masjib an-Nabawi "Mosque of the Prophet" located in Medina.
Trump's attempt to show respect to Saudi Arabia may play well with Sunni Muslims. But it won't do the trick for Shia Muslims when Trump's next leg on his journey stops in Jerusalem where the al Aqsa, "the Farthest Mosque" is located in the Old City of Jerusalem. Keep in mind that the Old City was united with East Jerusalem as a result of the Six-Day War!
Trump's final stop in Rome and the Vatican is playing to his personal beliefs, and Catholics around the world. His ridiculous comment during the announcement last week about "his Cardinals" was a poorly worded phrase, but it was still an obvious reference to Catholicism. Of course, Jerusalem has more significance to Christianity at large than the Vatican, and so I think Trump's decision to visit Rome as his final stop is as important to Trump personally as it is to Catholics as a major sub-group of Christians.
The BIGGEST SYMBOLIC FEATURE of his trip that is built into President Trump's announcement last Thursday, WITHOUT EVEN A MERE MENTION, will be what ROCKS THE WORLD!
Yom Yerushalayim begins at sundown on Tue, 23 May 2017. Jerusalem Day (Hebrew: יום ירושלים, Yom Yerushalayim). It is an Israeli national holiday commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem and the establishment of Israeli control over the Old City in June 1967. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel declared Jerusalem Day a minor religious holiday to thank God for victory in the Six-Day War and for answering the 2,000-year-old prayer of "Next Year in Jerusalem".
This is what I expect Trump to Trumpet. On Yom Yerushalayim, or perhaps the day before, President Trump will announce that he is NOT signing the NECESSARY waiver to keep the USA Embassy from moving back to Jerusalem through an act of Congress in 1995!! By not signing the "waiver" the President is defacto moving the USA Embassy back to Jerusalem, where it was prior to the Six-Day War. THAT IS THE DAY WHEN THE BATTLE BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL BEGINS.
The President's FUTURE EMBASSY RELOCATION announcement will cause all ALL HELL TO BREAKOUT AT THE DOME OF THE ROCK, the place that most of the Muslim world regards as the third most holy sight, built on top of the Israelite Temple ruins in the Old City section of Jerusalem. Predictably, violent protests will erupt on the Temple Mount and in the West Bank. In all likelihood crazy attacks on Israel will be launched from Gaza by Hamas and Lebanon by Hezbollah.
Trump HOPES his diplomacy in Saudi Arabia will keep them out of the fray. It very well may. With the aid of his son-in-law Jared Kushner even before Rex Tillerson's confirmation, Trump has been making major efforts to neutralize Saudi Arabia since taking office. Most recently in April with the Royal family's visit and private talks at the Whitehouse. What's in it for the Saudis, one might wonder. I think the answer is what the President's trip will mean for Iran!!
The price to Iran will be delivered by ISRAEL'S Defense Forces when they use Yom Yerushalyim as a great rallying call to put down the massive Shia uprising which I expect will result from President Trump's announcement. It is quite possible that Israel will also make a strike on Iran's ballistic missile sites and other key targets that are a threat to Israel at this time too. This may happen even if Iran does not provoke Israel, but will almost surely happen if Iran lends any support, even verbal, to the Shia attackers/protesters. It is hard to imagine that Iran will stay out of it. Inevitable verbal threats against Israel, as well as calls for worldwide Jihad are to bound to be preached by the Ayatollahs and Clerics.
Unlike the Six-Day War that Yom Yerushalayim marks, during which Israel overcame attacks from all sides and multiple Arab nations, this time I pray, the conflict will isolate Iran, and it's proxy Lebanon, and more specifically Hezbollah!
Rhetoric coming out of leaders in Israel indicate that in the next conflict, Israel is going to be taking off the gloves with Hezbollah as well as Hamas in Gaza and the West back. Israeli police and military could be far more aggressive than we have seen in several decades. I can imagine Bibi saying "this is for you Yonatan" in his prayers. (My Jewish friends should recognize the double meaning of my remark.)
Trump and Israel have laid a lot diplomatic track down the last "100 Days" in order to provide Israel the ability to focus it's defense forces and plan it's strategies & tactics. I even think that North Korea, along with other prominent stories in media, have helped to draw attention away from what is being planned behind the scenes -- the heavy diplomatic and military maneuvering that is going on to set the stage for what is about to happen. For example, Israel has been equipped and trained to fly the USA's newest F35 strike fighter. They even battle tested them (during Purim) in preemptive raids on Syrian weapons depots and the supply chain for Hezbollah in Lebanon. Israel also tested their new Iron Dome missile defense system
Syria posses little threat at this time. Several pre-emptive military strikes by Israel over the last two months have gone unanswered. Plus, years of civil war leave Syria in no position to take military action against Israel. In fact, many of those wounded in Syria are being treated in Israeli hospitals.
Even before the Election, Trump has been signaling Putin that Russia's relations with the USA need to improve. Once in office and as soon Trump could his top diplomat confirmed, active diplomacy began with Secretary of State Tillerson taking a major trip to Russia, which he just wrapped up. Israel is on excellent terms with Putin and Russia. The two countries have very strong diplomatic and economic ties. Russia has no desire to pick a fight with Israel. And I don't see it helping it's ally Iran.
With respect to Jordan, I have to believe Trump sought and received assurances to "Stand Down" from Jordan's King last month, during his trip to the White House.
Egypt probably has the best diplomatic and economic relations with Israel, so do not expect them to get involved. They will be dealing with their own internal anti-Israel anti-Sunni protesters when all this happens! And, probably taking the opportunity to use events as a distraction for some brutal force against Shia Iran supporters.
Like during the Six-Day War, the United States has Israel's back. Recent military actions and displays send a strong signal to anyone needing it, that the arm of the US Military reaches around the world. Examples include 59 Tomahawk cruise missile attack on the Syrian airbase, the MOAB dropped on ISIS caves in Afghanistan, and the two successful long-range Minute-Man Ballistic missile tests.
Yes, I think the Trump is about to Trumpet, THIS YEAR IN JERUSALEM!
This is a topic I have said much about previously. Here are some of my previous related blog posts:
Time for the Gallows
This May Make the Arab Spring Look Like Nothing
Countdown to Purim
Trump Has Gone Radio Silent
Radical Departure From Radical Islam
《《《《《《《 MARK MY WORDS 》》》》》》》
On Thursday last week Trump announced his first foreign trip as President of the United States. He is going to Saudi Arabia, then Israel, and finally Rome. Dates were not specified, but it has been reported that the trip will take place during the week of May 21.
Trump singled out the first visit to Saudi Arabia, where he will begin his trip, as especially significant. The president noted it was the custodian of the two holiest Islamic sites. His next stop is sure to be Jerusalem. That is where the Trump will Trumpet!
The symbolism of the stops is in itself significant. They represent spiritual centers of three major Middle East religions - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. I believe Trump chose to focus on Saudi Arabia first in order to emphasize Islam's two most holy sites: the Masjib al-Haram mosque in Mecca, and the al-Masjib an-Nabawi "Mosque of the Prophet" located in Medina.
Trump's attempt to show respect to Saudi Arabia may play well with Sunni Muslims. But it won't do the trick for Shia Muslims when Trump's next leg on his journey stops in Jerusalem where the al Aqsa, "the Farthest Mosque" is located in the Old City of Jerusalem. Keep in mind that the Old City was united with East Jerusalem as a result of the Six-Day War!
Trump's final stop in Rome and the Vatican is playing to his personal beliefs, and Catholics around the world. His ridiculous comment during the announcement last week about "his Cardinals" was a poorly worded phrase, but it was still an obvious reference to Catholicism. Of course, Jerusalem has more significance to Christianity at large than the Vatican, and so I think Trump's decision to visit Rome as his final stop is as important to Trump personally as it is to Catholics as a major sub-group of Christians.
The BIGGEST SYMBOLIC FEATURE of his trip that is built into President Trump's announcement last Thursday, WITHOUT EVEN A MERE MENTION, will be what ROCKS THE WORLD!
Yom Yerushalayim begins at sundown on Tue, 23 May 2017. Jerusalem Day (Hebrew: יום ירושלים, Yom Yerushalayim). It is an Israeli national holiday commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem and the establishment of Israeli control over the Old City in June 1967. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel declared Jerusalem Day a minor religious holiday to thank God for victory in the Six-Day War and for answering the 2,000-year-old prayer of "Next Year in Jerusalem".
This is what I expect Trump to Trumpet. On Yom Yerushalayim, or perhaps the day before, President Trump will announce that he is NOT signing the NECESSARY waiver to keep the USA Embassy from moving back to Jerusalem through an act of Congress in 1995!! By not signing the "waiver" the President is defacto moving the USA Embassy back to Jerusalem, where it was prior to the Six-Day War. THAT IS THE DAY WHEN THE BATTLE BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL BEGINS.
The President's FUTURE EMBASSY RELOCATION announcement will cause all ALL HELL TO BREAKOUT AT THE DOME OF THE ROCK, the place that most of the Muslim world regards as the third most holy sight, built on top of the Israelite Temple ruins in the Old City section of Jerusalem. Predictably, violent protests will erupt on the Temple Mount and in the West Bank. In all likelihood crazy attacks on Israel will be launched from Gaza by Hamas and Lebanon by Hezbollah.
Trump HOPES his diplomacy in Saudi Arabia will keep them out of the fray. It very well may. With the aid of his son-in-law Jared Kushner even before Rex Tillerson's confirmation, Trump has been making major efforts to neutralize Saudi Arabia since taking office. Most recently in April with the Royal family's visit and private talks at the Whitehouse. What's in it for the Saudis, one might wonder. I think the answer is what the President's trip will mean for Iran!!
The price to Iran will be delivered by ISRAEL'S Defense Forces when they use Yom Yerushalyim as a great rallying call to put down the massive Shia uprising which I expect will result from President Trump's announcement. It is quite possible that Israel will also make a strike on Iran's ballistic missile sites and other key targets that are a threat to Israel at this time too. This may happen even if Iran does not provoke Israel, but will almost surely happen if Iran lends any support, even verbal, to the Shia attackers/protesters. It is hard to imagine that Iran will stay out of it. Inevitable verbal threats against Israel, as well as calls for worldwide Jihad are to bound to be preached by the Ayatollahs and Clerics.
Unlike the Six-Day War that Yom Yerushalayim marks, during which Israel overcame attacks from all sides and multiple Arab nations, this time I pray, the conflict will isolate Iran, and it's proxy Lebanon, and more specifically Hezbollah!
Rhetoric coming out of leaders in Israel indicate that in the next conflict, Israel is going to be taking off the gloves with Hezbollah as well as Hamas in Gaza and the West back. Israeli police and military could be far more aggressive than we have seen in several decades. I can imagine Bibi saying "this is for you Yonatan" in his prayers. (My Jewish friends should recognize the double meaning of my remark.)
Trump and Israel have laid a lot diplomatic track down the last "100 Days" in order to provide Israel the ability to focus it's defense forces and plan it's strategies & tactics. I even think that North Korea, along with other prominent stories in media, have helped to draw attention away from what is being planned behind the scenes -- the heavy diplomatic and military maneuvering that is going on to set the stage for what is about to happen. For example, Israel has been equipped and trained to fly the USA's newest F35 strike fighter. They even battle tested them (during Purim) in preemptive raids on Syrian weapons depots and the supply chain for Hezbollah in Lebanon. Israel also tested their new Iron Dome missile defense system
Syria posses little threat at this time. Several pre-emptive military strikes by Israel over the last two months have gone unanswered. Plus, years of civil war leave Syria in no position to take military action against Israel. In fact, many of those wounded in Syria are being treated in Israeli hospitals.
Even before the Election, Trump has been signaling Putin that Russia's relations with the USA need to improve. Once in office and as soon Trump could his top diplomat confirmed, active diplomacy began with Secretary of State Tillerson taking a major trip to Russia, which he just wrapped up. Israel is on excellent terms with Putin and Russia. The two countries have very strong diplomatic and economic ties. Russia has no desire to pick a fight with Israel. And I don't see it helping it's ally Iran.
With respect to Jordan, I have to believe Trump sought and received assurances to "Stand Down" from Jordan's King last month, during his trip to the White House.
Egypt probably has the best diplomatic and economic relations with Israel, so do not expect them to get involved. They will be dealing with their own internal anti-Israel anti-Sunni protesters when all this happens! And, probably taking the opportunity to use events as a distraction for some brutal force against Shia Iran supporters.
Like during the Six-Day War, the United States has Israel's back. Recent military actions and displays send a strong signal to anyone needing it, that the arm of the US Military reaches around the world. Examples include 59 Tomahawk cruise missile attack on the Syrian airbase, the MOAB dropped on ISIS caves in Afghanistan, and the two successful long-range Minute-Man Ballistic missile tests.
Yes, I think the Trump is about to Trumpet, THIS YEAR IN JERUSALEM!
This is a topic I have said much about previously. Here are some of my previous related blog posts:
Time for the Gallows
This May Make the Arab Spring Look Like Nothing
Countdown to Purim
Trump Has Gone Radio Silent
Radical Departure From Radical Islam
Monday, May 1, 2017
The Far Sides Increasing the Divide
Great move by President Trump not to be at the White House Correspondents Dinner. What a terrific juxtaposition in images.
In one image you have the President with middle class Americans and middle America blue collar workers celebrating his actions and plans for making America greater, safer and more prosperous. And in the OTHER image you have smug jokesters and vengeful biased media, dressed in tuxedos and jewels at a highbrow dinner in the heart of the D.C. swamp with an agenda to discredit and mock that very effort. Sadly, those two images tell you everything you need to know about Washington today.
In America there is the majority Party sent to Washington, as well as the vast majority of State Capitals, to lead. And, then there is the other Party that is determined to undermine that leadership.
It is incumbent on both of parties to seek some basis for compromise. On the other hand, if the party in leadership continues to be treated the way that the minority party and the media are acting, then Leadership must act to fulfill it's promise to those who put them in power. That is just the way it works, for better or worse.
It is not in the LONG term interests for a country to be unable to address large problems that require LONG term vision and policies, to be changing course again and again.
Such is the damaging effects of partisanship, which George Washington warned us of. That is what is happening, and so we will continue to get this whipsaw pendulum political atmosphere in which the far sides of policy and politics increases the divide in America.
People continue to move to the far side of their respective parties. It is becoming harder and harder to move to the middle, especially with the media and celebrities being so predominately far left and continuing to fan the flames as they did at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Also, there is nearly fascist treatment by far left faculty on college campuses that continue to block free speech from the right and in turn are motivating the rise of young Republican and conservative student audiences. With such fascist like behavior, one can be shocked but should not surprised by the rise in violence.
The Democrats would do well to recall George Washington's advice to Alexander Hamilton who found himself in the minority in Congress. Essentially, Washington told Hamilton to work it out - to compromise. And so should the Republicans the next time they find themselves in a minority.
Or, have we become so philosophically divided that we are unable recognize shared underlying values? That truly would threaten the great American experiment our Founding Fathers started.
I am an optimist. But I have evidence that America can withstand this test, because we withstood an even greater test, under a Republican President no less, named Abraham. If America will remember the Judea-Christian values we were founded under we will survive. If we forget, then we truly are lost!
In one image you have the President with middle class Americans and middle America blue collar workers celebrating his actions and plans for making America greater, safer and more prosperous. And in the OTHER image you have smug jokesters and vengeful biased media, dressed in tuxedos and jewels at a highbrow dinner in the heart of the D.C. swamp with an agenda to discredit and mock that very effort. Sadly, those two images tell you everything you need to know about Washington today.
In America there is the majority Party sent to Washington, as well as the vast majority of State Capitals, to lead. And, then there is the other Party that is determined to undermine that leadership.
It is incumbent on both of parties to seek some basis for compromise. On the other hand, if the party in leadership continues to be treated the way that the minority party and the media are acting, then Leadership must act to fulfill it's promise to those who put them in power. That is just the way it works, for better or worse.
It is not in the LONG term interests for a country to be unable to address large problems that require LONG term vision and policies, to be changing course again and again.
Such is the damaging effects of partisanship, which George Washington warned us of. That is what is happening, and so we will continue to get this whipsaw pendulum political atmosphere in which the far sides of policy and politics increases the divide in America.
People continue to move to the far side of their respective parties. It is becoming harder and harder to move to the middle, especially with the media and celebrities being so predominately far left and continuing to fan the flames as they did at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Also, there is nearly fascist treatment by far left faculty on college campuses that continue to block free speech from the right and in turn are motivating the rise of young Republican and conservative student audiences. With such fascist like behavior, one can be shocked but should not surprised by the rise in violence.
The Democrats would do well to recall George Washington's advice to Alexander Hamilton who found himself in the minority in Congress. Essentially, Washington told Hamilton to work it out - to compromise. And so should the Republicans the next time they find themselves in a minority.
Or, have we become so philosophically divided that we are unable recognize shared underlying values? That truly would threaten the great American experiment our Founding Fathers started.
I am an optimist. But I have evidence that America can withstand this test, because we withstood an even greater test, under a Republican President no less, named Abraham. If America will remember the Judea-Christian values we were founded under we will survive. If we forget, then we truly are lost!
Saturday, April 29, 2017
First 100 Days
In ONLY 100 days ...
- Moscow is ready to cooperate with the United States on settling the Syrian crisis, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Saturday, Russian news agencies reported.
- China is cooperating and putting the screws on North Korea.
- The UN Secretary and Euro countries are getting UN Ambassador Haley and Trumps message loud and clear about unfair treatment of Israel. And relations with Israel have never been better!
- The glory days of Hamas, Hezbollah, and ISIS are OVER! And Israel and USA security are much better for it. Europe has gotten the message on the costs of radical Islam in their midst - and the world has started to realize that the only way to solve the refugee crisis is for the refugees to be able to go home to start rebuilding their countries!
- NATO countries have agreed they need to step up to their fair share on defense.
- Unfair trade deals and treaties are being renegotiated. And American manufacturing is coming back.
- Our absurd tax rates and structure is being overhauled. We will go from being one of the least competitive countries to one of the more.
- The unsustainable giant entitlement ACA is near repeal, while better designs for lowering health care costs are being re imagined.
- Plans to raise our failing infrastructure are around the corner.
- The gigantic volume of over regulation which was put in place over the last eight years is being evaluated and unraveled, causing historic leaps in business and consumer confidence and markets. Big increases in business investment and GDP are inevitable.
- Rather than damaging our energy self-sufficiency options and potential, America is on it's way toward greater energy self-sufficiency and massive export revenues, and the benefits of national security that comes with greater energy independence!
- Trump has welcomed many international leaders to the Whitehouse with positive results.
- We are starting to see wage growth and less UNDER employment.
- We are going to stop forcing people who have a moral or religious belief against abortion to contribute their Federal tax dollars to fund them.
More is to come, and I could go on with the progress in the first 100 day, but it won't matter TO THE LEFT! Because to the haters, Trump has done nothing or worse, and no matter what he does they will hate him for it. Fortunately, both Houses and the majority of governors know why they were elected, and it surely was not the agenda of the past 8 years!
Obama promised hope and change. Trump is delivering on his promises, and as a result we are getting LONG overdue changes to be hopeful about.
The Left answers with Russian conspiracy theories, obsession with Trump's tax return even after one year's illegally leaked release showed Trump paid more than most Presidents, and violent efforts to restrain free speech and united obstruction in Congress.
While Trump IS making America greater, the Left is looking for him to fail. The Left would rather for America to be in a disastrous situation than for Trump to succeed. Their mantra is as UN-American as it can get -> "Not My President."
- Moscow is ready to cooperate with the United States on settling the Syrian crisis, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Saturday, Russian news agencies reported.
- China is cooperating and putting the screws on North Korea.
- The UN Secretary and Euro countries are getting UN Ambassador Haley and Trumps message loud and clear about unfair treatment of Israel. And relations with Israel have never been better!
- The glory days of Hamas, Hezbollah, and ISIS are OVER! And Israel and USA security are much better for it. Europe has gotten the message on the costs of radical Islam in their midst - and the world has started to realize that the only way to solve the refugee crisis is for the refugees to be able to go home to start rebuilding their countries!
- NATO countries have agreed they need to step up to their fair share on defense.
- Unfair trade deals and treaties are being renegotiated. And American manufacturing is coming back.
- Our absurd tax rates and structure is being overhauled. We will go from being one of the least competitive countries to one of the more.
- The unsustainable giant entitlement ACA is near repeal, while better designs for lowering health care costs are being re imagined.
- Plans to raise our failing infrastructure are around the corner.
- The gigantic volume of over regulation which was put in place over the last eight years is being evaluated and unraveled, causing historic leaps in business and consumer confidence and markets. Big increases in business investment and GDP are inevitable.
- Rather than damaging our energy self-sufficiency options and potential, America is on it's way toward greater energy self-sufficiency and massive export revenues, and the benefits of national security that comes with greater energy independence!
- Trump has welcomed many international leaders to the Whitehouse with positive results.
- We are starting to see wage growth and less UNDER employment.
- We are going to stop forcing people who have a moral or religious belief against abortion to contribute their Federal tax dollars to fund them.
More is to come, and I could go on with the progress in the first 100 day, but it won't matter TO THE LEFT! Because to the haters, Trump has done nothing or worse, and no matter what he does they will hate him for it. Fortunately, both Houses and the majority of governors know why they were elected, and it surely was not the agenda of the past 8 years!
Obama promised hope and change. Trump is delivering on his promises, and as a result we are getting LONG overdue changes to be hopeful about.
The Left answers with Russian conspiracy theories, obsession with Trump's tax return even after one year's illegally leaked release showed Trump paid more than most Presidents, and violent efforts to restrain free speech and united obstruction in Congress.
While Trump IS making America greater, the Left is looking for him to fail. The Left would rather for America to be in a disastrous situation than for Trump to succeed. Their mantra is as UN-American as it can get -> "Not My President."
Sunday, April 23, 2017
The Real Inconvenient Truth
What if Obama and the scientists got it wrong? Is it possible that the best thing that could have happened for CO2 emissions and handling climate change is for Trump to have replaced Obama?
In his presidential nomination victory speech, Obama said:
"I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow ..."
Based on the facts, Obama's prediction did not work out. I give him credit for trying - but only because it certainly proved to be an effective campaign strategy. Unfortunately, if anything, according to the data, sea levels are rising faster in this past decade.
Science was right about CO2 emissions, they are definitely on the rise, accelerating rapidly during President Obama's term:
How could it be that we are better off with Trump? Here are a few possibilities:
1. During Obama, regulations have inhibited the construction of pipelines. Oil and gas has to be distributed, so a greater percentage is going by truck and rails. That is despite the fact the pipelines are proven to be safer and more efficient.
In addition, building new natural gas pipelines will help electric plants and manufacturers convert away from less clean fossil fuels. Plus, as America begins to export more of our plentiful natural gas, other countries can rely less on dirty coal, and America will yield giant financial benefits to boot!
2. Nuclear power is 8000 times more efficient than oil.
Nuclear power can be produced more safely and efficiently than ever. Yet, as the chart below shows, our usage has dramatically flattened off because it is nearly impossible to bring newer and safer nuclear plants into production. So we continue to rely on less safe plants built 40+ years ago. If we want to see a dramatic reduction in fossil fuel use we might want to be more open to the benefits of more modern nuclear plants. Unlike Obama who picked winners and losers, with Trump, all energy options are on the table.
3. The problem is consumption. Americans are energy pigs! We drive more, shower more, live in bigger houses, and consume more than other countries. We are voracious users of electricity.
We need to conserve! Everyone can do their part. I have changed all my lights to LED, installed a solar system, and replaced my older less efficient oil furnace to the highest efficiency German made unit on the market. I keep my house cooler in the winter and warmer in the summer. I recycle my entire garbage stream. And I carpool 3 days a week. (Even though Mary wishes she could drive alone so she didn't have to listen to my politics.)
The problem is that no matter how much America conserves, we can not solve the problem of CO2 alone.
America is a big part of the CO2 problem. But, as we have lost manufacturing jobs to other countries like China, because of their cheaper labor and more lax regulations, those countries are becoming bigger producers of CO2. Bringing manufacturing back to the USA, as Trump seeks to do, is better for American jobs and better for the planet, because America is a cleaner producer.
4. America will use less fossil fuels if we improve our infrastructure. Sitting in traffic and on runways costs Americans billions of dollars in lost productivity and wastes enormous amounts of energy, and produces more CO2! President Trump seeks to cut through the regulations that make building new roads, wider and safer bridges, better airports, and faster rail possible. Coupled with Trump's proposal to invest a trillion dollars on such infrastructure, Trump wants to be the best thing to happen to USA infrastructure, using USA steel!
One of the best things America can to do is overhaul our energy grid to make it safer from terrorist and hacker threats and more efficient. A better grid can save America 10% or much more in energy. Expect biggly announcements regarding our electricity distribution network during the Trump term.
5. Remember "Peak Oil?" Yeah, that prevalent miscalculation was undone by innovation, technology, entrepreneurship, and free markets. These forces have a long history of solving big problems. LED bulbs versus incandescent. Advances in solar, wind, and wave energy efficiency, Smart grids, Carbon capture, and other rapidly emerging technologies can change the equation. Countries like Israel and Japan have tapped the greatest source of energy - the human mind. The best potential for dealing with climate challenges is to unleash human innovation.
The real "Inconvenient Truth" is not what most people are talking about! Here is the larger issue and why I believe the critical problem we are going to need to deal with is NOT the one we are focused on today.
Emerging countries such as India and China are going to grow and increase CO2 production FAR FAR more than any amount America can save! Plus, deforestation is the second largest cause of CO2.
Trump haters would rather talk about his tax returns, a fake Russian conspiracy, or Federal funding for abortion than either of these two realities.
The real inconvenient truth is that we are not going to be able to reverse climate change and the rise of our oceans in time! The multitude of reasons that are causing warming and rising oceans are so complex and outside America's control that humans are not going to solve them in time to save large population centers from the ravages of flooding without ginormous investment in sea walls, levies, dikes, drainage, elevation, and some cases relocation. Coastal erosion and flooding is going to increase dramatically over the coming decades whether we like it or not. To deal with droughts we need to invest in desalinization.
There are many other highly costly infrastructure measures countries will have to take in order to cope with a planet that is changing, perhaps because of man, perhaps in spite of man, or even perhaps to spite man.
What happened in New Orleans and with Hurricane Sandy in the Mid-Atlantic that devastated the East, is only a foreshadowing of what is to come. And not just here! Vast population centers on the world's coasts are in peril.
So unless we start to solve our infrastructure problems, a lot of cities and towns in America and elsewhere are fucked. So maybe science is wrong about Trump. He may be the best chance America has for dealing with climate change, man made or otherwise.
In his presidential nomination victory speech, Obama said:
"I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow ..."
Based on the facts, Obama's prediction did not work out. I give him credit for trying - but only because it certainly proved to be an effective campaign strategy. Unfortunately, if anything, according to the data, sea levels are rising faster in this past decade.
Science was right about CO2 emissions, they are definitely on the rise, accelerating rapidly during President Obama's term:
How could it be that we are better off with Trump? Here are a few possibilities:
1. During Obama, regulations have inhibited the construction of pipelines. Oil and gas has to be distributed, so a greater percentage is going by truck and rails. That is despite the fact the pipelines are proven to be safer and more efficient.
In addition, building new natural gas pipelines will help electric plants and manufacturers convert away from less clean fossil fuels. Plus, as America begins to export more of our plentiful natural gas, other countries can rely less on dirty coal, and America will yield giant financial benefits to boot!
2. Nuclear power is 8000 times more efficient than oil.
Nuclear power can be produced more safely and efficiently than ever. Yet, as the chart below shows, our usage has dramatically flattened off because it is nearly impossible to bring newer and safer nuclear plants into production. So we continue to rely on less safe plants built 40+ years ago. If we want to see a dramatic reduction in fossil fuel use we might want to be more open to the benefits of more modern nuclear plants. Unlike Obama who picked winners and losers, with Trump, all energy options are on the table.
3. The problem is consumption. Americans are energy pigs! We drive more, shower more, live in bigger houses, and consume more than other countries. We are voracious users of electricity.
We need to conserve! Everyone can do their part. I have changed all my lights to LED, installed a solar system, and replaced my older less efficient oil furnace to the highest efficiency German made unit on the market. I keep my house cooler in the winter and warmer in the summer. I recycle my entire garbage stream. And I carpool 3 days a week. (Even though Mary wishes she could drive alone so she didn't have to listen to my politics.)
The problem is that no matter how much America conserves, we can not solve the problem of CO2 alone.
America is a big part of the CO2 problem. But, as we have lost manufacturing jobs to other countries like China, because of their cheaper labor and more lax regulations, those countries are becoming bigger producers of CO2. Bringing manufacturing back to the USA, as Trump seeks to do, is better for American jobs and better for the planet, because America is a cleaner producer.
4. America will use less fossil fuels if we improve our infrastructure. Sitting in traffic and on runways costs Americans billions of dollars in lost productivity and wastes enormous amounts of energy, and produces more CO2! President Trump seeks to cut through the regulations that make building new roads, wider and safer bridges, better airports, and faster rail possible. Coupled with Trump's proposal to invest a trillion dollars on such infrastructure, Trump wants to be the best thing to happen to USA infrastructure, using USA steel!
One of the best things America can to do is overhaul our energy grid to make it safer from terrorist and hacker threats and more efficient. A better grid can save America 10% or much more in energy. Expect biggly announcements regarding our electricity distribution network during the Trump term.
5. Remember "Peak Oil?" Yeah, that prevalent miscalculation was undone by innovation, technology, entrepreneurship, and free markets. These forces have a long history of solving big problems. LED bulbs versus incandescent. Advances in solar, wind, and wave energy efficiency, Smart grids, Carbon capture, and other rapidly emerging technologies can change the equation. Countries like Israel and Japan have tapped the greatest source of energy - the human mind. The best potential for dealing with climate challenges is to unleash human innovation.
The real "Inconvenient Truth" is not what most people are talking about! Here is the larger issue and why I believe the critical problem we are going to need to deal with is NOT the one we are focused on today.
Emerging countries such as India and China are going to grow and increase CO2 production FAR FAR more than any amount America can save! Plus, deforestation is the second largest cause of CO2.
Trump haters would rather talk about his tax returns, a fake Russian conspiracy, or Federal funding for abortion than either of these two realities.
The real inconvenient truth is that we are not going to be able to reverse climate change and the rise of our oceans in time! The multitude of reasons that are causing warming and rising oceans are so complex and outside America's control that humans are not going to solve them in time to save large population centers from the ravages of flooding without ginormous investment in sea walls, levies, dikes, drainage, elevation, and some cases relocation. Coastal erosion and flooding is going to increase dramatically over the coming decades whether we like it or not. To deal with droughts we need to invest in desalinization.
There are many other highly costly infrastructure measures countries will have to take in order to cope with a planet that is changing, perhaps because of man, perhaps in spite of man, or even perhaps to spite man.
What happened in New Orleans and with Hurricane Sandy in the Mid-Atlantic that devastated the East, is only a foreshadowing of what is to come. And not just here! Vast population centers on the world's coasts are in peril.
So unless we start to solve our infrastructure problems, a lot of cities and towns in America and elsewhere are fucked. So maybe science is wrong about Trump. He may be the best chance America has for dealing with climate change, man made or otherwise.
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